Chapter 198
As everyone knows, Yi Shuihan's unintentional stealing of fragrance has already disturbed someone's heart, as if a stone has fallen on someone's calm lake, causing ripples in circles.

"Xiao Nuo, I'll go first." Yi Shuihan waved her hand and left quickly, she was secretly happy in her heart, it turned out that Qian Nuo was quite innocent.

Qian Nuo didn't get up from the grass until Yi Shuihan's figure completely disappeared on the trail in the woods.

He was angry and angry, but he couldn't restrain his beating heart, and he didn't know why, it was throbbing like never before.

The fog in the woods was hazy, and everything just now seemed like a dream.

In the silent forest, he could only hear the sound of his heartbeat, which made him feel that he was alive, alive, and conscious, not just a dream.

The hem of his black clothes fluttered in the night wind. He stood quietly without leaving for a long time, like a sculpture in the night.

In the end, he decided to forget the scene just now, and don't take an unintentional mistake to heart.

But Qian Nuo didn't know, he had already taken it to heart.

In the woods, the cool wind blows the mat, disturbs the fallen leaves, the fog, and the heart.


In a few days, the Beiming Kingdom's annual hunting contest is ushered in. The event is presided over by the emperor himself, and all princes and nobles can participate. Whoever hunts the most prey will win, and will be rewarded by the emperor. All in one fell swoop.

This is not only an ordinary competition, but also a competition to show their talents in front of the emperor. The outstanding ones may be taken under the command of the high-ranking princes and officials, so the contestants are all motivated.

Now that the emperor is dying, the court is unpredictable, the dark tide is raging, the crown prince and the fifth prince Ling Xiaoran are evenly matched, everyone knows this well, the so-called tree is a big tree to enjoy the shade, which tree should they climb?
The princes and princes also entered the battle in hardcover. Although the princes knew that they were not destined for the throne, it was not difficult to get the reward from their father and become a king in this competition.

The most promising ones in the competition are the Prince's faction and the Five Princes' faction. Although the Prince was born by the Empress, he was conferred the title of Prince in his early years. In terms of grandeur and strategy, the Five Princes are even better. If the Fifth Prince's performance in this competition Excellent, the emperor might change his mind.

Therefore, the name of Prince Edward can be said to be drifting in the wind and rain, crumbling, and may be replaced at any time.

Royal hunting grounds.It is worthy of being the hunting ground of the royal family, with extraordinary momentum, the mountains in the distance are majestic and steep, the lakes and mountains are beautiful, and there is no end in sight.

The flags are flying, the ring is built high, the tables are on display, and the wine and food are all luxurious.

Princes and nobles, dignitaries and dignitaries all took their seats one after another.The contestants are dressed in horse riding attire and are full of energy.Several expensive horses ran on the racecourse, which attracted the applause of the crowd.

There were also many female relatives attending this event, especially the marriageable princesses and official ladies. They are boudoir girls who do not leave their homes. In my mind, it's better to choose a good man, to choose by myself, than to be pointed to a stranger casually.

The ministers asked their children to come, of course not only to let the children watch the fun, but also hope that the son will be favored by the princess and the daughter will marry a young and talented man.

"The emperor is here." A sharp duck's sound dragged on and reached everyone's ears.

Everyone knelt down and shouted long live, the sound resounded throughout the hunting ground, it is estimated that the birds and beasts in the forest would also be frightened and flee one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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