Chapter 175
Several people were also a little curious about who was in the carriage.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the carriage to lift the curtain of the door. It was a white and slender hand with distinct bones, which should be a man.

Several people looked at this hand tacitly.

Qianxue's eyes glowed, and she said with a smile, "He must be a handsome man."

Hearing this, Ling Yiran gave Qianxue a contemptuous look, vulgar.

The master of ceremonies also glanced at Qianxue, but that look was sad.

Yi Shuihan smiled, "I also think he's a pretty boy."

Ling Yiran glanced at Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan seemed to like looking at beauties?
The corner of the emcee's mouth twitched, he realized that the master seemed to have a special preference for beautiful men.

The person in the carriage stretched out half of his body, dressed in a crescent-white brocade robe, with black hair covering half of his face, he got off the carriage lightly, raised his head slowly, his features were fully displayed, his eyebrows were painted in ink, Eyes like the moon, lips like fruit.

Qianxue's eyes became brighter, and she said, "He's really a handsome boy, and he's super cute, with a little bit of melancholy..."

Ling Yiran and the master of ceremonies snorted in tacit understanding.

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, his smile froze.

Qianxue grabbed Yi Shuihan's sleeve excitedly, and said excitedly, "Shuihan, he is looking at us."

"Let's go." Yi Shuihan hurriedly walked by with his head down.

Several people looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, but still followed suspiciously, Yi Shuihan's reaction was too strange.

Just when Yi Shuihan thought she could escape, a familiar voice came from behind.

"My lord, please stop." The person who spoke had already arrived in front of Yi Shuihan, and the speed was beyond everyone's expectation.

Qianxue looked at the person in front of her in surprise, it was even more beautiful up close.

"Hello, my name is Qianxue, may I ask your son's name?" Qianxue stretched out her right hand, and her beautiful eyes looked at her unscrupulously.

Ling Yiran ruthlessly despised Qian Xue, really shameless!
The master of ceremonies looked even more sad.

Yi Shuihan's face became even more rigid, did he recognize her?Impossible, at that time she was so ugly that she didn't even dare to look in the mirror.

Qianxue's hand stretched out for a long time, almost stiff, but she didn't look at Qianxue at all, but just looked closely at Yi Shuihan.

"Why does your master have this jade pendant?" The man looked at the jade pendant on Yi Shuihan's waist and asked coldly.

Swish, swish, several eyes fell on the jade pendant, what's so special about Yi Shuihan's jade pendant?
I pour!Yi Shuihan cursed, it turned out that Yupei betrayed her.

"Where is the Oriental girl?" The man's tone became colder, and anger was stained on his spotless face.

Swish Swish, several people looked at Yi Shuihan together again, who is the Oriental girl?

"Rong Yun." Yi Shuihan knew he couldn't escape, but Rong Yun was also so strong?
"..." Rong Yun was stunned, he missed this voice every day, did he hear it wrong...

Swish, swish, a few eyes fell on Rong Yun, did Yi Shuihan know him?

"You are Dong..." Rong Yun looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief.

"Rong Jun, come with me." Yi Shuihan interrupted Rong Jun's words, and dragged Rong Jun away involuntarily.

Rong Yun was startled, and let Yi Shuihan drag him into the alley.

"Rong Yun, it's me, the Pearl of the Orient."

"You, are you really Dongfang girl?" Rong Jun was surprised and suspicious.

"Yes, you treat me to roast chicken, lend me clothes, and give me a horse."

"But, but your face..." Rong Yun couldn't believe it. The person in front of him had a charming appearance, full of charm, extremely alluring, indistinguishable from male and female, and he didn't look like an oriental girl at all, but his eyes were very similar. It's exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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