Chapter 985 Dad, Be Safe

"I've reached the realm of free travel, Dad has reached the late stage of collecting herbs, and Xue'er has reached the late stage of Mingtu!" Su Chen looked at Jiang Yuxiu and the others and said.

"What! You guys broke through so quickly!" Jiang Yuxiu said in surprise.

"It's Chenchen who broke through quickly." Su Ye looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said.

Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and said in shock: "Chenchen! You have already reached the realm of free travel!!"

Chenchen is indeed a monster!

At such a young age, he has reached the realm of unrestrained travel!
But Chenchen is very powerful!

Jiang Weihai now thinks that Su Chen is very powerful, after all, it is already very powerful to be able to lead them into the Yuanyu! !
"Father, you are amazing!" Su Yinuo said while looking at Su Chen in the video.

Su Zihan also looked at Su Chen and said, "Father, you broke through so fast!"

"I also want to break through so fast like my father!" Su Yutong said.

Su Youyu laughed beside him and said, "Then think about it in your dream!"

"Father must be awesome!" Su Kexin said with a smile.

Dabao and Xiaobao looked at Su Chen and said, "Dad! Great!"

Su Chen heard that his children were all praising him, and he was very proud and happy in his heart.

"Haha! You little bastards, you know how to flatter!" Su Chen said happily while looking at his children with a smile.

"That's not true! Dad, you are very powerful!" Dabao looked at Su Chen and said softly.

Su Kexin and Su Yutong also nodded, agreeing with what Dabao and Xiaobao said.

Su Chen was very relieved to hear his children's praise.

At this time, Jiang Weihai looked at Su Chen and the others and said, "By the way, are the pills and food that you guys are going to bring to the border battlefield ready?"

"Pillions, Uncle Yunfeng and the others are going to prepare them, and there should be some food." Su Chen looked at Jiang Weihai and said.

Jiang Weihai frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I'll make a call and ask the people over there to prepare it for you and send it there. It will be very convenient for you to put it in the space when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you grandpa." Su Chen looked at Jiang Weihai and said.

Jiang Weihai waved his hand and said: "Chenchen, I still need to remind you again. You just need to be careful on the border battlefield! If you are not allowed to come back by then, you will be injured!"

"Okay, grandpa, don't worry, we will be careful along the way." Su Chen said with a smile to Jiang Weihai.

Jiang Weihai nodded, then gave Jiang Yuxiu and the others the mobile phone, and went to call someone to prepare something for Su Chen and the others.

"Chenchen, your grandpa also said that the border battlefield is very dangerous, so you, your father and Xiaoxue must pay attention to safety!" Jiang Yuxiu looked at Su Chen and the others and said worriedly.

Su Yutong also looked at Su Chen and said, "Father, you must be careful and be safe!"

Su Yutong and the others were also worried about the dangers their parents would encounter on the border battlefield, after all, they heard from his wife and grandfather that the border battlefield was so dangerous.

Su Youyu looked at Su Chen and Lin Wanxue and said, "Father, Mommy and Grandpa, you three must be careful, don't get hurt, otherwise Grandma and Mommy will be sad again. , But of course, we will be very sad when we fight! So you must be very careful this time! Be careful!"

"Okay, don't worry! We will definitely pay attention to safety, and go back to see you guys safely." Su Chen said to the women in his family.

"Mom, don't worry, we will be careful." Lin Wanxue looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said.

Jiang Yuxiu and the others nodded.

Then Su Chen said: "Mom, let's hang up first, we still have to prepare some things."

Jiang Yuxiu nodded, and Mu Ziqing who was beside her pulled Dabao and Xiaobao over.

Mu Ziqing looked at Dabao and Xiaobao and said, "Dabao, Xiaobao hurry up and say goodbye to Dad and them, and tell Dad and them to be careful."

Dabao looked at the screen and said, "Father, goodbye, you and grandpa should pay attention to safety."

"Goodbye, Dad, we'll see you again when you come back." Xiaobao said, waving his hand.

Su Chen nodded with a smile, Su Youyu and Su Kexin also waved at Su Chen and the others before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxue and the others began to pack up and prepare to go to Tongtian Island meeting room to gather.

After a while, the door rang.

Lin Wanxue went over to open the door, and saw three servants standing in front of the door holding several big bags.

"This is the food and medicine that Master Jiang asked us to bring to you." A servant looked at Lin Wanxue and said.

Lin Wanxue suddenly realized, and then she hurriedly made way for them and said, "Then come in quickly."

The three servants immediately entered the room, put down their things and left.

"Is this a little too much?" Lin Wanxue said to Su Chen, looking at the several big bags on the ground.

Su Chen smiled, and then put the things directly into his storage space.

Then, when Su Chen and the others were about to go to the meeting room, Su Chen suddenly thought that there were too many people, and Lin Wanxue and Su Ye broke through so quickly, so don't be framed by others.

Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue and Su Ye and said, "Xue'er, Dad, you two should temporarily hide your realm, so that no one will discover your real realm."

"I won't let people discover my realm, and I will hide it."

"Okay." Lin Wanxue and Su Ye nodded.

The two of them can understand Su Chen's concerns. After all, their practice is a shortcut, which can easily cause a sensation, and the two of them will be in trouble.

"Okay, we understand, let's go to the conference room to gather first." Lin Wanxue said to Su Chen and Su Ye.

Su Chen nodded.

Then, Su Chen, Lin Wanxue and Su Ye returned to the base to gather.

After everyone had assembled, Ling Tian took everyone to the border battlefield in his own mechanism beast.

On the way to the border battlefield, everyone was discussing the ferocity of the border battlefield.

"Now we're really going to the boundary battlefield, are you nervous?" Jiang Lijin looked at Su Chen and the others and said.

Su Chen shook his head and said: "Don't be nervous, we are not going to break into the dragon's lake and tiger's den, how can we be nervous?"

"This is much worse than Longtan and Tiger's Den!" Jiang Lijin said loudly.

Hearing Jiang Lijin's words, the rest of the people also echoed: "Yes, this battlefield is much more terrifying than Longtan and Tiger's Den."

"Is this realm battlefield really so terrifying?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"This realm battlefield is not a joke." Someone explained.

"Then of course I know it's not a joke." The man said dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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