City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 927 Exit the Secret Realm!

Chapter 927 Exit the Secret Realm!
No wonder the great grandfather Jiang Jinbo said that they want all the things in it very much!
It seems that the speed of opening the fairy tomb has accelerated again!

Cool!It's so cool!

When the fairy tomb is opened at that time, there must be more and more treasures inside!

Thinking about it now, Su Chen became excited all over!

The treasures obtained by Su Ye and Lin Wanxue are also very good, and the treasures of both of them are great swords and treasures in the realm of free and easy travel!

Su Ye looked at his reward, and immediately excitedly took out the sword and treasure, and then made a few gestures in the air.

Very good!It's just so cool to use!

I also have the treasure of the Unfettered Journey Realm!
And Lin Wanxue looked at the treasured saber in front of her, she took it off and weighed it in her hand, she was also very happy and excited looking at the treasure in her hand in her heart!
Now she is the one who owns the treasure of the Unfettered Journey Realm!

And Jiang Lijin and Bai Qian also got their own treasures. Everyone's treasures are in the realm of free travel, so everyone was very happy and excited after getting the treasures.

Jiang Guangsong gestured a few times with his treasure and said with a smile: "As expected of the Good Fortune Academy, the reward is grandeur!"

"That's for sure! This treasure is so comfortable to use!" Jiang Lijin looked at the treasure in his hand and said excitedly.

And those who didn't enter the Good Fortune Academy, and those who watched from below, in addition to shock, there was nothing but envy in their eyes.

"I'm really envious! I also want the reward from the Good Fortune Academy, and the Good Fortune Academy is simply too generous!" Someone in the crowd looked at Su Ye and Lin Wanxue's rewards and said enviously.

As soon as this person said the words, the crowd below exploded.

"I want it too! That's a treasure of the Unfettered Journey Realm! Many giants who have entered the Unfettered Journey Realm don't have the treasure of the Unfettered Journey Realm!"

"Brother, work hard, let's all strive to get the selected places in Good Fortune Academy next time!"

"Well! I will definitely work hard. Next time I will come to participate in the selection of Good Fortune Academy, and I will also enter Good Fortune Academy!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd looked at Su Chen's ice-clear water dragon cauldron and said suspiciously: "The one next to Su Chen is a mysterious thing? It looks like a cauldron, so what's the use?"

"I don't know, such a big cauldron can't be a weapon."

"Is it a useless thing!?"

Then, a man rushed out from the group of people and took two steps forward. He looked at Ding next to Su Chen in shock, then rubbed his eyes in disbelief and continued to look over, then opened his mouth wide in shock. !

"Isn't this the Ice Clear Water Dragon Cauldron?!" The man said to himself in shock.

Seeing this person like this, the people behind asked in confusion, "What's wrong, brother?"

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at the person who just said that the tripod was useless, and said sarcastically: "You ignorant people, I think you are useless, open your eyes and take a look, this is an ice-clear water dragon tripod!"

"What?! You said this is the Ice Clear Water Dragon Cauldron?!" One of the Bai family members looked at him and said in surprise.

The man said proudly: "Naturally, I can't admit my mistake!"

"!" The Bai family immediately looked at Su Chen in shock.

The members of the Al-Qaeda family looked at the situation in front of them and said suspiciously: "Does this cauldron have any superpowers? Are you so surprised?"

The members of the Bai family looked at them all and said, "Have you heard of the fairy tomb?"

"Is it the tomb of the existence that is stronger than the power of the Yuhua Immortal Realm?" The Huo family asked in shock.

The Bai family looked at him and nodded, "Yes!"

Another person went on to say: "And this ice-clear water dragon cauldron is one of the keys to open the fairy tomb. To open this fairy tomb, you need to collect all seven keys before you can open the fairy tomb. Three of them are in the hands of the Sheng, Jiang, and Bai families, and the other four are left in various parts of Blue Star, and several other families are also looking for it, so getting one of them is very precious!"

As soon as everyone heard their introduction of this ice-clear water dragon cauldron, they all turned their heads and looked at Su Chen in shock.

Jiang Yunfeng, Jiang Lijin and the others had already looked at Su Chen in surprise after hearing that the cauldron was an ice-clear water dragon cauldron.

Su Chen, what kind of ability is against the sky!
It's so awesome!

He got all the keys to open the fairy tomb!Fuck!
envious! !
Su Chen stood on his platform, receiving everyone's shocked gazes, no matter how powerful his control was, he couldn't stand a group of people looking at him so enthusiastically.

"Damn it, Su Chen, you're so open!" Jiang Lijin looked at Su Chen and said in shock.

Su Chen glanced at him with a smile, Jiang Lijin continued: "I really admire it!"

The others also stared at Su Chen in shock for a long time, shocked that he got such a powerful cauldron, it was the key to open the fairy tomb, who wouldn't want to have it! !


And Ling Tian, ​​who was on a high place, kept looking at all these things below. He saw that the time was almost up, and he said to them all: "Okay, now the selection of the Good Fortune Academy is over, and you all can crush it yourself." The jade talisman in your hand, go out of the secret realm."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he stroked his white beard and left here.

So, Su Chen first took the ice-clear water dragon cauldron into his own space, and then flew to Lin Wanxue and Su Ye's side.

"Honey, you're awesome~" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and praised with a smile.

Su Ye looked at Su Chen proudly, with a very happy smile on his face.

And the others were shocked when they saw Su Chen put such a dragon cauldron into their own space.

I go!How big is his space? !

A group of Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin also walked to Su Chen's side at this time. They had seen Su Chen move a house out of the space before, and now they saw him put the dragon cauldron in, and they didn't think it was strange.

"Awesome, Su Chen!" Jiang Jingjie said with a smile and patted Su Chen on the shoulder.

Su Chen looked at Jiang Jingjie and smiled without speaking.

Here, Bai Luo and Bai Qian also came over, Bai Qian looked Su Chen up and down, sighed in his heart and said: It's such a pity, such a good man is already married, hey~
Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and the others with a smile and said, "Uncle Yunfeng, let's get out of this secret realm first."

Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and nodded, then Su Chen, Lin Wanxue and Su Ye crushed the jade talisman and left the secret realm together.

(End of this chapter)

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