Chapter 189
"No. [-] Scholar, Gu Changfeng's case has been decided, and the complaint is withdrawn." Prefect Chen said angrily.

"Master Chen, please don't call me the number one scholar. At this time, my identity is only a commoner and a lawyer. There is no regulation in the Northern Ming Law that does not allow the case to be reversed. I ask the Lord to accept the case."

Before Chen Zhifu could say anything, the people outside the door began to speak differently. Everyone's voice was not loud, but there were so many people, the volume of the voices added up was not small. In addition, Yi Shuihan arranged for people to intervene among the people to fan the flames. For a while, the scene became chaotic.

Yi Shuihan finally realized that the power of the masses is enormous.

Chen Zhifu's complexion became more and more ugly, and now he was riding a tiger, neither accepting nor refusing to accept, on one side was Shangshufu, and on the other was Zhuangyuanfu and the untouchables.

"Gu Changfeng murdered Lin Ganghai. There are all evidences. The evidence is conclusive. There is no need for the champion to do anything more. Retire!" Chen Zhifu clapped the case, and the hard gavel slapped on the wooden table and made a loud noise. It was an angry voice. .

"How can this be? The magistrate doesn't try the case..."

"Not accepted? That Lin Ganghai bullies men and women, he deserves to die..."

"I'm so angry. How could Gu Changfeng, a scholar, have no power to kill someone..."

"When did the prefect hear a fair case? Why don't you smash the prefect!"

"Smash it! Smash it!"...

The people rioted, and the people behind kept pushing forward, and the Yamen at the gate could hardly resist the people's riot.

Yi Shuihan was very satisfied with the scene, the more chaotic the better.

Chen Zhifu was startled, his face turned blue and then black, and finally froze in white, those untouchables were about to break in, if the government office was smashed, it would be fine.

"Come on, come on, quickly stop the troublemakers, and don't let them in!" Chen Zhifu picked up the gavel and patted the desk vigorously.

As soon as the people heard that they were making trouble for the people, they became angry. They sped up their hands and feet and kept pushing against the fence and knocking away the yamen.

"Everyone smashed the magistrate! Everyone work harder! Smash it!"

Under the incitement of the people, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and the scene got out of control for a while.

Chen Zhifu was furious, the fat on his face kept shaking, he beckoned to the Yamen, and whispered in his ear: "Go invite Lin Shangshu."

Yi Shuihan had a panoramic view of Chen Zhifu's actions. She had already arranged people to keep a close eye on the government office, in order to prevent Lin Shangshu from knowing about it.

"Master Chen, please follow the will of the people." Although Yi Shuihan said he was asking, his tone was irresistible.

Chen Zhifu's aura suddenly lost half, and the eyes of this No. [-] scholar seemed to kill people.

The riots of the people reached a climax, the railings were almost broken, and some people even threw stones into the court.

Chen Zhifu's expression changed several times, under Chen Zhifu's hesitation, a high-pitched voice sounded, and the whole scene suddenly fell silent.

"The fifth prince is here, and the ninth prince is here."

Two noble and extraordinary figures descended like gods.

The people gave way one after another and stretched their necks to see what the two princes looked like.

The railings were crumbling, and there were stones of different sizes on the ground of the courtroom. The faces of the people were angry, which showed how chaotic the scene was just now.

From that sound, Prefect Chen has been in a state of astonishment, why did the Fifth Prince and the Ninth Prince come?But the facts are right in front of our eyes, who are those two extraordinary figures in the courtroom but the princes?
(End of this chapter)

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