City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 975 Reiki fully recovers!

Chapter 975 Reiki fully recovers!

Jiang Yuxiu was shocked by the change in her realm, she never thought that the spirit peach her son gave would be so effective!

It actually made her go from the early stage of fog to the middle stage of burning lamp, which is a big jump!

Jiang Yuxiu was very happy about this!
Although Su Wanxue was not as happy as Jiang Yuxiu, her face was also filled with joy!

After all, she also felt that her realm was rising rapidly.

Moreover, because of Su Chen's help many times, her realm has also broken through a lot at once.

"My husband, thank you!" Lin Wanxue hugged Su Chen and said happily.

Su Chen touched Lin Wanxue's head, and said with a gentle smile: "Silly girl, what is there to say between the two of us? I'm your husband, isn't it natural that your husband treats you well? "

After hearing what Su Chen said, Lin Wanxue immediately let go of Su Chen's arms, and said shyly, "There is no need to say thank you between us!"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen and the others couldn't help laughing out loud.

Su Ye smiled at the sweet look of the couple.

Su Ye also felt a breakthrough in his realm.

This time, I actually directly broke through to the late stage of Mingtu!

Chenchen's spiritual peach is simply amazing!

Su Chen was also very happy to see the breakthrough of all of them.


As for the Sheng family, they had just finished solving the online public opinion, and Sheng Shi immediately brought people to a meeting.

Sheng Tianxiong, Sheng Jue and Sheng Yu were all there.

These high-level members of the Sheng family were all present, and the atmosphere seemed very dull.

Sheng Shi looked at the senior members of the Sheng family from the most central position and said seriously: "This time, none of our Sheng family got a place in the selection competition of Good Fortune Academy!"

"This is the most shameful thing our Sheng family has done in such a long time! Our Sheng family will lose all face!"

The senior members of the Sheng family fell silent after hearing these words.

The Sheng family is a big family, and every child of the Sheng family is the hope of the family's future, but no one can get a place now.

This makes them not angry.

"Then the Bai family, the Jiang family, and the Huo family don't know how to live or die, and dare to reject our Sheng family's proposal!"

"Why can't the last trial be voided?! It's obviously that Su Chen deliberately murdered our Sheng family's arrogance!" A senior member of the Sheng family said angrily.

"Okay, now the ending is set."

"Besides, our Sheng family really can't make any more moths now, and now everyone on the Internet despises our Sheng family!" Sheng Yu looked at everyone and said.

"So what? Could it be that our Sheng family is still afraid that they will fail!" said the senior members of the Sheng family.

Sheng Yu snorted, and didn't plan to talk to the senior man.

Sheng Shi frowned and looked at them, and then said directly: "I am not calling this meeting for you to quarrel, but to discuss an important matter!"

"Now that no one from the Sheng family has entered the Good Fortune Academy, what should our Sheng family do? Don't you all think about this issue?"

Everyone was even more worried after hearing Sheng Shi's words.

At this time, Sheng Tianxiong looked at everyone's suggestions and said, "Although our Sheng family can't enter the selection competition of Good Fortune Academy, we can also make up for it in other ways."

"What aspect?" Sheng Shi looked at Sheng Tianxiong and said.

"Send the group of students who entered the Good Fortune Academy to the boundary battlefield first, and let these students go to the boundary battlefield to exercise first, and there will always be a group of students who will die by then."

"Moreover, this will also suppress the rise of a large number of young talents from the Jiang, Bai, and Huo families." Sheng Tianxiong said darkly.

He hated Su Chen very much.

If it weren't for Su Chen, how could his grandson and granddaughter have fallen!
The Sheng family had no chance at the selection contest of Good Fortune Academy this time.

And he absolutely does not allow the Sheng family to take advantage of anything this time!

"This method works!"

"We can also take advantage of this opportunity to study in Good Fortune Academy to suppress Su Chen and let these students die in the border battlefield."

"This can be regarded as revenge for the Sheng family."

"Okay, this method works!"

Sheng Tianxiong's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

The senior members of the Sheng family also nodded in agreement. They were also very unwilling, but they could only do so.

After listening to this proposal, Sheng Guangchao nodded in agreement and said, "It's indeed a good idea. If you can't participate in the trials of Good Fortune Academy this time, then let these people die in the border battlefield."

But in Sheng Guangchao's heart, he didn't just say that he wanted to deal with several families. The hatred in his heart was all because of Su Chen.

So this time, he must kill Su Chen through the border battlefield!

Only in this way can he make up for the loss of his son.

He wants to avenge his son!
When Sheng Guangchao thought of this, his eyes became colder.

Sheng Shi saw that everyone affirmed Sheng Tianxiong's suggestion.

In his heart, he also felt that this proposal was good.

Sheng Shi looked at everyone and nodded and said: "Well! Then this time the boundary battlefield is decided like this, and it will not change again!"

Everyone heard this, and there was no objection.

That's how the matter was settled.


On the second day, after Su Chen and his family finished breakfast.

Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and the others with a smile and said, "Now that the spirit-locking formation has been lifted, the world should have infiltrated spiritual energy."

"So fast!" Papa Lin said in a little surprise.

Jiang Weihai nodded and said: "That's for sure, we in the world of cultivating immortals will not procrastinate."

"So, now those electronic products in the world can't be used."

"That world might be a bit chaotic." Su Chen looked at Jiang Weihai and the others and said.

Afterwards, Su Chen looked at Papa Lin and Papa Mu and said, "Dad, you can let the company release new products now, and you can definitely make a lot of money at this time!"

"I know! I just let the company release it!" Papa Lin said.

Papa Mu also nodded and said, "I already told the company about this last night, and they will go straight to it then!"

"That's fine!" Su Chen nodded and said with a smile.


And here in the world, at this moment, at the home of an official in the outer ring of the imperial capital, his name is Liu Changhong. After waking up and having breakfast in the morning, he ordered his servants to bring his mobile phone to read the latest news.

Unexpectedly, after the servants brought the mobile phone, Liu Changhong found that his mobile phone could not be turned on.

"What's going on? Why can't my phone be turned on?" Liu Changhong looked at the servant and asked.

The servant immediately rushed forward to take Liu Changhong's cell phone in a panic, and checked it, only to find that it really couldn't be opened.

(End of this chapter)

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