City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 991 What?Su Chen is not dead? !

Chapter 991 What?Su Chen is not dead? !
"So you just went to kill monsters?!"

"Then husband, let me see if you are injured?" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen worriedly.

She had heard that the monsters on the boundary battlefield were very dangerous!
It would be bad if Su Chen was injured!
However, at the same time, Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen very moved, because Su Chen went to kill monsters to gain points in order to buy himself a soft armor for self-defense.

Su Chen stroked Lin Wanxue's head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's fine, I'm very good."

Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen suspiciously.

Looking at Su Chen's confident expression.

Lin Wanxue still decided to see if Su Chen was injured first, and if she was injured, she should seek treatment immediately!
Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue's nervous face, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he grabbed Lin Wanxue's wrist, and then brought Lin Wanxue to his chest.

"Look, I'm not injured!" Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue and said with a smile as if asking for credit.

Lin Wanxue was pulled so suddenly by Su Chen that she instantly drew close to Su Chen.

Lin Wanxue blushed a little and looked at Su Chen and said, "Okay, since you're not injured, hubby, take a rest quickly, and I'll call you when we gather later."

Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue with a smile, then lowered his head and kissed her, and said, "Okay."

Then, Su Chen lay down and rested.

Lin Wanxue got up and walked into the living room.

Then sitting on the sofa, picked up the phone and clicked on it to find that it was all messages sent by Su Yinuo and Su Yutong in the group.

Su Kexin: Dad, have you reached the border battlefield yet?
Su Yinuo: Remember to send a message when you arrive!
Su Zihan: Pay attention to safety (love)
Su Yutong: Mom and Dad, you have to take care of yourself! (love)

Su Youyu: Be safe! !
Seeing these news, Lin Wanxue smiled.

Then, Lin Wanxue replied to everyone in the group.

Lin Wanxue: We have reached the frontier battlefield.

Lin Wanxue: We will pay attention to safety, and you will do the same at home.

After Lin Wanxue finished replying, she thought that it was still early and the children probably hadn't woken up yet, but she didn't expect that Su Yinuo and Su Yutong would send a message in the next second.

Su Yinuo said: Okay, we will take good care of ourselves.

Su Zihan: Yutong and I are fine at home, don't worry.

Seeing the news about Su Yutong and Su Zihan, Lin Wanxue smiled slightly.

Lin Wanxue: Why do you guys get up so early?
Su Yutong: Mom!We are always up early!
Su Kexin: Exactly!I agree!

The two little guys, Dabao and Xiaobao, also sent voices.

Dabao: Mommy Wanxue~
Then, the next second, Su Zihan's video call came over, and Lin Wanxue immediately hung up in fright. If she stretched out her head and looked at Su Chen in the room, she was secretly relieved to find that Su Chen didn't want to!

Su Zihan: Mommy!You don't answer our calls!We are very sad!

Xiaobao: Xiaobao is sad!

Lin Wanxue smiled and replied: Your father just fell asleep, I'm afraid it will disturb your father's sleep

After Lin Wanxue finished replying, she added a hush emoji.

Su Kexin: Okay!Well!
Xiaobao: Mommy~!

Su Yutong: Then forgive Mommy for now!

Su Youyu: Mommy Wanxue~ You must pay attention to safety! ! !

Xiaobao: We are waiting for your return at home~!

Lin Wanxue: Xiaobao and Dabao are obedient at home~
Su Kexin: Well, don't worry!We will take good care of Xiaobao and Dabao.

Su Yutong: Well, we will protect ourselves!
Dabao: Alright!
Xiaobao: I love you~ Mommy.

Lin Wanxue found a kissing expression and sent it.

Then, Dabao: I want to kiss too.

Xiaobao: Me too!I want mommy's kiss too!

Lin Wanxue smiled and sent Xiaobao a kissing expression.

Su Yutong: Xiaobao, you have to be ashamed.

Su Zihan: Hahaha! ! !Xiaobao, you are ashamed! ! ! !
Xiaobao: I'm not ashamed! ! ! !

Lin Wanxue couldn't stop laughing at being amused by their live treasures.


Sheng Wen is here.

The person who was sent out to lure the monster to Su Chen came back and stood respectfully in front of Sheng Wen.

"How? Did you kill Su Chen?" Sheng Wen asked looking at the man in front of him.

There was a little smile on Sheng Wen's face, because Su Chen must have died in his heart.

After all, he had planned it carefully.

And as long as he made a move, there was no failure case before.

Therefore, he thought in his heart that Su Chen would definitely die this time.

The man looked at Sheng Wen hesitantly.

Sheng Wen stared at him, then frowned and said, "Speak."

"Master, Su Chen...he, he didn't die."

"And...he killed all the monsters I lured over!" The man looked at Sheng Wen and said falteringly.


"This is impossible!"

Sheng Wen's face changed when he heard the words, he never thought that Su Chen could kill so many monsters.

"Master, he's too tough, me." The man looked at Sheng Wen and said hesitantly.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense to me! Go ahead and kill Su Chen." Sheng Wen looked at the man in front of him and roared.

How could he not even be able to kill Su Chen!

"Master, I.I."

"Me what me?"

"Master, through my observation last night, Su Chen's strength is very strong, and I am not an opponent at all."

"And I sensed that Su Chen was obviously in the realm of collecting herbs, but he actually killed a group of cat demons in the realm of collecting herbs last night!" The man looked at Sheng Wen and said.

"You said that Su Chen killed a group of cat monsters last night," Sheng Wen said, staring at him with wide eyes.

Afterwards, Sheng Wen looked at the man again and said, "Are you sure it was Su Chen you saw last night?"

"Sure! And he is indeed in the realm of collecting herbs!" The man looked at Sheng Wen and said.

Sheng Wen fell silent upon hearing this.

He didn't expect that Su Chen's strength would be so powerful. It seems that he underestimated him before.

Sheng Wen frowned, and began to ponder all kinds of things in his heart.

In the following time, Sheng Wen and the man have been planning.


At this time, the Abyss Race side.

A city defense team stood in front of the castle gate.

Then, a monster came over. This monster was Zhang Yi, the captain of their city defense team.

"Captain!" The members of the city defense team looked at their captain and shouted respectfully.

"Well, have you been guarding here all night?" Zhang Yi looked at them and asked.

The members of the city defense team looked at the captain and nodded immediately.

"Then have you seen my group of demon cats?" Zhang Yi looked at them and asked.

Hearing their captain's question, they had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Didn't see it! We've been here all the time."

"They didn't come back after they went out on patrol," said one of the members.

Zhang Yiyi frowned, he guessed in his heart that he should have been killed outside, otherwise why he hadn't come back at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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