City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 977 Dragon Kingdom is the benchmark!

Chapter 977 Dragon Kingdom is the benchmark!


Everyone scolded Liu Changhong loudly, and no one believed what Liu Changhong said.

"Everyone doesn't need to believe what I said, we can try something first, and then you can see what I said with your own eyes, and then everyone will believe what I said." Liu Changhong looked at everyone and said.

Liu Changhong can also understand everyone, after all, you may have never heard the term Xiuxianjie before.

"Why are we wasting time here with you to watch your demo?"

"that is!"

Some people opposed it, but there were also voices of approval in the crowd.

"I think we can trust it, too."

"Yes, let's take a look at his attempt first, after all, he knows so much more than us!"

"I feel so too!"

Afterwards, someone in the crowd said, "Mister, please confirm what you said to me."

Liu Changhong looked at everyone and smiled, and then took out the mobile phone that the person above just sent to him personally from his pocket. This mobile phone does not belong to electronic equipment, because he is activated by spiritual branding and energy stones. Yes, so it will not be corroded by aura.

Liu Changhong took out his mobile phone and opened it for everyone to see.

"Look, my mobile phone is not an electronic device, because this mobile phone is not an ordinary mobile phone. It is powered by spiritual imprints and energy stones, so it will not be corroded by spiritual energy!" Liu Changhong looked at everyone Said while swiping the phone.

The moment Liu Changhong took out his phone, everyone was stunned!

Everyone took out their mobile phones to check, and found that their mobile phones were still hacked, and only the mobile phone in Liu Changhong's hand could be used!

This is real!

It can really block corrosion!

There really is a realm of cultivation in this world!

There are really people in this world who can practice!

And it can be cultivated very powerfully!
Everyone didn't know how to answer, they were all stunned.

However, there are always people who don't believe it.

"I don't believe it! This may be your trick! Well..." The man's mouth was sealed before he could speak.

But he didn't know who sealed his mouth!

Because no one approached him at this time, it was Liu Changhong who controlled his mouth with the aura he had just absorbed.

Liu Changhong looked at being disturbed and smiled, then raised his hand to sweep away.

That person could immediately say, "Who is it!"

Liu Changhong looked at him with a smile and said, "Should I believe it now?"

Everyone was stunned, and then Liu Changhong looked at them all again and said, "Actually, this is good news. After you get your mobile phone, you can directly follow the news and you will know."

After Liu Changhong finished speaking, he left a group of people behind and left here.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They stared blankly at the disappearing figure of Liu Changhong.
This kind of thing is happening all over the blue star.

Everyone was terrified and flustered.

However, in the Dragon Kingdom, Su Chen explained to Mr. Yan about the recovery of the spirit energy in advance, so the entire Dragon Kingdom had already held a meeting in advance.

The entire state machine is operating, and it is very efficient in alleviating the worries of the people.

TV stations, media, and the Internet, Longguo began to explain this phenomenon, and told everyone that now is the era of spiritual recovery, and the future is a broader blueprint!

The people of the Dragon Kingdom calmed down first, and then burst into intense ecstasy, joyfully welcoming the era of spiritual energy recovery.

In addition, the TV station also told everyone that from kindergarten to university, there will be special martial arts courses in the future to teach everyone how to absorb spiritual energy to exercise their bodies.

Moreover, universities are not only universities for young people, but also universities specially set up for middle-aged and elderly people.

In other words, not only teenagers can absorb spiritual energy to become warriors, but also all middle-aged and elderly people can start cultivating immortals!
At this point, Longguo is the global benchmark!

Su Chen didn't inquire too much about the affairs of the world, because he was busy with his family recently.

That night, after Su Chen and the others finished their dinner.

"Father, when will you make clothes for us?" Su Yinuo approached Su Chen and asked.

After hearing this, Su Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to rub her soft long hair and said, "Dad, will I make it for you tonight?"

Su Chen heard Su Yinuo mention this matter, but he had to make clothes for his precious daughters tonight.

Because Su Chen, Lin Wanxue and Su Ye received the news yesterday that they would go to Good Fortune Academy in advance.

"Okay!" Su Yinuo replied cheerfully.

Su Yutong heard Su Chen say this, she ran up to Su Chen happily and said, "Father, you are so kind!"

Su Chen looked at the happy girl in front of him, and he couldn't help touching her little head.

Su Chen is full of fatherly love for his daughters.

Su Chen looked at his daughters and said, "Okay, let's talk about your requirements for the clothes you want one by one, and I will design them for you!"

"Then I want the skirt style!" Su Yutong looked at Su Chen and said with a smile.

"I want pink!" Su Kexin said.

"I want that blue color, but that sleeve is from the pink series!" Su Yinuo said after him.

"Then I want red!" Su Zihan said with a smile.

"I want pale yellow!" Su Youyu said.

Several little girls said in unison.

Su Chen smiled and looked at his precious daughter and said, "Okay, okay!"

The little girls jumped up for joy after hearing Su Chen's words, and Su Yutong cheered even more: "Yeah! That's great! I want to wear beautiful clothes!"

Su Chen heard Su Yutong's words and said with a smile: "Okay! You look beautiful in any color!"

"Hee hee." Su Yutong said with a sweet smile.

Several little girls chattered in the room about how to dress up when the clothes were made.

Su Chen looked at his daughter like this, then smiled and started designing for the precious girls.

After designing the design drawing, he showed the design drawing to Su Yinuo and the others and went directly into the garment making space to make clothes after they had no opinion.

Because after having the experience of making clothes last time, Su Chen quickly made the clothes this time after selecting the materials based on the measurements, height, and gender data of the person wearing the clothes.

Moreover, Su Chen didn't need to mass-produce clothes this time, so he just made the clothes quickly and came out.

Su Chen gave the finished product to Su Yinuo and Su Yutong.

After Su Yinuo got it, he couldn't wait to open the clothes and try them on himself.

She exclaimed, "Wow, Dad, your design is amazing! So comfortable!"

"This dress is so pretty!" Su Kexin also said in amazement.

Su Chen nodded.

Su Chen looked at the precious girls and said, "Well, this dress looks good, as long as you like it."

(End of this chapter)

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