City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 921 Reward Invincible Card

Chapter 921 Reward Invincible Card


"I actually saw the treasured war halberd in the Unfettered Journey Realm!"

"Yes! There are space buttons!"

"Cow! There are so many treasures here!"

"Yes, and there are many precious weapons that I have never seen before!"

The other Jiang family Tianjiao looked at the Taoist platform in front of them, and began to discuss the weapons inside excitedly, all of them were excited, wishing to occupy that weapon now.

Bai Qian looked around to see if there was no one around, she looked at Bai Luo and the others and said, "We should be the first batch to reach the top of this mountain."

"That's okay?! Don't talk about it, I'll try how deep the water is on this platform first!" Jiang Lijin said excitedly beside him.

After Jiang Lijin finished speaking, he flew towards one of the platforms, but before he entered the range of the platform, he was bounced back by an invisible barrier around the platform.

"Ouch!" Jiang Lijin was bounced and fell to the ground unprepared.

Bai Qian looked at Jiang Lijin and laughed.

Grinning his teeth, Jiang Lijin stood up, and after patting the ashes on his body, he continued to fly to other Daotai Mountains unwillingly, but in the end, without exception, they were all bounced back.

"M's! Why on earth is this!" Jiang Lijin cursed angrily as he looked at the stage.

Seeing that Jiang Lijin didn't go up, the others didn't try, and then they could only wait by the side.

Su Chen looked at the stage and analyzed: "It may be because the number of candidates for the competition has not reached a certain amount, so I can't go to the stage, but you can observe it from the side first."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Jiang Lijin patted the ashes beside him and said.

After Su Chen and the others waited here for a while, they suddenly heard a sound not far away.

"Someone is here." Jiang Yunfeng said beside him.

Su Chen nodded. After Bai Qian and Bai Luo saw the person who came, Bai Qian looked at everyone and said, "It's okay, they are from our Bai family."

Su Chen and the others nodded. When the Bai family came, they saw Bai Qian and Bai Luo were here, and walked towards them.

However, even if people from the Bai family came, the Daotai still didn't open.

Su Chen and the others had no choice but to wait.

After a while, people from the Huo family also arrived. The Jiang family and the Huo family have always had a good relationship, so they are considered friendly.

"Is there any one that hasn't come?" At this time, Jiang Guangsong looked at everyone and asked.

Jiang Yunfeng and the others looked at Jiang Guangsong and said, "There is another al-Qaeda family."

"Why is it so slow, like a snail, can't you climb a mountain faster." Jiang Lijin complained about the Al Qaeda family.

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Jingjie glanced at Jiang Lijin and didn't speak.

However, at this moment, a dazzling light flashed across the platform, and Su Chen subconsciously covered Lin Wanxue's eyes with his hands.

Then, a heavy voice sounded.

"Turn on!"

After Jiang Lijin came to his senses, he looked at the platform and asked suspiciously: "Is this opened? Can you go on it?"

"You'll know if you try it?" Bai Qian looked at Jiang Lijin and said with a smile.

Jiang Lijin went up to the platform, and this time he went up steadily, then he came down again and looked at everyone and said excitedly: "It's really opened!"

Then, the other Tianjiao all looked impatient.

At this time, Bai Qian stood in front of a group of people. She had just glanced at this group of people. There were about thirty people in total, but there were only twenty Daotai. Seeing that these companies are relatively friendly, she doesn't think it is necessary to kill people.

Bai Qian looked at the person in front of her and cleared her throat and said, "Everyone! Since we are all acquaintances, and those who can come are the arrogance of each family, they are also the future of the human race. Think about it, if we To die in the hands of each other is a great loss to the human race, and it is also a loss to all families. So I propose now, I hope everyone will not kill at that time, and the time to grab it is as long as possible. If you can't grab this platform Don't try too hard, if you die here because of this, it won't be worth it for everyone."

"Our Huo family is fine!" said the Huo family's arrogance.

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin looked at Bai Qian and nodded.

The Bai family naturally agrees, no problem.

At this time, a system notification sounded in Su Chen's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for facing a choice."

"Choose one, go to the Dao platform immediately, sit firmly on the Dao platform, and reward five special martial arts upgrade cards."

"Option [-], first help Su Ye and Lin Wanxue to sit on the platform, and then go to grab the platform, and reward the male lead with two invincible cards. The invincibility time is half an hour, and you can designate others to use it."

Su Chen thought about the choice one, there are five special-grade martial arts upgrade cards, if he uses these five special-grade martial arts upgrade cards, then he can break through to the realm of collecting herbs.

But what does it mean to choose the invincible card in the second?
Su Chen asked the system in his mind: "What does this invincible card mean?"

The system replied to Su Chen and said: "The invincible card can make the user invincible within half an hour! Anyone who hits can knock the opponent out of the stage."

When Su Chen heard this, he thought this was very good, because at that time, Tian could designate this card for his father and wife to use!

So Su Chen chose option two.

After Su Chen made his choice, Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and said, "Husband, you go to fight for the Taoist platform first, and we'll be fine on the periphery."

Because Lin Wanxue and the others are also aware of their own strength, they don't want to drag Su Chen down.

Su Chen touched Lin Wanxue's head with a smile, then looked at her and Su Ye and said, "Wife, Dad, I said before that I would take the two of you into Good Fortune Academy, so I will definitely take you two now." Two people entered!"

Then, without waiting for Lin Wanxue and Su Ye to continue talking, he looked at the two of them and continued, "Okay, Dad, I'll help you sit on the stage first."

"Wife, just stay by the side obediently, and after I help dad sit on the platform, I'll help you later."

Seeing what Su Chen said, Lin Wanxue didn't delay any longer, because she knew that her husband would definitely do what she said, and her husband is the best!

Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and nodded with a smile, "Okay, husband, you and dad should be careful, don't get hurt."

"Okay, I know." Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue with a smile and said.

Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and said, "Then husband, you go, I'll just wait here obediently for you."

(End of this chapter)

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