Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 207 Hunting Contest 07

Chapter 207 Hunting Contest 07
With the twists and turns, the man in black is about to lose.

After the Yulin army subdued all the men in black, the leader of the Yulin army immediately asked the Ninth Prince to heal his wounds, but at this time, the Ninth Prince was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is the Ninth Prince?" The leader of the Imperial Forest Army immediately searched the underground corpses, and he was relieved to be sure that there was no Ninth Prince.

"Where is the Ninth Prince?" the leader of the Imperial Forest Army asked again.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and the response to the leader of the Imperial Forest Army was silence.

The leader of the Imperial Forest Army was furious, now that the Ninth Prince is gone, how can he go back and explain.

"Go to the Ninth Prince immediately! The iron cavalry will search to the east, and the black cavalry will go to the south... Hurry, hurry, we must find the Ninth Prince!" The leader of the Imperial Forest Army shouted, if the Ninth Prince is not found before dark, the consequences will be disastrous. is the most dangerous.

Several teams immediately searched in all directions in an orderly manner.


"Yi Shuihan, Shuihan, where are you?" Ling Yiran yelled into the silent forest, only a long echo and the rustling of leaves answered him.

"Shuihan..." His voice was hoarse and painful, he didn't dare to stop, just now he didn't dare to ask the man in black what happened to Yi Shuihan?He just wants to kill all the men in black.

"Yi Shuihan, come out!" Ling Yiran roared, it's impossible, it's impossible for Yi Shuihan to die, how could Yi Shuihan die...

Ling Yiran lost control, and frantically followed the footprints of the man in black, he will definitely find it, Yi Shuihan, come out quickly, the beast will take you away, no, no, you are so vicious, you are more vicious than wild beasts , how dare wild beasts eat you, Yi Shuihan will definitely live...

As the sun set in the west, the forest became darker and darker, and the temperature also dropped. The cold wind was blowing, and there were strange calls of wild animals from time to time, which made one's hair stand on end.

No!Only horror and sorrow remained on his face. He had never hated sunsets and nights so much. After sunsets, beasts came and went... He didn't dare to imagine any more.

"The water is cold..." Time gradually wears away his firm belief, and the only response to him is the strange cry of a wild beast, as if his frightened heart was roaring.

Ling Yiran fell to the ground dejectedly, Yi Shuihan, remember the last time I was assassinated while hunting, I said that if you die, I will accompany you, now I am waiting for you here...

After a long time, he suddenly smiled, his heart calmed down, remembering that hunting, Yi Shuihan was wearing a red dress, as seductive as blood, full of coquettishness, standing on a tree and calling him a rabbit, fighting side by side with him...

A dead leaf floated down in front of Ling Yiran, flipped around several times and then fell to the ground. Through the weak sunset light, there was a puddle of dry blood where the dead leaf fell, which had soaked into the soil.

Blood, how could there be blood?Ling Yiran had a little hope again.

The blood fell drop by drop on the same spot, apparently slipping from the wound after standing still for a long time, but there were no footprints here, and no blood stains around.tree!
Ling Yiran was startled suddenly, and when he looked up, the dense leaves blocked him, so he couldn't see any light.

He climbed up the tree immediately, both excited and scared, what if the person on the tree is not Yi Shuihan?He didn't dare to push the leaves away, but he was afraid that the treatment would be delayed, if Yi Shuihan, the blood on the ground would make him feel like falling into an ice cave.

That person was dressed in a royal blue official robe, with black hair like a waterfall, leaning against the tree trunk dying, even if he couldn't see his face, that person must be Yi Shuihan.

(End of this chapter)

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