Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 209 Hunting Contest 09

Chapter 209 Hunting Contest 09
"Don't regret it, never regret it, hold me tight." Ling Yiran hugged Yi Shuihan, and jumped to the ground.

After a while, Yi Shuihan couldn't resist the drowsiness again, and his eyelids drooped again.

"Yi Shuihan! Don't sleep!" Ling Yiran yelled into Yi Shuihan's ear.

"Why don't you let me sleep?" Yi Shuihan raised her eyelids, she realized that the rabbit had the power of the Lion's Roar.

"Shuihan, you are poisoned, you may not be able to wake up if you sleep, don't sleep, I will take you out." Ling Yiran carried Yi Shuihan back along the way relying on memory.

"I'm poisoned, but the poison has been detoxified. Let me sleep for a while. Please put me down. I'm dizzy from the trembling." She was a little confused at first, but she was even more dizzy when she trembled.

"What? You detoxified?" Ling Yiran stopped suddenly and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm fine, but I'm sleepy, just wake up, let me down."

"No, it's getting dark, it's dangerous if you don't go out, don't sleep, talk to me, what do you want to hear..."

The setting sun sank into the forest, and only a faint light shone on the far side of the mountain, flickering on and off, like an old man in his twilight, as if he would disappear at any time.

The shadows grow endlessly, bright or dark, so faint that they seem to merge with the twilight.

The cold wind blows, the twilight is hazy, wild beasts howl, and the strangely shaped trees are like ferocious demons in the extreme night, baring their teeth and claws, making strange rustling sounds.

Holding Yi Shuihan in his arms, Ling Yiran hurried through the forest while talking to himself.

The faint light on the side of the mountain also disappeared, and the dense trees blocked the moonlight, leaving only darkness.

Here, the Royal Forest Army is looking for someone with a torch, and the eerie calls in the forest are creepy.

"Ninth Prince, it's Ninth Prince..." Someone shouted loudly in surprise, and everyone immediately went up to meet him.

Hearing this, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army rushed over, and was relieved to see that the Ninth Prince was still alive although he was not well. His official position and life were finally saved.

"See Ninth Prince."

"Military doctor, let the military doctor come over!" Ling Yiran shouted.

Seeing that the Ninth Prince was angry, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army immediately sent the military doctor over. Only then did he realize that the Ninth Prince was still holding a person. The night was a little dark and he couldn't see that person clearly.

As soon as Yi Shuihan heard about the military doctor, she felt no sleepiness at all. As soon as the military doctor came, her identity would be exposed, and she immediately jumped out of Ling Yiran's arms, but because her right leg was paralyzed, she fell to the ground.

"Shuihan, Shuihan, how are you?" Ling Yiran hurried over to help Yi Shuihan.

"I, I'm fine." Yi Shuihan reluctantly sat down against the tree next to him.

"Military doctor, where's the military doctor?" Ling Yiran said loudly to the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, as if the leader of the Imperial Forest Army had done something outrageous.

"Wang, lord, come right now, doctor Li, come quickly and heal the lord!" The leader of the Yulin army shouted at Li Jun doctor.

"It's not for me, it's for the champion!" Ling Yiran said angrily.

Doctor Li is already quite old, and he walks half a step slower than a human. Today, he tossed around in the forest for a long time, and his old bones were about to fall apart. Now he was yelled at by the two of them, and he almost fell down.

"Shuihan is poisoned, let's see how his legs are doing." Ling Yiran said while lifting the corner of Yi Shuihan's robe to see.

"Yes, my lord." Doctor Li squatted down panting, it was too dark, he half-closed his eyes to look at Yi Shuihan's legs.

(End of this chapter)

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