Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 203 Hunting Contest 03

Chapter 203 Hunting Contest 03
In the depths of the forest, the trees become denser, towering old trees, spreading vines, intertwined roots, covering the sky and the sun.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little weird, and the hot and humid air made people feel stuffy and depressed.

Yi Shuihan has a bad premonition, and danger usually happens under such circumstances.

Ling Xiaoran frowned and made a stop gesture.

The guards' hands were already touching the sabers around their waists, and their whole bodies were on guard.

Silence, the sword light is about to explode.

Whoosh, there seems to be the sound of something piercing the air and passing through the leaves.

At the critical moment, Yi Shuihan kicked his stirrups to climb up the tree with his strength, kicked the horse, and shouted: "Sa Luzi, run!"

With a groan, Sa Luzi fled away with a swipe.

Whoosh, arrows rained from all directions.

The guards reacted very quickly, some fell to the ground, and some climbed up the tree.

Woo, a few horses fell to the ground moaning after being shot by arrows, and some horses were frightened and ran wildly.

Yi Shuihan looked at the disappearing shadow of Sa Luzi from a distance. If only one person shoots, the chance of being hit while running is about 20.00%. Five, the speed of the arrow is much slower than the gun, but the number of arrows is countless , I'm afraid Sa Luzi is more ominous than good.

Yi Shuihan mourned in silence, Sa Luzi, it is your misfortune to meet my master, may God bless you.

The arrow has no intention of stopping at all, it is very difficult to break through the encirclement now.

Yi Shuihan cursed twice in his heart, there were too many people who were thinking about the two brothers Ling Xiaoran and Ling Yiran, so that's fine, why did they drag her, the innocent, every time.

Ling Xiaoran was also on the tree, took two arrows and put them on the bow at the same time, aiming in the direction the arrows came from, and releasing the arrows, the movement was done in one go.

Whoosh, there were two muffled groans falling to the ground in the distance.

The guards also immediately drew their bows and released arrows to shoot and kill the enemy.

Now the two sides are facing each other, the dense vegetation blocks the line of sight, and the enemy cannot be seen.

Yi Shuihan didn't intend to make a move, firstly, her archery was not very good, and secondly, she didn't want to expose her strength in front of Ling Xiaoran.

The passing speed of the arrow is getting faster and faster, which means that the enemy is approaching.

Although Ling Xiaoran and the guards were good at archery, the number of enemies was far ahead, and the speed of the enemies approaching was getting faster and faster.

As soon as he saw the shadow in black, Ling Xiaoran shot it to death, but now the number of arrows was running out.

Yi Shuihan kept climbing up the tree. Fortunately, the tree was tall enough. When he climbed to the top of the tree, he could almost see the entire forest. With this tree as the center, they were surrounded by men in black.

Yi Shuihan looked around twice and said, "My lord, there is a gap in the southeast, it should be a swamp."

Hearing this, Ling Xiaoran quickly jumped to the top of the tree and looked around for a week.

Yi Shuihan twitched the corners of his mouth, Ling Xiaoran's behavior obviously did not trust her and was extremely suspicious.

Ling Xiaoran made a decisive decision: "Obey, go to the southeast swamp."

"Yes, my lord." The guards remained calm in the face of danger, and immediately headed southeast, kneeling on the ground to avoid the rain arrows.

Yi Shuihan was not in a hurry, sat on the tree branch, swayed her legs leisurely, and took out a golden fan to cool her off. Although she acted calmly, she was actually very afraid of death, but the more dangerous it was, the more dangerous she was. The more calm and calm you are.

"The No. [-] scholar is so elegant, why don't you leave?" Ling Xiaoran was a little surprised, and looked at Yi Shuihan with a strange expression, who was actually calmer than him?

(End of this chapter)

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