City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 989 Su Chen, you are too awesome!

Chapter 989 Su Chen, you are too awesome!
Su Chen was very happy at this time, but he also wanted to quickly take the points to buy equipment for Lin Wanxue and Su Ye.

"Su Chen?!"

Su Chen heard someone calling him, he turned his head and saw that it was Jiang Yunfeng.

Jiang Yunfeng walked towards Su Chen directly, with a smile on his face.

"Su Chen! I didn't expect it was really you. I just saw someone like you in here, and it's so lively here. I didn't expect it to be really you-" Jiang Yunfeng walked to Su Chen and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Are you here to exchange things?"

At this time, Su Chen had already got off the machine.

"Yes, I want to come here to get a point card. Su Chen, you can get one too. Everything in it must be exchanged for points. Then you can kill some monsters to exchange points and buy some souvenirs." Jiang Yunfeng nodded and looked at Su Chen. Said.

And just at this time, the staff just came over with Su Chen's points card and handed it to Su Chen, blushing and said: "Sir, this is your [-] points, you have to keep it safe."

"Thank you." Su Chen took it with a smile and thanked him politely.

Jiang Yunfeng next to him looked at Su Chen with his mouth wide open in surprise.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Jiang Yunfeng like this, he asked suspiciously: "Are you okay?"

"Something happened!" Jiang Yunfeng said in shock.

Su Chen was about to ask what's the matter, but Jiang Yunfeng jumped him loudly.

"Twenty thousand points?!" Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen in shock and asked.

Su Chen actually got [-] points! !
Su Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, [-] points!"

When Jiang Yunfeng heard the words, his whole body was petrified instantly, and he looked at Su Chen with an expression of disbelief.

"My God! You can earn [-] points all at once! I can't believe it!"

"I'll go! Su Chen, how did you get [-] points so quickly?! This is amazing!" Afterwards, Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and said excitedly.

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's just a fluke."

"Luck is also a skill, Su Chen, I really admire you more and more, you can earn [-] points! This is simply too surprising!" Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen in shock and said.

Then, Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and asked, "Su Chen, you didn't go out to fight monsters all night last night, did you?"

Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and nodded wearily.

Su Chen was indeed tired all night, and he was exhausted here just now, and now he really doesn't have much energy.

Seeing Su Chen's exhausted appearance, Jiang Yunfeng immediately looked at Su Chen and said, "Then Su Chen, go back and rest quickly, we will gather again soon, you can't do it like this, you know that you may consume a lot of energy today , Last night, I sneaked out alone to fight monsters to earn points."

Su Chen had this intention, but Su Chen was still thinking about clothes for Lin Wanxue and Su Ye.

Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and said, "I'll go back to rest later, I'm going to the market to buy something now."

Jiang Yunfeng was worried about Su Chen, he looked at Su Chen and said, "What do you want to buy, I'll go with you!"

Su Chen nodded, then walked out of the exchange office with the points card and came to the place he just fancy.

The stall owner saw Su Chen coming, and he was very influential on Su Chen.

"Young man, have you earned any points?" The stall owner looked at Su Chen and asked.

Su Chen nodded, shook the score card in his hand, looked at the stall owner and said, "Of course I got it, I'm just here to buy something, help me get two sets of soft armor!"

Before that, he still took a fancy to that piece of animal skin, and planned to refine it into armor in the garment making space.

But I didn't expect that when I went out of the city to kill monsters this time, someone would actively attract monsters for me, so that I could earn [-] points in one night.

With [-] points, you can choose better defensive equipment than animal skins.

He must have bought the soft armor directly.

This set of soft armor can be automatically adjusted according to the height of the individual. No matter who wears this set of soft armor, they will feel that it is particularly close-fitting, and there will be no unsuitable situation.

This is a high-tech product of the world of cultivating immortals.

This thing is very expensive, a set costs [-] points.

He doesn't need this set of armor for the time being, so he just bought one set for his wife and dad.

"Two sets of soft armor?" The stall owner was shocked.

He thought Su Chen was here to buy animal skins, but he didn't expect to buy more expensive soft armor!
Soft armor is a very expensive defensive item for him, and a set costs [-] points!

Two sets, [-] points!
He asked: "Young man, two sets of soft armor cost [-] points. Are you sure you have enough points in your point card?"

"Of course!" There was a clear price tag on the soft armor, of course he had calculated it before he said he would buy it.

"Okay!" The stall owner said cheerfully when he heard the words, and then went to prepare the soft armor.

I still don't believe that Su Chen can earn [-] points in one night.

After a while, the stall owner came over.

"Here!" The stall owner looked at Su Chen and said, he put two sets of soft armor in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen took the soft armor and touched it, then handed the score card in his hand to the stall owner and said, "Okay, pay the money."

The stall owner nodded, and then prepared to swipe the reward card. When he inserted the reward card and prepared to swipe, he saw that there was [-] in the balance.

He was suddenly a little shocked.

"You actually got so many points in one night!" The stall owner looked at Su Chen and said in surprise.

This young man actually has [-] points in his credit card! ! !
This is too awesome!
In one night, more than 2 points were obtained!
This is simply too awesome!

It would be impossible to do this on someone outside!
It is impossible for ordinary people to get so many points in one night!
"Su Chen, why did you buy this soft armor?" Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and asked.

Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng with a smile and said: "This is for Xue'er and my dad. Because this clothes can defend. When they go to the boundary battlefield, they can also protect themselves. "

Jiang Yunfeng nodded thoughtfully, then Su Chen looked at the stall owner and said, "Let's earn points."

The stall owner was still in a daze after finishing collecting the points.

Su Chen put the bought soft armor into the storage space.

"Thank you, stall owner, I'll leave first." Then Su Chen dragged Jiang Yunfeng away as soon as he finished speaking.

Su Chen pulled Jiang Yunfeng out of here, and then went straight to the inn where Lin Wanxue and Su Ye were staying.

"Su Chen! You are so awesome! You earned [-] points in one night, I didn't even dare to think about it before!"

"How on earth did you do it!" Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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