City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 954 It's okay to take Jiang Yuxiu away, but leave Su Chen with one arm

Chapter 954 It's okay to take Jiang Yuxiu away, but leave Su Chen's arm

Su Chen looked at Sheng Shi and said coldly: "No one wants to come to your Sheng family to make trouble, it was your Sheng family who came to provoke us first."

"If we don't fight back, then your Sheng family will probably get worse. We just want your Sheng family to know that we are not easy to bully!"

"That's right!" Jiang Weihai said angrily looking at Sheng Shi.

Jiang He looked at Sheng Shi and said, "We also hope that your Sheng family can release our people!"

"Don't make troubles that can't get off the table at that time, it's not good."

"What a big breath!"

"You just want to step into the door of our Sheng family casually like this, and then go out casually!" Sheng Shi looked at Su Chen and Jiang He and the others and said!

Immediately, Sheng Tianxiong looked at the group of Su Chen and Jiang He and said, "What are your people?!"

"Doesn't Axiu have the blood of our Sheng family? She is from our Sheng family. Are you still shameless?"

"Besides, Axiu is doing well in Sheng's house now, so you don't want to disturb her."

After Jiang He heard Sheng Tianxiong's words, his face turned ashen.

Jiang Weihai was even more furious.

The Sheng family is really a bunch of shameless robbers!
"Are we shameless? Are you really shameless in the Sheng family?!"

"People from your Sheng family, ask Sheng Zhenwei why you left the newborn Axiu behind!" Jiang Weihai looked at Sheng Zhenwei and Sheng Tianxiong and said angrily.

"Hmph, how many years have passed since that incident, why are you still mentioning it?!"

"And I treat Axiu well now!" Sheng Zhenwei looked at them all and said, it was indeed his fault for abandoning Jiang Yuxiu when he was born.

Bringing it up now must be his disadvantage.

Jiang Weihai looked at Sheng Zhenwei and said angrily: "Yes! Of course you don't want to mention it!"

"At the beginning, when you saw that Axiu had no talent, you thought that Axiu was useless, so you abandoned Axiu!"

"Now that Su Chen has performed so well, and you Sheng family want to recognize him back, let me tell you, there is no such a good thing in the world!"

"We Axiu don't need your Sheng family to treat her well!"

"People from our Jiang family will definitely be protected by people from our Jiang family!" Jiang He said looking at Sheng Zhenwei at this time.

Sheng Zhenwei, Sheng Tianxiong, and Sheng Jue couldn't hold back when the things in their hearts were brought up to the surface.

But they couldn't explain it, because what happened back then was indeed Sheng Zhenwei's mistake, I'm sorry Jiang Yuxiu.

Speaking of this, Sheng Zhenwei also softened his attitude. He looked at Su Chen and Jiang Weihai and said, "At the beginning, the Sheng family was sorry for you, but you also know how long ago it happened, and it has been so many years now Now, don't you guys hold on to it?"

"That's right! You also know that it's been so long, so your Sheng family should let it go now, why are you holding on to us?" Su Chen looked at Sheng Zhenwei and said mockingly.

Su Chen really didn't have any affection for this kind of man who abandoned his wife and children, and even hated him very much.

Jiang Weihai looked at Sheng Zhenwei at this time and said: "Sheng Zhenwei, even if you have a little conscience, you won't do this. Back then, you married a new wife directly after Qin'er's death, and even abandoned Axiu. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Jiang Weihai is really very angry now.

Jiang Weihai also knew what happened back then, so he kept worrying about it.

But I didn't expect Jiang Weihai to bring up everything again today.

Sheng Zhenwei blushed when he heard Jiang Weihai's words.

Back then he did abandon Jiang Yuxiu after he got married and had children, and he really felt sorry for Jiang Yuxiu and Jiang Qin, so now that Jiang Weihai brought up this matter, Sheng Zhenwei was speechless.

"I'll tell you right now, it's absolutely impossible for you to recognize Su Chen and Axiu back to your Sheng family!" Jiang Weihai looked at the Sheng family and scolded angrily.

Su Chen looked at Jiang Weihai and said, "Don't worry! Grandpa, my mother and I will never go back to Sheng's house!"

Seeing Su Chen and Jiang Weihai's firm attitude, Sheng Shi and the others frowned and thought about it, then said to Su Chen and the others: "Su Chen, if you want us to let your mother go now, but you rushed into Sheng's house today , and those who killed us in our Sheng family must leave something behind, right?"

"What?" Su Chen looked directly at Sheng Shi and said.

Sheng Shi looked at Su Chen and said, "You can take Jiang Yuxiu away if you want, but we only want Su Chen to leave an arm!"

Sheng Shi had his own calculations in his heart.

He just heard Jiang Weihai say so much, and he knew in his heart that Su Chen and the others would definitely not return to the Sheng family.

but!Su Chen is such a monstrous genius, since he doesn't want to go back to the Sheng family, he also thinks he can't leave it to the Jiang family!
Just like Sheng Tian and the others said, if Su Chen came to the Jiang family, it would definitely be a disaster for our Sheng family!
Therefore, Su Chen must be destroyed!

And when the people around heard Sheng Shi say this, they were all shocked!
This group of people from the Sheng family are too shameless!

If you can't get it, you want to destroy it!

But because of this, everyone knows the value of Su Chen!
And now Su Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard Sheng Shi say that he wanted to keep one of his arms, and he was very angry!
Really wishful thinking!
Even Jiang Weihai and the others were taken aback for a moment, they never thought that the Sheng family would be so shameless that they wanted Su Chen's arm!
But if you think about it, if Su Chen is really an ordinary person with no potential for cultivation, then the Sheng family will feel relieved, but Su Chen has shined so brightly recently that it's hard to keep the Sheng family from being jealous.

That's why I came up with this despicable and shameless way.

When Su Chen heard Sheng Shi's words, he narrowed his eyes and had an idea in his heart.

And even Sheng Zhenwei and Sheng Tianxiong did not expect Sheng Shi to be so decisive.

Although they also planned to destroy Su Chen if he didn't want to belong to the Sheng family.

But they still plan to let Su Chen return to the Sheng family!

After all, an evildoer like Su Chen is rare in a thousand years.

If Su Chen concentrates on cultivating in the future, he will definitely become a strong man in the future.

At this time, another majestic voice came from the sky.

"Presumptuous! Are you able to move the people in our family?"

This voice was very old but full of arrogance, and the Sheng family felt a trace of fear as soon as it came out.

After the Sheng family heard the voice, they all looked in the direction of the voice.

When everyone saw the old man in a white robe in the air, they were a little surprised.

This person is Jiang Hong, the great ancestor elder of the Jiang family. Jiang Hong's current realm has already half-stepped into the realm of immortality, which is stronger than the ninth stage of the health care master.

In other words, he is stronger than Shengshi.

(End of this chapter)

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