Chapter 943 A rare evildoer in a thousand years!
Could it be that Su Chen used some kind of elixir?
This is absolutely impossible!Breaking through so fast, what if you hurt your body by then!
Standing at the side, Jiang He said to Jiang Weihai through voice transmission calmly: "Wei Hai, Su Chen didn't use some kind of special medicine to make himself a quick breakthrough because he wanted to rescue Axiu quickly."

"This... this is impossible." Jiang Weihai glanced at Suzhou, then hesitated for a while and replied.

Jiang He was really anxious in his heart, he continued to transmit to Jiang Weihai and said: "This is impossible, this special medicine can't be used indiscriminately, it will hurt the body if used too much."

"Dad, don't worry, I'll ask Su Chen." Jiang Weihai replied.

Then, Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and said, "Chenchen, why did you break through so fast?!"

"Chenchen, did you use some special medicine?!"

"Let me tell you, you can't use this special medicine casually. If you use too much, it will hurt your body. You can't lose your body just because you are in a hurry to save your mother. Your thinking like this is wrong." Jiang He hurriedly said beside him.

Jiang He was also anxious in his heart, he was afraid that Su Chen would practice so fast, he would hurt his body, and it would be bad if he left sequelae.

Because now Su Chen's talent is already against the sky, and there is no need to use special medicine to level up.

Su Chen looked at Jiang He and Jiang Weihai and explained: "Grandpa, grandpa, don't worry, you two, I didn't use any special medicine, I belong to normal cultivation."

Jiang Weihai looked at Jiang He and said, "Dad, look, I've already said that you still don't believe that Chenchen doesn't know how to use special medicine."

However, Jiang Weihai was also very proud in his heart.

Su Chen can break through so fast, that is not the height that ordinary human beings can cultivate.

After Jiang He finished listening, he first glanced at Jiang Weihai next to him and said, "You are the one who talks the most."

Then, Jiang He looked at Su Chen suspiciously.

If no special medicine had been used, would Chenchen be able to break through so quickly in such a short period of time?
This is not an effect that ordinary people can achieve.

Could it be that Chenchen didn't want us to worry, so he chose to hide it from us?
The more Jiang He thought about it, the more he felt that Su Chen didn't want them all to worry, so he chose to hide them.

On the other hand, Su Ye looked at Jiang Weihai and Jiang He and they didn't speak. He thought of one thing, that is his son's Yuanyu space!

Usually, my son does not practice so fast, but this time he broke through to the realm of collecting herbs in an hour. It seems that he has entered the Yuan Realm to practice!
Because he knew that one hour of Su Chen's practice in Yuanyu's space was equivalent to 60 years of practice in the outside world!
And the aura in Yuanyu is also more abundant!

However, he didn't have any more explanations when he saw Su Chen, so he wouldn't take the initiative to explain the reason to Jiang Weihai and Jiang He.

After all, Bai Luo also told them before that in the realm of Mingtu, immortal cultivators who opened up the Yuan realm are very rare, almost even rarer than a feather!
And this matter must be kept secret.

Because in the world of cultivating immortals all over the world, according to what Bai Luo said, only the ancestors of the Sheng family and the Jiang family opened the Yuan domain!

If it was known that Su Chen had opened the Yuanyu, Su Chen was not arrested by those old guys who were so strong that they exploded for experiments, took off the Yuanyu, and then grafted.

Just be killed!
So he was very cautious about this matter, and he wouldn't mention it if Su Chen didn't say it.

Jiang He looked at Su Chen and said, "No, Chenchen, I'll show you your body to see if you have hurt your body. I'll let you go after I have a look."

Su Chen stretched out his hand towards Jiang He and said, "Okay, then I will trouble my wife and grandpa to check my body."

Afterwards, Jiang He began to take Su Chen's pulse and check his body.

Finally, after finishing the set, Jiang He murmured to himself beside him: "Could it be that I didn't use the special medicine, my body is amazing."

Su Chen naturally knew that there was nothing wrong with his body.

Su Ye and Jiang Weihai next to him also stared at Su He.

Jiang Weihai was also worried about Su Chen's health.

And what Su Ye thought in his heart was that although he knew that Chenchen had only entered the Yuan Realm to cultivate so he broke through so quickly, he was still afraid that it would be bad for Su Chen to practice too fast and hurt his body. up.

Jiang He looked at Su Chen and Jiang Weihai and said, "Chenchen's body is very healthy, and there are no sequelae."

"That's fine." Jiang Weihai looked at Jiang He and said.

Then, Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen again and said: "Chenchen, not bad, you broke through so fast!"

Jiang He also looked at Su Chen and praised, "Su Chen! You are so talented in cultivation! You are simply a peerless monster!"

"That's right! Our family's Chenchen is an evildoer who is rarely encountered in hundreds of years!"

"Even that evildoer a thousand years ago may not be comparable to our Chenchen." Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and said.

Now Jiang Weihai is 1 proud of Su Chen in his heart.

Su Chen silently watched Jiang Weihai and Jiang He from the side.


After the elders of the Bai family, the Huo family and the Kaida family went back, they all found the elders of their own family and talked about Su Chen.

white house
After Bai Yun returned to the Bai family base, she immediately found the elder Taizu of her family.

"Elder Taizu, I have something to discuss with you." Bai Yun looked at Elder Taizu and said.

Elder Taizu nodded and looked at Bai Yun and said, "Huh? What's the matter?"

"During the selection contest of the Good Fortune Academy, one of the rewards given by the Good Fortune Academy was an ice-clear water dragon tripod." Bai Yun looked at the elder Taizu and said.

The elder Taizu nodded lightly, and then asked: "Who got it."

"Su Chen, he has secured the most powerful Taoist platform." Bai Yun looked at the elder Taizu and said.

The elder Taizu thought for a while, then looked at Bai Yun and said, "I seem to have heard of the name Su Chen, but I don't know much about him."

"That's right, Elder Taizu."

"Our Bai family has a key to open the fairy tomb, so after learning that Su Chen has obtained the key to open the fairy tomb, I thought of working with Su Chen."

"So, when Su Chen came out, I chatted with Su Chen for a while, and I called back at that time." Bai Yun looked at the elder Taizu and said.

The elder Taizu nodded and said: "Well, but this Su Chen is indeed a bit remarkable, after all, he can still sit firmly on the most difficult stage in the selection competition of the Good Fortune Academy."


"But the most important thing for us now is to cooperate with Su Chen and then enter the fairy tomb."

(End of this chapter)

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