Chapter 183
If Chen Zhifu is granted amnesty, he feels that he has come back to life. At the same time, he also knows that the number one scholar is a powerful character, and it would be great if he can make friends with him.

"Yuan, so it's the number one scholar. I don't know what's the reason for the number one scholar's visit?"

"I want to see Gu Changfeng."

Chen Zhifu paused, the death row prisoner who killed Lin Ganghai in Shangshu's mansion, that person was wanted by Lin Shangshu, he had to die, and he received money to relieve disasters for others, one side was Shangshu, and the other was number one scholar, how to say Shangshu's official rank Much higher than the magistrate and champion.

"No. [-] scholar, then Gu Changfeng is a prisoner on death row. Seeing him will only stain your eyes. It's better not to see him."

"What if I must see you?" His tone became cold.

"This..." Chen Zhifu thought for a while, anyway, Gu Changfeng was going to die anyway, so what if he let the champion see him, and Lin Shangshu didn't say that he wouldn't let him visit the prison.

"The champion please come with me."

In the dark and damp prison, with cockroaches and rats scurrying by, the prisoners were either dead or mad.

Gu Changfeng was dressed in a prison uniform, his face was thin, and he was depressed, even worse than when he was sick.

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Gu Changfeng's eyes flashed with a faint light, and then they fell down again. He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, now he is just a prisoner.

"Changfeng, do you have anything to say?"

"Brother Yi, I..." Gu Changfeng's face was full of sorrow and ashes. He had already been sentenced to death. What a strong heart also collapsed at this moment.

"Brother Yi, how is my sister?"

"She's worried about you, and now Qianxue is taking care of her."

When he heard about Qianxue, Gu Changfeng felt sad again, he had no destiny in this life, and now he was most worried about his only sister.

"Brother Yi, are you the champion of this year's new division?"

"Hey, it's not what I want, so don't mention it, just tell me what you think."

Gu Changfeng thought for a while, and heard that Miss Qianjia and Brother Yi had already made an appointment.

"Brother Yi, Mr. Gu is asking you one thing, please agree to it." Gu Changfeng seemed to be about to make some huge decision.

"Stop begging, just say it."

"I ask Brother Yi to take care of my younger sister Xiangrong in future generations. Changfeng will not repay you." Gu Changfeng looked sad. He knew that he could not escape this disaster. Miss Qian's family married a good husband, and if his younger sister was taken care of by Brother Yi, He also felt at ease.

"Changfeng, forgive me for not agreeing." Yi Shuihan said seriously, if she agreed, then she would have to be responsible, she hated responsibility and burden, and she couldn't stay for anyone.

When Gu Changfeng heard this, his heart was ashamed and his eyes were empty. What qualifications did he have to ask Brother Yi to take care of his younger sister? He spent a lot of time in his life studying, not only did not let his sister live a good life, but also lost his life. With his younger sister alone, he was really ashamed of his parents and ashamed to see them.

"Changfeng, you are giving up on yourself. Have you ever thought about your sister? If you don't live for yourself, you have to live for Xiangrong. It would be good if you died, but Xiangrong is helpless, and she is still alive." To bear the pain of losing a brother."

"Brother Yi, I..." Gu Changfeng was startled suddenly, he was so selfish, how could he leave his sister behind.

(End of this chapter)

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