Chapter 924

Jiang Lijin looked at his platform, and he saw that there were already two people competing for his platform. Seeing that Su Chen didn't intend to tell him, he had no choice but to turn around and grab his own platform.

However, for Bai Luo, she has now firmly secured her platform, but she was still taken aback when she saw Su Ye and Lin Wanxue snatching the platform from others.

She could see that Su Ye and Lin Wanxue had raised their level, but it was still impossible to reach this level!

But at this time, Bai Luo didn't have time to think about the changes in Lin Wanxue and Su Ye, because a member of the Bai family came up to challenge her.

Bai Luo looked coldly at the Bai family member Bai Ling who came up to challenge him, and Bai Ling knew in her heart that Bai Luo had been poisoned, so she came up to challenge Bai Luo.

Although she is now in the middle stage of herb collection, she is ten years younger than Bai Luo, and she always feels that she is the proud daughter of the Bai family.

All resource tilts should also be given to her.

However, it turned out that all the good resources of their generation in the family were given to Bai Luo.

Even Bai Luo can get the teachings of his ancestors.

Bai Luo's children can also learn from their ancestors from an early age.

Bai Luo is also the next head of the future Bai family that the ancestor decided.

She was mad with jealousy.

But I can't show it on weekdays.

Now is the day to compete for a place in Good Fortune Academy, so she will never let go of this opportunity!

She wants to prevent Bai Luo from entering Good Fortune Academy!

She wanted the people of the Bai family to see that Bai Luo was only passing the mark!

And once she enters Good Fortune Academy, the gap between her and Bai Luo will be shortened immediately in the future, and she will be even better than Bai Luo in the future!
She is the future star of the Bai family!

The more I think about it, the more excited I get!
It was really God who was so kind to her that Bai Luo was poisoned when he entered the secret realm to participate in the selection competition of Good Fortune Academy!
If she doesn't seize this opportunity at this time, she will never have such a good chance to stand up again in her life! ! !
Bai Luo looked coldly at Bai Ling who came to the stage, but she didn't speak.

Bai Ling immediately showed her weapon and stabbed at Bai Luo.

Bai Luoling looked at Bai Ling who turned sideways, then stretched out his palm towards Bai Ling and slapped her. Bai Ling backed away, defending against this move.

Then, she started to play and defend, not a purely offensive style of play.

It's like fighting a guerrilla war with Bai Luo.

Because Bai Ling's purpose is to consume Bai Luo's blood energy and make Bai Luo poisonous. After Bai Luo's poison is released, she can sit firmly on the stage.

Su Chen, Bai Qian and the others were also very worried about Bai Luo's body.

Bai Qian watched Bai Ling's actions, and cursed inwardly: This shameless Bai Ling, who adopted such a devious tactic, must have known that Xiao Luo was poisoned, and just wanted to make Xiao Luo poisoned!

Bai Luo also sensed Bai Ling's intentions, she narrowed her eyes, and decided to fight in a different way, because she could feel the toxins in her body were about to explode at any time.

She wants to get rid of Bai Ling as soon as possible!
Immediately, Bai Luo gathered her own strength in her hand, and with the naked eye, she could see something like a cyan energy ball slowly gathering in Bai Luo's hand, and then she gathered it to a certain size and fired it at Bai Ling. past.

Bai Ling immediately showed her weapon and began to fight against Bai Luo, but Bai Luo's physical strength was getting worse and worse, her forehead began to sweat, and at the same time she felt the toxins in her body rushing in, Bai Luo was tight Grit your teeth.

The strength she displayed now is less than [-]% of her usual strength.

Now the toxins in her body were even more severe, and her combat power and defense power were declining rapidly.

Seeing that Bai Luo's pale face had lost any color, Bai Ling began to secretly rejoice in her heart: This altar is mine now!

When Su Chen saw Bai Luo like this, he guessed that the poison in Bai Luo's body had exploded. If this continues, Teacher Bai will definitely not be able to hold on.

Su Chen thought for a while, and then flew up to Bai Luo's platform. He used his own strength to support Bai Luo, and then punched Bai Ling with a fist, and Bai Ling was immediately knocked off the platform. Lie on the ground unable to move at all.

Bai Qian walked over and looked at Bai Ling who was lying on the ground and scolded: "Bah! You shameless thing, you actually bullied Xiao Luo, or your own family bullied your own family, don't you want to be ashamed!"

Then, Bai Qian immediately ran up to Bai Luo, looked at her and asked, "Xiao Luo, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Bai Luo didn't want to worry Bai Qian, looked at her and said with a smile.

And Su Chen, who was helping Bai Luo just now, obviously just felt the toxin in Bai Luo's body flare up, and he immediately wanted to take Bai Luo's pulse to see her current physical condition.

However, when Bai Luoca realized it, she staggered away from Su Chen. She knew that the toxin in her body was very unstable now, and she didn't want to be noticed by others, so she firmly controlled herself to keep calm.

Seeing Bai Luo like this, Su Chen understood Bai Luo's concerns, so he didn't say anything, and then stepped off the stage.

After Su Chen got off the platform, he began to choose his own platform. He looked around and found that there was a platform on the top, and no one had snatched it up to now.

After he walked a little further towards the Taoist platform, he found that it was not that no one was robbing the Taoist platform, but that this Taoist platform had its own lightning attribute attack formation, and it would be attacked by the formation before it went up. attack down.

Su Chen thought of what Jiang Jinbo said earlier that the rewards on one of the Taoist platforms were so heaven-defying that even they were very excited. Now it seems that it should be this Taoist platform.

Su Chen thought so, and then walked directly towards the Taoist platform.

The other people saw Su Chen walking towards the altar, and immediately became shocked and a little disdainful when they saw Su Chen's back.

Because some of them wanted to challenge the platform at the beginning, but some of them stopped when they saw the attack circle around the platform, and some of them went up to try, but they still didn't Break through the lightning attack circle around the platform.

"Is he desperate? He still wants to break through that Taoist platform."

"That's right, so many people didn't go up, how could he go up."

"That's right, even the most powerful members of the Jiang family couldn't go up just now, how did he get up, he's beyond his control!"

Discussions began to slowly emanate from around the crowd, and then they all looked at Su Chen with a little joke in their eyes.

Jiang Yunfeng watched Su Chen walking towards the platform, he somehow felt that Su Chen could go up there, although he tried that platform just now, but unfortunately he didn't break through the lightning circle.

(End of this chapter)

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