Chapter 996 Can't beat it?
The Abyss Clan started booing again.

Ling Tian looked at the white-patterned flame leopard and said, "Okay! I can promise you."

"It would have been nice to be so straightforward earlier, then let's send someone directly." The White-striped Flame Leopard said looking at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at the white-striped flame leopard and nodded.

Afterwards, Ling Tian and the Abyss Clan retreated more than half each, leaving a fighting area in the middle.

The White-striped Flaming Leopard directly dispatched a two-winged silver lion!
As soon as the two-winged silver lion came on stage, it shouted at Ling Tian and the others: "Which one of you humans will challenge me?!"

"Don't whine, hurry up and suffer your death!"

"You cowardly and cowardly human race!"

Ling Tian didn't pay attention to it, he turned around and looked at the Tianjiao behind him and asked, "Does any of you want to get involved?"

"I'm coming!" Jiang Jingjie looked at Ling Tian and said.

Ling Tian stared at Jiang Jingjie and said, "Okay! But you have to be careful!"

"The dean I know!" Jiang Jingjie looked at Ling Tian and said.

After Jiang Jingjie finished speaking, he walked out and looked at the two-winged silver lion who was still yelling and said, "I'll challenge you!"

The double-winged silver lion looked at Jiang Jingjie and snorted coldly, and said, "Only by you? Can you challenge me?"

"Aren't I enough to deal with you?!" Jiang Jingjie said, looking at the two-winged silver lion.

"Haha, what you said was wrong. Even a trash like you deserves to fight me?" The Winged Silver Lion looked at Jiang Jingjie disdainfully, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Hmph! If that's the case, let's fight!" Jiang Jingjie directly rushed towards the double-winged silver lion.

When the two-winged silver lion saw it, it immediately yelled and went up to meet it.

"Aw!" With a loud cry, the two entangled and fought.


"This trash, doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" The Abyss Clan looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

People from the Abyss Clan are laughing at Jiang Jingjie for being overconfident.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Jingjie shouted: "Huh! Just wait and see! I will definitely make you regret today's decision!"

"Just because you want to challenge me? It's a joke!" The Winged Silver Lion said after turning over and dodging Jiang Jingjie's move.

"If you don't believe me, just wait!" Jiang Jingjie said, looking at the two-winged silver lion.

"Stop talking big, quickly show off all your housekeeping skills!!" The double-winged silver lion roared while fighting Jiang Jingjie.

When Jiang Jingjie saw it, his eyes turned red anxiously, and he directly used all his strength to fight with the two-winged silver lion.




The two started fighting with one punch and one kick, and the fight was fierce and continuous.

Su Chen frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. The Abyss Clan had been fighting a war of attrition, and Jiang Jingjie's physical strength was getting weaker and weaker. Su Chen's eyes were full of worry.

Seeing that Jiang Jingjie's moves were getting slower and slower, the double-winged silver lion sneered, and punched Jiang Jingjie directly. This punch gathered most of its strength.

And Jiang Jingjie, who had been attacking just now, never expected the double-winged silver lion to punch suddenly. He wanted to dodge just now, but he had consumed too much energy just now, and now his speed was more than a little slower.

So he was punched by the double-winged silver lion and flew out. Jiang Lijin watched Jiang Jingjie being dismissed, and immediately ran over to catch Jiang Jingjie.

"Jingjie!" Jiang Lijin looked at Jiang Jingjie and asked worriedly.

Ling Tian, ​​Su Chen and the others immediately surrounded them.

Jiang Jingjie now felt that his internal organs were all useless, and the pain was terribly painful. He couldn't speak, so he fell into Jiang Lijin's arms.

Ling Tian saw it, and immediately went to feel Jiang Jingjie's pulse.

Then, he immediately frowned.

"Dean, is Jingjie okay?" Jiang Lijin looked at Ling Tian and asked anxiously.

"He's not in a good condition right now, he's seriously injured! And his breathing is very weak, but it's not life-threatening, don't worry." Ling Tian said.

"What?!" Jiang Lijin immediately looked at Ling Tian and said in shock.

Ling Tian immediately took out a healing elixir from his own space and fed it to Jiang Jingjie's mouth.

Jiang Jingjie felt better.

Ling Tian said to Su Chen and the others: "Don't underestimate them, remember what Instructor Bai told you before departure, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength!"

Jiang Guangsong said with red eyes: "Okay! Dean, we will do our best and will never underestimate it!"

In this battle, they will definitely use their full strength!

They don't want to lose to the Abyss Race! ! !

The Abyss Race has always been suppressed by them, and they will never be allowed to stand up!
On the Abyss Clan side, they were cheering loudly when they won this game.

"Hmph! Your human race really has no kind, and you can't even take one move from me. It's really disappointing!" The two-winged silver lion of the abyss clan laughed at Ling Tian and the others.

"Hmph, trash is trash, you trash humans are really shameless!" several other monsters from the abyss clan also said.

"What did you say?!" Ling Tian roared angrily when he heard the words of the Abyss Clan.

Seeing Ling Tian's angry appearance, the Abyss Clan not only showed no fear at all, but also felt even more proud. It laughed and said, "Aren't I right? Hmph! What a stupid useless human being!"

The two-winged silver lion looked at Ling Tian and the others arrogantly and said, "Don't be so rambunctious here, hurry up and fight with me, I want you human race to see how powerful our abyss race is!"

"Hahaha, hurry up and come over to your human race. It can't be that no one dares to continue to come up to fight me now, right?"

"Is this about admitting defeat?"

"Come on! I want to see how powerful you bastards are!" The monsters from the Abyss Clan looked at Ling Tian and his group with contempt in their eyes.

Jiang Lijin looked angrily at the monsters from the abyss clan and the two-winged silver lion on the field.

"You are deceiving people too much! Today I will avenge Jingjie!" Jiang Lijin said, looking at the two-winged silver lion.

Afterwards, he took a few steps forward and looked at the two-winged silver lion and said, "Humph! Who dares to say, I'll come up and fight you!"

"Hmph! Depending on you, you're not afraid of slipping your tongue!" the two-winged silver lion said disdainfully.

"Really? Let's give it a try! Let's see who is better." Jiang Lijin said, looking at the two-winged silver lion.

The rest of the Abyss Clan couldn't help laughing at the posture of both of them.

"We Abyss Race are not afraid of your Human Race!"

"Your human race is a bunch of waste, and our abyss race is the most powerful existence!" The monsters of the abyss race looked at Jiang Lijin and said triumphantly.

Jiang Lijin looked angrily at the two-winged silver lion of the abyss clan and said, "Comparison, don't say anything more, everything depends on strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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