City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 962 Teacher Bai Has A Daughter?

Chapter 962 Teacher Bai Has A Daughter?

After hearing what Su Chen said, Bai Luo nodded and said, "Then I can rest assured, Su Chen, your status is quite special, so you must be more cautious."

Su Chen said: "Well, I see, thank you, Mr. Bai."

"Okay, I still have to go to work, I'll go back first, and we will contact again when we have a chance." Bai Luo looked at Su Chen and nodded.

Su Chen also knew that today's incident had already troubled Bai Luo, but he suddenly realized that Bai Luo's poison was in the middle stage, so he stretched out his hand to hold Bai Luo who was about to leave and said, "Mr. Bai, your poison is already gone. In the mid-term, if you don't find a man to detoxify, you will really die."

"And the main reason is that you have no other way to poison it, so Mr. Bai, you have to take care of your body and find a man to detoxify it early, so that you can survive!"

Bai Luo glanced at the arm held by Su Chen, and Su Chen also noticed it and immediately put it down and looked at Bai Luo and said, "Teacher Bai, I didn't do it on purpose, I was in a hurry."

Bai Luo didn't expect that Su Chen would suddenly bring up the matter of her being poisoned, she looked at Su Chen and said, "Well, I see, I will pay attention to this matter."

After finishing speaking, Bai Luo was about to leave, but at this moment Bai Luo's cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was her daughter calling.

Bai Luo looked at Su Chen beside him and said, "I'll go first."

Then she pressed the answer button as she walked.

Su Chen looked at Bai Luo who left, and the pair of girls who just saw Bai Luo's screen flashed in his mind.

Could it be that those two girls are Teacher Bai's daughters?
The two girls looked to be six years old.

But it's not right, I've never heard Teacher Bai mention that she has two daughters.

And I didn't see a man appearing beside Teacher Bai.

And if there is a man, it is still unclear how Teacher Bai's poison will last!
Su Chen looked at Bai Luo suspiciously, he shook his head and stopped thinking, then walked towards Su Ye and Jiang Yuxiu.

"Let's go, Mom and Dad, let's go home." Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye and said.

Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye nodded their heads, and then all of them went back to Jiang's base in Su Chen's Ark.

On the ark, Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said, "Mom, they didn't bully you in the Sheng family, did they?"

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Chen and said, "They dare! They dare to bully me, you won't let people fix them."

Su Chen laughed loudly after hearing Jiang Yuxiu's words, and said, "Yes, if they bully Mom, I'll fix them!"

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Chen and smiled, then asked, "By the way, son, how did you and your father do in the selection contest of the Good Fortune Academy?"

"I must have entered, and I have secured the most powerful platform!" Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said with a smile.

Jiang Yuxiu nodded and looked at Su Chen proudly and said, "That's good, it really is my son, not bad!"

"By the way, Mom, both Dad and Xue'er have also entered the Good Fortune Academy this time." Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said with a smile.

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Ye next to him in surprise and said, "Oh! The old man is not bad, he even got in! It's amazing."

Su Ye looked at Jiang Yuxiu and "hummed" and said, "You finally remember that I'm still here."

"I thought you had forgotten me!" Su Ye said.

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Ye and said with a smile: "How come, you are my husband, how could I forget you!"

Su Chen and his family were talking and laughing.

After a while, Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye and said, "Okay, I'm going to make a video call to Xue'er and the others first, and I have to tell them about the things here, so that they won't worry."

"Yes, yes, son, hurry up and call Xiaoxue and the others to make sure you are safe. They may be worried about me." Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen responded with a smile and said, "I'll take out my cell phone and make a call right now."

Then, Su Chen took out his mobile phone and made a video call to Lin Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue got connected soon.

"Husband!" Lin Wanxue said excitedly looking at Su Chen in the video.

"Well, Xue'er, my husband, I'm fine, don't worry." Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue and said.

"Hubby, as long as you're fine!" Lin Wanxue said happily.

Then, Lin Wanxue looked left and right, looked at Su Chen and asked, "Honey, where are your parents? Why aren't they by your side?"

Su Chen turned the camera around and pointed at Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye who were opposite.

"No, Dad and Mom are across the street. We are already on our way back. Mom has been picked up safely by us. Don't worry too much." Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue and said.

Lin Wanxue immediately called out after seeing Su Ye and Jiang Yuxiu: "Dad, Mom."

Then Lin Wanxue said again: "Mom, did the Sheng family bully you? If so, Su Chen and I will go up and beat them up."

When Su Chen heard Lin Wanxue said that she was going to beat up the Sheng family, she was immediately happy.

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Lin Wanxue and said with a smile, "Xiaoxue, no one bullied me, and I have returned safely."

Lin Wanxue nodded, looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said, "Okay! That's fine!"

Just after Lin Wanxue finished speaking, Su Yinuo's voice sounded in the next second: "Mummy, who are you talking to?"

"With your father and grandma." Lin Wanxue raised her head and replied.

A few seconds after Lin Wanxue finished speaking, Su Yinuo and Su Yutong rushed to Lin Wanxue's side to look at Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye in the phone and shouted, "Grandpa! Grandma!"

"Hey!" Jiang Yuxiu and Su Ye happily replied.

"Grandma, have those scoundrels from the Sheng family bullied you?" Su Yinuo looked at Jiang Yuxiu and asked.

Then, Su Yutong said: "Grandma, if the Sheng family bullies you, we will beat them up for you!"

"Grandma, I helped you blackmail their Sheng family." Su Zihan said.


Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Zihan and Su Yinuo and the others and smiled cheerfully as they talked to each other.

Later, it was Lin Wanxue who stopped them: "Okay, you guys have been talking and talking, how will your grandma reply to you?"

After listening to Lin Wanxue's words, Su Zihan stuck out her tongue and said, "That's right! We all forgot, grandma and the others are listening!"

"Hee hee!" Su Yinuo looked at the camera and said with a smile, "Grandma, there is nothing wrong with you, have you been bullied?"

"No, we are doing well!" Jiang Yuxiu said with a smile.

"Yeah, grandma, as long as you are all right!" Su Yutong also laughed.

Jiang Yuxiu listened to what Su Yinuo and Su Zihan said.

(End of this chapter)

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