Chapter 163
There was a smell of blood, Yi Shuihan sniffed, it was the smell of human blood, it was nearby.

So she slowed down her search, and her curiosity was aroused.

The surroundings are very quiet, time is passing by every minute, and there seems to be a person lying in the dense jungle. The smell of blood is coming from there, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Yi Shuihan got off his horse, pulled out the dagger from his boots, and walked over quietly with a cat body. She was a little expecting who it was, a man?female?

Through the hazy moonlight, a black object can be seen. It is initially identified as a man, with his back facing up, his side face just covered by the tree shadow, holding a saber in his hand, and there is a pool of blood on the grass .

Yi Shuihan walked over on tiptoe, quickly kicked away the saber in the man's hand, and put the dagger on the man's neck.

No response, fainted or dead?If it's dead, there's no point. She stretched out her hand to check the man's breath, and if he was still breathing, he must have fainted, and she was overthinking.

He put down the dagger and turned the man over. The blood was still warm. Not long after he fell down, he was stabbed in the abdomen. There was no serious injury, but he lost too much blood.

Now I can see the man's face clearly, it is very handsome, if it is not for his pale face, it should be even more beautiful.

Yi Shuihan rummaged through the man's body, but found nothing, and she didn't know who this man was, so should he save him?
Just when Yi Shuihan was hesitating, the man groaned softly, but Yi Shuihan heard it, he was saying, father.

Yi Shuihan was slightly taken aback, she was completely unfamiliar with the word father, and she didn't even know what father was used for.

"Hey, just because you are a dutiful son, let's save you."

Yi Shuihan quickly stopped the person's bleeding. She always carried healing medicine and various detoxification medicines on her body, just in case.

Sprinkle the medicine powder, tear off the clean part of the clothes and bandage it briefly, and feed the man a few more medicines.

After everything is done, Yi Shuihan is hesitating whether to leave or not?

Judging from the situation of that person, he should be hunted down. If he is left alone, maybe the person who wants to take his life will find him. Category.

In the end, she decided to take him with her.

In order not to be recognized, she would make up into a more ordinary person every time she went out of the city and entered the city, but now it is impossible to enter the city with an immobile patient.

Finally, Yi Shuihan decided to take him to the inn in the small town down the mountain.

Yi Shuihan originally wanted to put the man on the horse, but when the horse trembled so much, the wound must have opened, so she could only hug the man and walk. It was okay at the beginning, and it was a downhill road, so it was easy, but After walking for half an hour, she felt heavy and her pace slowed down.

I have hugged men before, Mr. Ben, but I have never used a princess hug. To call you father, a filial son, the price I paid is really high, and it is a big loss.

Walk for a while, rest for a while, stop and go, and only found the inn near dawn. She didn't go to the court this morning. The old emperor is probably very sick, so she probably won't go to the court.

Xiao Er saw that the person was holding a person who didn't know whether he was dead or alive, so he hesitated, what if the person died in the inn?
"Someone come and carry him to the room!" Yi Shuihan roared, exhausting her to death.

"Guest officer, here." Xiao Er looked at the person in Yi Shuihan's arms, with a troubled expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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