Chapter 983 Dad is too awesome!

Su Yinuo looked at the surrounding environment and was also very shocked. Then he looked at Su Ye and asked, "Dad, what does this yuan domain mean? Why do you say it is yuan domain?"

Su Yinuo heard Jiang Weihai's question, so he explained: "This Yuanyu, a very small number of people may open Yuanyu after reaching the realm of Mingtu, but it is very rare!"

"That is to say, ordinary people are rarely able to open this Yuan Domain?" Su Yinuo said.

Jiang Weihai nodded and said: "Yes! And being able to open Yuanyu is already very powerful, and if you want to bring people into Yuanyu to practice, it will be even more difficult!"

What Jiang Weihai didn't expect was that Su Chen had already opened Yuanyu!

Opening Yuanyu depends on luck!
And he can also bring people into the Yuan Realm to practice!

Those who can open Yuanyu are the ones who created mountains and established ancestors!
Su Chen, there will definitely be great achievements in the future!

"Then Dad, you are so awesome!" Su Yinuo looked at Su Chen and praised.

"That's right! Dad, you are amazing!" Su Yutong also said.

Su Chen was very proud when he heard his daughter praise him.

Su Chen looked at them with a smile, it seemed that they all liked Yuan Yu very much.

However, the opportunity to enter the meta domain is limited each time.

The little white fox was completely shocked when he heard it.

Who is his master? !
Why is it so powerful!

It's even possible to open the meta domain!
"I heard from my grandfather that opening Yuanyu depends on luck, and doesn't it mean that the people who open Yuanyu are the founders of mountains and ancestors?!" The little white fox said in shock.

Jiang Weihai nodded and explained: "Yes! It is difficult for many people in the realm of Feathering Immortals to open Yuanyu, mainly because everyone does not know how to open Yuanyu, so opening Yuanyu really depends on luck!"

"Woooo~ Master, you are really amazing, I like it so much!" The little white fox said cheerfully looking at Su Chen.

The real dragon baby next to him saw the little white fox like this and immediately said coldly: "Hmph, what a stupid fox who has never seen the world!"

The little white fox immediately exploded when he heard it, and rushed towards the real dragon baby.

The real dragon baby didn't pay attention to the little white fox at all, and went straight into the Sifang tripod.

Seeing that the baby real dragon had entered the tripod, the little white fox wanted to go in too, but she didn't expect to be electrocuted as soon as she jumped in.

The little white fox immediately moved away from the Sifang Ding, with a look of fear on his face, and then saw that his hair was scorched by electric shock!
I thought secretly in my heart: Aww~ I must work hard secretly, and then activate my sky fox blood, and then I can become a fierce beast!

After I become a ferocious beast, let me see if that stupid dragon dares to bully me!

It's all the fault of that stupid dragon, causing my precious hair to be scorched by electric shocks!

I'm furious!I must have that stupid dragon return my precious fur!

Su Chen didn't care about Little White Fox and the others. He looked at Jiang Weihai and Jiang Yuxiu and said, "Grandpa, the reason why Good Fortune Academy summoned us back this time is because the Abyss Clan is strong on the border battlefield under the Wuliang Mountains. It is possible to defeat the human race and rush out of the border battlefield here. Therefore, we decided to go to the border battlefield with Elder Ling Tian this time to assist the Bai family and fight the abyss clan."

"What? But the border battlefield is very dangerous!" Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen said with a faint smile: "That's right! The border battlefield is very dangerous! But I think we should go!"

"Yes! We are going to contribute!" Su Ye said while looking at them.

Lin Wanxue also nodded in agreement.

"Are all three of you going?"

"You can't even imagine how dangerous the border battlefield is. The Abyss family is not so easy to deal with. Otherwise, why do you think that every family has sent people to garrison for so many years!" Jiang Weihai said anxiously.

There are countless casualties every time on the frontier battlefield!
He didn't want Su Chen and the others to die on the border battlefield.

When Jiang Yuxiu heard what Jiang Weihai said, she couldn't help persuading her: "Chenchen, your grandpa said it so seriously, can you not go?"

Mu Ziqing also looked at Su Chen and the others worriedly.

"That's right! Dad, what if you run into danger when you go?" Su Zihan listened beside her, and she also knew that the place where Dad and Mommy went this time was very dangerous.

Selfishly, I didn't want my father and the three of them to go to a dangerous place.

"But someone has to go. If we don't go, the abyss clan will rush out, and we will have no chance to regret it at that time." Su Chen looked at them all and said firmly.

Lin Wanxue patted Su Zihan's head and said, "Zihan, mom, dad, and grandpa are going this time, and it's also an opportunity to choose to protect you all. If those monsters come out, the whole world will be in danger."

Hearing what Su Chen and the others said, the three of them fell into silence.

They also knew in their hearts that they had to go this time!
If they don't go, there will be no way to help even if they want to!
Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and the others and said, "Since this is the case, we can only support it."

"But you must be careful of those guys from the Abyss Race, their strength is terrifying!" Jiang Weihai reminded.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will pay attention."

Su Zihan and the others also looked at Su Chen and the others and said, "Then Dad, you must be careful, don't get hurt."

"That's right! We will be sorry if you get hurt." Su Yutong looked at them and said.

Su Chen looked at his daughters with a smile and said, "Don't worry, Dad and Mommy will be careful, just stay at home and wait for us to come back."

"Okay! We will be obedient." Su Youyu looked at Su Chen and nodded obediently.

"When will you leave?" Jiang Weihai asked again.

"Twelve o'clock in the evening." Su Chen replied.

Jiang Weihai nodded thoughtfully, then Su Chen looked at them all and said, "Okay, don't worry too much, let's practice quickly."

"Everyone can stay here for 3 hours, which means 180 years here."

"Such a long time?" Jiang Weihai said.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, so after you get out of cultivation, your hair may be very long, but you can just cut it off at that time."

"Moreover, I also want everyone to work hard to prepare for the future. After all, the abyss clan has been eyeing them for the past few years. If they really break through the border battlefield and reach the surface of the blue star, everyone will have the ability to protect themselves."

"Yes! What Su Chen said is right, we have to practice hard here now! This will make it easier to deal with monsters in the future!" Jiang Weihai said, looking at them all.

(End of this chapter)

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