City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 958 Public Opinion Gathers Momentum!

Chapter 958 Public Opinion Gathers Momentum!

"It's not fair at all! I don't think the selection of the Good Fortune Academy is counted, and the selection of the new Good Fortune Academy must be restarted!"

Jiang Hong looked directly at Sheng Shi and refused without thinking: "No! This competition has been confirmed!"

Neither the Bai family nor the Huo family wanted to restart the trials for the new Good Fortune Academy.

After all, it was something they did not expect that all the Tianjiao of the Sheng family would be eliminated in the selection contest of Good Fortune Academy.

But it was also because Tianjiao of the Sheng family was kicked out by Su Chen that more people from these families could enter the Fortune Academy.

So don't want to make any mistakes.

If you start the selection again.

The Sheng family didn't dare!
But they don't want this!
So they insist on not changing!
Hotz looked at Shengshi and said, "No matter what, the game has been decided!"

"It's even more impossible to reopen because of the situation of your Sheng family."

"That's right, and the quota has been determined for this selection competition, it would be unfair to our families if you start over again!" Bai Yun also looked at the members of the Sheng family and said.


But at this moment, on the Internet, there is a post that rushed to the top of the hot search.

This post is: [The Sheng family forcibly robbed the daughter of the Jiang family, but they refused to let her go! 】

Click on this post, it is a video of Sheng Zhenwei forcibly taking Jiang Yuxiu out of the house.

And under this post, there are all comments from various netizens!

Moreover, netizens are very excited now.

"The Sheng family is really too shameless to snatch the daughter of the Jiang family!"

"The Sheng family is too much!"

"Did the Sheng family lose their minds this time!"

"That's right, our daughter of the Jiang family dares to snatch it!"

"Shameless, shameless!"

"And they still don't let him go, the Sheng family wants to go to heaven!"

"Upstairs, I advise you to be careful what you say, and be careful that the Sheng family becomes angry from embarrassment (dog head)"

"What age is this, and there is such a thing?!"

"Shocked me for 800 years!"

"This Sheng family is really shameless, shameless, to do such a thing!"

People on the Internet expressed their dissatisfaction with the Sheng family.

It's really outrageous that the Sheng family did such a thing this time!

And under this post, many netizens support the Jiang family!

"I also agree with this statement! The Sheng family is simply too shameless, robbing Jiang's daughter-in-law and refusing to let her go!"

"I also support this statement. This kind of thing is too embarrassing for the Sheng family!"

"The Sheng family is really shameless. Not only did they snatch the daughter of the Jiang family, but they refused to let her go!"

"This is the person who bullied our Jiang family, he is simply too shameless!"

"The Jiang family really bullied the Sheng family!"

"What a deception!"

Immediately under this thread, insiders began to break the news.

"Do you know about the selection competition of Good Fortune Academy this time? It seems that I heard that this time the Sheng family didn't make it, and they lost three of them!"

"Yes! I've heard about this too, this time the entire Sheng family was wiped out!"

"Haha, the Sheng family is really unlucky!"

"The Sheng family's Tianjiao is completely lost, I think this time the Sheng family is really ashamed!"

"Yeah, last time I secretly heard that Tianjiao of the Sheng family was defeated by a man named Su Chen this time! (Don't ask who I am, I'm afraid of being assassinated.)"

"Yes, yes, I've heard that too, this Su Chen is really amazing!"

"By the way! Su Chen and I participated in the selection competition of Good Fortune Academy! When we were competing for the Taoist platform, Su Chen was simply too good. He even directly challenged the most difficult Taoist platform! The most important thing is that Su Chen Chen actually succeeded in the challenge! Su Chen sat firmly on the most difficult platform!"

"Su Chen is really amazing, so amazing."

"Su Chen is really awesome."

"Sit firmly on the most difficult platform in Good Fortune Academy?! This is too awesome!"

"Yes! Su Chen is my idol!"

"Hey! The one upstairs! I heard that after the Good Fortune Academy confirms the number of candidates, there will be an ultimate reward!"

"Yes, hurry up and share with us!"

"I can only say that everyone else is a sword weapon in the Unfettered Journey Realm, Su Chen, you can guess it yourself slowly!"

"No matter what, Su Chen is awesome!"

"It's amazing, it's just relying on having two treasures, if it wasn't for the members of the Sheng family who carelessly underestimated the enemy."

"I don't think this is the reason why the Sheng family carelessly underestimated the enemy, but that Su Chen is really strong! We all know the strength of the Sheng family Tianjiao, but he was still killed by Su Chen, which shows that this Su Chen is extraordinary!"

"Well, I feel the same way!"

"I think there are nine out of ten chances, the Sheng family will definitely trouble Su Chen this time!"

"The people of the Sheng family are really annoying! I think Su Chen is really powerful, he was able to kill so many geniuses of the Sheng family!"

"The members of the Sheng family should be damned! Su Chen is a good person, I think the pride of the Sheng family is really shameless!"


As soon as this post came out, the audience below responded one after another.

"Su Chen is awesome! I am also a fan of Su Chen!"

"Our Su Chen is the best! The Tianjiao of the Sheng family is really rubbish!"


And on the Internet, there are many people who are on Su Chen's side.

"Su Chen is so powerful that even the Tianjiao of the Sheng family was killed by him!"

"Haha, me too! I'm Su Chen's fan too!"

"That's right, I'm also Su Chen's fan!"

And just after everyone discussed this matter passionately, another post quickly rushed to the hot search list.

[The reason for the life experience of the prostitute of the Jiang family turned out to be like this! 】

This post is about Jiang Yuxiu's life experience.

Jiang Yuxiu was the daughter of Jiang Qin and Sheng Zhenwei, and Jiang Qin died when she gave birth to Jiang Yuxiu.

And after Jiang Qin passed away, Jiang Yuxiu was not yet full moon, the Sheng family detected that Jiang Yuxiu did not have any cultivation talent, so she was abandoned by Sheng Zhenwei!
And on the day of Jiang Yuxiu's full moon, Sheng Zhenwei had no shame at all, and when his wife and daughter's bones were still alive, this bastard Sheng Zhenwei actually threw a big banquet and married his second marriage!

And those netizens who were still in the first trending search immediately turned to eating melons, rushing this post to the trending search.

"No wonder I felt that Jiang Yuxiu resembled Jiang Qin the last time I saw her! It turns out that the two are really mother and daughter!"

"That's right! By the way, last time I saw Jiang Yuxiu standing with Su Chen, Su Chen seemed to be calling her mother!"

"So Jiang Yuxiu's son is Su Chen, and Jiang Yuxiu is the child of Jiang Qin and Sheng Zhenwei, so Su Chen must be called Sheng Zhenwei's grandfather?!"

"Bah! I don't admit it! How could this shameless Sheng Zhenwei be Su Chen's grandfather!"

"Take Su Chen away, we don't make an appointment!"

"It's so hateful!"

(End of this chapter)

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