Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 205 Hunting Contest 05

Chapter 205 Hunting Contest 05
Yi Shuihan held her breath and remained motionless without a single movement. She was proficient in ninjutsu, but now the paralysis and fatigue caused by the toxin made it difficult for her to concentrate.

The man in black looked around and saw the bloody feathered arrow in front of him, so he immediately chased after it.

Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on her forehead, she had exhausted too much energy, and her face was a little pale.

She wished that the man in black would catch up to Ling Xiaoran quickly, causing her to be poisoned and injured by an arrow. If she lost her life, even a ghost would not let Ling Xiaoran go.

It is not difficult to guess who is behind the man in black. If Ling Xiaoran dies and the crown prince dominates, Ling Xiaoran's power will fall into Ling Yiran's hands. Then the crown prince's next target is Ling Yiran. These two brothers are always missed .

Now her legs will have to wait at least half a day to recover. If she goes on now, she will not be able to run fast because she is weak all over. The blood on her legs may attract wild animals, but after half a day, it will be dark, and the forest at night is even more dangerous.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to raise a fine animal, spend the night in a tree, and make plans tomorrow. It may be the reason for the collision of toxins and scattered poisons. She was a little sleepy, so she found a comfortable position and hugged her. Sleeping on a tree trunk.


Here, Ling Xiaoran and the guards have already gone out through the gap of the man in black, crossing the swamp with light work.

"My lord, my lord has been shot by an arrow." The guard said in shock.

There was an arrow on the right side of Ling Xiao's back, and the tail of the arrow had been broken off.

"There is poison in the arrow." The guard said in surprise, and several people hurriedly supported Ling Xiaoran.

The sound of trampling horseshoes came galloping, and the leader was Ling Yiran, followed by a purple horse, obviously 'Saluzi'.

Seeing Ling Yiran, the guard hurriedly said: "Ninth Prince, the prince is injured."

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Ling Yiran immediately got off the horse and came to Ling Xiaoran.

"I'm fine, leave quickly, the man in black behind will catch up soon." Ling Xiaoran's face was a little pale, her right shoulder was already numb, and her whole body was weak.

"I've already sent people back, and the Imperial Forest Army should be here soon." When he saw Sa Luzi, he guessed that something might have happened to Yi Shuihan, but he didn't expect it to be Fifth Brother.

Ling Yiran searched with his eyes, and said, "Brother, where is Yi Shuihan?"

Everyone paused, and then remembered that there was still a champion, but there was no champion at this time.

Ling Xiaoran was slightly taken aback, Yi Shuihan didn't seem to come out yet.

"Where's Yi Shuihan? Where's the number one scholar?" Ling Yiran glanced at everyone and asked again, his voice trembling, and the panic in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

The guards were silent, one after another you looked at me and I looked at you.

"I ask you where Yi Shuihan is!?" Ling Yiran roared like crazy.

The guards were still silent, and they all looked at the forest behind them, their meaning could not be more clear.

"Yi Shuihan is inside? Impossible." Ling Yiran shook his head, dazed, panic-stricken, unable to accept the answer, that was the direction the killer was chasing.

"Ninth prince, maybe the number one scholar has escaped the man in black, now it's important to treat the fifth prince." A guard persuaded, everyone knows that this is a swamp, horses can't pass through it, and people will definitely meet killers when they enter.

Ling Yiran didn't seem to hear anything, and flew onto the swamp without even thinking, Yi Shuihan, wait for me to save you, you can't die, you must never die...

"Ninth Prince..." The guards exclaimed, they will meet the man in black in that direction, wouldn't it be death if they go in now?

(End of this chapter)

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