Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 109 Letting Dreams Fly 09

Chapter 109 Letting Dreams Fly 09
At this time, it was about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the street was bustling with activity. The ten-mile long street was full of people's voices.

There is a casino in front of it, which was the Century Casino that annexed the casino not long ago.

The casino was full of smoky atmosphere, crowded with people of all kinds, and it was very noisy.

Yi Shuihan frowned, took out a fan to cover his nose, and tried to avoid people coming and going.

"Shuihan, have you finished the inspection?" Qianxue covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, there are all vulgar and stinky men here, the air is mixed with some strange gas, and the smell makes her want to gag.

The three of them left the casino, exhaled a mouthful of stale air, and took a breath of fresh air.

"Huh, I almost died from lack of oxygen." Qianxue fanned herself with a handkerchief as she walked, she was about to be smoked to death.

"What do you think? Master of ceremonies, tell me first." Yi Shuihan asked a question.

"Well, the supply of casinos is in short supply now, mainly because the gambling method is novel and attractive. If the peers copy this gambling method, the business of the casino will naturally decline. We only have the ownership of the newly annexed casino. Management talents, now all kinds of gamblers of all kinds are flocking to our gambling house, which is prone to accidents, and at the same time, it cannot attract powerful people in Ningcheng to gamble. People from the upper class may earn more than a game of gambling in a day. More money."

"No more?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"No more." The master of ceremonies was a little uncertain, did he say something wrong?

"Master of ceremonies, now you can barely be considered an analyst, and you are still far from a planner."

"Then tell me, master." The master of ceremonies humbly asked for advice.

"I don't know, Qianxue, please tell me." Yi Shuihan threw the question to Qianxue again.

"Little boy, listen up." Qianxue smiled triumphantly.

"The most urgent thing is to immediately plan a plan, including design management, rectification plan, etc., then consider its feasibility, and finally implement it. Roughly speaking, first of all, there is no patent right here for plagiarism. Inevitably, we don't have enough funds to quickly acquire peers, so we can only gain advantages in management and service, first assign talents to all branches, and divide the gambling shop into three, six, and nine classes, civilians, middle-level, and nobles. Also classify the gambling method, you can join the private room, the service object of the private room is two groups of people who gamble against each other, and it can be humanized, reduce the funds from the common people, and earn more money from the middle class and nobles."

"This is called planning." Yi Shuihan said.

"." The master of ceremonies looked at Qianxue in disbelief. He knew that Qianxue had business acumen, but he didn't expect it to be so professional.

"Don't worship sister." Qianxue smiled triumphantly.

"Who the hell are you?" The master of ceremonies asked in surprise, how does a young lady who stays at home know this?

"Outsider." Qianxue pretended to be mysterious.

"Hmph, if you don't talk about it, who are you, master?" the master of ceremonies asked, Qian Xue is so difficult, his little master is still worth it.

"Normal person." Yi Shuihan said seriously.

Well?The master of ceremonies didn't ask any further questions. Qianxue and the little master both had secrets, and they didn't want to tell them. It was useless for him to ask, so don't waste your saliva.

"Where are we going to eat tonight?" Qianxue rubbed her belly, the meal cooked by the master of ceremonies was not bad, but it could only be used to satisfy one's hunger.

"Of course it's Jinlou." The master of ceremonies said, the food there is not only delicious, but the most important thing is that you don't have to pay for it.

(End of this chapter)

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