City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 972 New Year, go shopping

Chapter 972 New Year, go shopping
"Then I'll go back first." Su Chen stood up and looked at Papa Lin and said.

Papa Lin nodded, and then sent Su Chen to the door.

"Okay, then I'm leaving!" Su Chen looked at Papa Lin and said.

"Go, go to bed early." Papa Lin nodded and said.

"Okay!" Su Chen nodded, then turned and left.


The next morning, Su Chen and Jiang Weihai rested in the living room after having breakfast together.

"Let's go shopping in the street later!" Jiang Weihai said, looking at everyone sitting on the sofa.

"Okay, okay!" Su Yinuo and Su Yutong happily agreed.

After all, girls have no resistance to this kind of shopping.

"Okay, you just need to do more shopping when you come out to play." Jiang Yuxiu echoed from the side.

Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing also nodded.

"Then if this is the case, give everyone half an hour and go out in half an hour." Jiang Weihai looked at the crowd and said.

Su Yinuo and Su Yutong looked at Jiang Weihai and nodded happily.

Afterwards, everyone left the living room together.

Some servants beside them watched these scenes and discussed quietly.

"Hahaha, there are a lot of people in the house now!"

"Yes! It's much more festive!"

"That's right, the master didn't smile very much before, but now it seems that the master smiles a lot more."

"Yes, it must be because those ladies are lively!"



After half an hour, everyone appeared in the living room on time.

"Has everyone packed up?" Jiang Weihai looked at Su Yinuo and Su Yutong and said.

Su Yutong and the others looked at Jiang Weihai and nodded, "Get ready! You can go out now!"

"Then let's go first!" Jiang Weihai said with a smile watching everyone.

Now he really likes these granddaughters in his heart.

"Then let's go!!" The two sisters Su Yutong and Su Yinuo said happily.

"Let's go." Afterwards, Su Yinuo and Su Zihan took Dabao and Xiaobao's hands respectively and ran out the door.

"Okay, let's go together!" Jiang Weihai said.

"Okay!" Everyone said in unison.

So, everyone changed their clothes and went out with their own small bags on their backs.

He walked outside in a mighty manner.

On the way, everyone was talking and laughing, and soon everyone came to the street.

Jiang Yuxiu, Mu Mama, and Lin Mama, Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing walked in front on the street, while Jiang Weihai, Lin Kaiwu and the others followed them all.

Everyone likes excitement, especially the bustling market. There are delicious and interesting things in it that can easily attract everyone's attention.

"Oh, we came at the right time, just in time for the market here." Jiang Weihai said happily looking at the crowd in front of him.

Su Yinuo and Su Kexin and the others ran here to have a look and then went there to look.

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year in the Immortal Cultivation World, and the streets are still full of joy.

The world of cultivating immortals is very lively, and there is a peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

Everyone stopped and walked, looking at various stalls and commodities.

Although there are small vendors setting up stalls on both sides of the street, the street is still very wide and not very crowded.

And each small vendor uses a wooden cart with red lanterns hanging on it, which is very festive.

The clothes worn by the people on this street are relatively old-fashioned, and walking in it feels like you have traveled through time.

"Wow! The clothes they wear are so beautiful!" Su Yutong exclaimed looking at the clothes worn by the people coming and going.

"Yes, although the clothes they wear have been seen in the world before, I rarely see so many people wearing them." Su Yinuo, who was next to Su Yutong, also nodded.

"But they are really distinctive in their outfits!" Su Kexin said excitedly beside her.

Jiang Weihai explained from the side: "Actually, it's normal for us to wear this way here, and this can be regarded as the central area of ​​the world of cultivating immortals. There are many small towns and many shops here."

"And there is also a large store here that sells this kind of clothing. If you like it, I will take you to see it later."

"Okay, okay!" Su Kexin and the others said happily.

"Madam, grandpa, you are so kind!" Su Yutong looked at Jiang Weihai and said sweetly with a smile.

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Jiang Weihai laughed even happier.

Su Chen looked at his daughters and shook his head with a smile.

One of his daughters is sweeter than the other.

But it's very good, it's a thoughtful little padded jacket!

There was shouting in the street.

"Come and see, see and see!"

"Look! Delicious Butterfly Cake~"

"Buy butterfly cakes! Guaranteed you will miss them after eating~"

“Buy a banana milk!”

"Buy a piece of candy!"

"Do not miss passing through!"

Su Yinuo and Su Yutong strolled in front, and Su Chen followed them to pay.

However, Su Kexin and the others were always thinking about clothes.

"Ma'am, grandpa, where is the store you just mentioned!" Su Kexin ran to Jiang Weihai and asked him in a low voice.

Jiang Weihai looked at Su Kexin and said, "We'll be there after a short walk!"

Su Kexin nodded, and immediately ran to the side of Su Yutong and the others.

After walking for a short distance, Jiang Weihai stopped Su Yinuo and the others pointed to a shop ahead and said, "No, that shop is the clothes shop I just told you about."

Su Yutong and the others immediately looked up at the store pointed by Jiang Weihai. The storefront was very beautiful, and the whole store looked very old-fashioned, and the name of the storefront was also very old-fashioned: "Mu Youzhi!" '.

"Wow, it's so unique!" Su Kexin shouted happily after seeing the name of the store.

"Then let's go in and take a look!" Jiang Weihai shouted to everyone, and then everyone entered the shop together.

After entering the store, everyone took a look around, Jiang Yuxiu looked at everyone and said, "I didn't expect this store to be so big!"

"That's right, I thought it was very small just now when I looked outside." Mother Lin said.

Su Yinuo looked at the clothes beside him and said, "But this is the best way! There are so many types in their store!"

"The clothes here are also very nice." Su Kexin said.

Su Zihan looked at these clothes, although there were many types, but if you look closely, there are many similarities.

"Will these clothes bump into your shirt when you wear them out!?" Su Zihan said looking at these clothes.

Su Yinuo and Su Yutong frowned when they heard this and became distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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