Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 145 Gold List Title 05

Chapter 145 Gold List Title 05
Qianxue patted Yi Shuihan and said, "Please, it's good to have capital, but don't be so narcissistic."

The master of ceremonies is already used to it. He knows that Master is very narcissistic and loves beauty. Master is the most beautiful man he has ever seen, even more beautiful than Qianxue, so he dare not make mistakes in dressing up every day, otherwise he will stand in the position of Master. It is not worthy of being a green leaf.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan looked at Ling Yiran, he wouldn't just sit around for a meal, would he?

"This year's new champion, Yi Shuihan."

"I know." She had just heard.

"That's your reaction?" Ling Yiran couldn't help but smile, is Yi Shuihan too leisurely and calm?
"Otherwise, what kind of reaction do you want?" Yi Shuihan asked back, there are so many people with the same name, is she going to kill that person just because of the name?
"Do you know that the entire imperial court is looking for you?"

"Hehe, you don't think that the champion is me, do you?"

"Who are you?" Ling Yiran raised his eyebrows.

"Just kidding." Yi Shuihan smiled.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Ling Yiran couldn't understand why Yi Shuihan took the imperial examination, he also thought he was joking, but unfortunately he wasn't.

"It's impossible for Yi Shuihan to be the No. [-] scholar." Qianxue acted like you were an idiot.

Ling Yiran was irritated by Qianxue's words. He was a big man and a little girl looked down upon him?

"How did I become the champion?" Yi Shuihan smiled.

"How do I know you! You took the imperial examination, not me!" Ling Yiran said angrily.

"When did I take the imperial examination? I don't even know what the imperial examination is."

"The way to govern a country is to enrich the people first. Did you write it? This life and this night will not grow well. Where will the bright moon look next year? Did you write it?" Ling Yiran asked, and Yi Shuihan's words turned into ashes. recognize.

That day at the Golden Luan Hall, the old emperor opened the paper, but the name on the paper was too scribbled, so the emperor could not read it clearly. If the emperor said directly that he could not read it, it would be shameless, so the emperor asked the scholar to announce it. The Bachelor of Material Science looked at it again and again but couldn't see what was going on, so he said, there is no name written on this paper.

This matter caused an uproar in the court, but the number one scholar didn't write his name?A few days passed, and no one could figure out what the words were written in the place where the name was written. Even the answers on the paper were extremely scribbled, but they could be understood if you read carefully.

Until one day when Ling Yiran went to the Imperial Academy, he accidentally saw that paper. Who else could write that handwriting besides Yi Shuihan?Turning the paper upside down and looking at it, he picked up the pen and walked around according to the strokes where the name was written, and it really was the three characters 'Yi Shuihan'.It is estimated that Yi Shuihan is the only one in the world who likes to write the characters upside down.

"Shuihan, what happened?" Qianxue was taken aback.

"I don't know either." Yi Shuihan frowned, she had a bad feeling, she seemed to have done something she shouldn't have done.

"Why don't you know? You must have written it." Qianxue said loudly, it was Dongdong in the 21st century, either hers or Yi Shuihan's.

"I wrote it, but I never thought there would be such a big mistake." Yi Shuihan stroked her forehead, and she remembered that she was chased by Yu Hongtian that day, and went into the examination room to write something.

"What's going on?" Qianxue asked, how did it end now?Yi Shuihan is a woman and cannot be an official in Beiming Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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