Chapter 168
Patriarch Qian Family just nodded, and the rest of the people saluted respectfully.

Yi Shuihan secretly slandered that the voice of the head of the family was much better than that of the old emperor, although it was just the appearance.

"It's the younger generation who has met the Patriarch of the Qian Family." Ling Yiran clasped his fists, speaking in the tone of a younger generation.

"The Ninth Prince is polite. The Ninth Prince, General Shangguan, and the No. [-] Scholar came to the humble house in person. The humble house is full of splendor. Please sit down, three." Patriarch Qian Family has always been polite and courteous without losing his aura as the Patriarch.

Patriarch Qian did not sit down until the three of them sat down, and the rest of the people stood upright without daring to breathe.

Yi Shuihan sighed inwardly, making her seem like she was here as a foil, now that Shangguanyan is here, she doesn't know how to end it, and she doesn't know what Qianxue means, no matter what, it's better to act first, then strike later suffer.

"The juniors come here."

"The juniors come here."

Who were these two voices that sounded at the same time, Yi Shuihan and Shangguanyan?

Yi Shuihan frowned, and said quickly: "This junior came here to ask for marriage, and hoped that Qian's family would betroth Miss Qianxue to this junior."

Everyone seemed to have expected these words. After all, this matter has already caused a stir in the imperial city, and everyone knows it.

"Patriarch of the Qian family, this junior came here to ask for marriage, and hoped that the Qian family would betroth Miss Qianxue to this junior." Shangguan Yan was not far behind.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, even the famous General Shangguan also took a fancy to Miss Qian Family Ten?

In less than a month, there were already three people asking for marriage from Qian Xue, one person was more powerful than the other, and the Ninth Prince didn't speak, I don't know if the Ninth Prince also came to propose.

Patriarch Qian Family laughed, and said to a middle-aged man below: "Third Brother, Qian Xue is your daughter, and you are in charge of this matter."

The third master made a series, and hurriedly said: "Brother, younger brother thinks it is more appropriate for the elder brother to call the shots."

Patriarch Qian Family waved his hand, "I'm not in charge of this matter."

The third master said with a look of embarrassment: "General Shangguan, Master No. [-], to be honest, Qianxue has already betrothed to Young Master Lin of Shangshufu."

Yi Shuihan smiled and said: "Master Qian, don't be in trouble, this junior has an excellent solution."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Yi Shuihan with doubts on their faces, and couldn't move their eyes away. He was such a seductive young man, with red lips and white teeth, and his phoenix eyes were slightly closed, full of charm.

Patriarch Qian's piercing gaze finally sized up Yi Shuihan. This is this year's No. [-] Scholar, and he doesn't look like him at all.

Both Ling Yiran and Shangguan Yan frowned, Yi Shuihan always caught people off guard.

"I don't know what a good way the champion can do?" The third master asked suspiciously.

"It's that simple. Refund the betrothal gift from the Shangshu Mansion and accept the betrothal gift from the younger generation."

Puchi, some people couldn't help laughing, thinking it was a good way, it turned out that the number one scholar just had a good skin in vain.

Ling Yiran and Shangguanyan couldn't help laughing, underestimating is never a good thing, and underestimating anyone can never underestimate Yi Shuihan.

The third master was stunned, how could he answer these words.

"Master Qian doesn't speak, this junior can be regarded as Master Qian's acquiescence." Yi Shuihan smiled unabated.

"This, isn't this going to make Qianjia go back on its word." The third master immediately realized that he was almost fooled by the number one scholar.

"Why did the Qian family backfire? Qianxue hasn't married yet, so the dowry can be returned at any time, and the younger generation and Qianxue are in love with each other and have a private appointment for life. Could it be that Master Qian has the heart to beat the mandarin ducks?" Yi Shuihan's voice was full of emotion, vividly, A look of affection.

(End of this chapter)

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