Chapter 242
Yi Shuihan took out the handkerchief and took down the dart, there was a note on it, he opened it and read, 'Invite the champion to meet at Tianxiang Pavilion tonight at Haishi', who is it?going or not?

"The water is cold."

The moment Yi Shuihan raised his head, he had already stuffed the dart and the note into his sleeve, looked at the person and said, "Oh, Yiran, are you so free to come to me today?" It's the royal family's mourning period.

Ling Yiran calmed down slightly, and then said, "Are you busy?"

"What can I be busy with?" Yi Shuihan smiled, but actually felt a little uneasy, wondering if Ling Yiran had seen that dart just now.

"Well, I've been feeling bored recently, I just want you to have a cup of tea."

"Okay, go to the hall." Suspicion flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes. After the rabbit died, Dad still had time to find her for tea?

In the middle of the night, Yi Shuihan tossed and turned on the bed several times, and finally decided to visit Tianxiang Pavilion. If she didn't show up this time, that person would find another chance to find her.

Changed into a relatively tacky brocade robe, brought a few more poisonous powders and drugs, and sneaked out of the Zhuangyuan Mansion.

At this time, there was no one on the street, and the restaurants and shops were also closed. The gate of Tianxiang Pavilion was open, and the dusty women leaned against the door to sell their laughter, and all kinds of men lingered and had fun.

Yi Shuihan looked like a playboy, waved his golden fan, and strode into Tianxiang Pavilion swaggeringly.

The women all showed surprise, several courageous women hurriedly surrounded Yi Shuihan, serving such a beautiful young master was simply a pleasure to watch, those stinky men felt disgusted when they saw it, it was rare to see a handsome young man Of course I won't let it go.

"The beauty is so passionate, I'm almost overwhelmed." Yi Shuihan smiled, and brushed away the hand that was about to touch her chest with a fan.

"Young master is rich and handsome, it's because I can't stand it." A flamboyantly dressed young lady smiled coquettishly, and still did not forget to cast a wink.

"Beauties have the sweetest mouths, you are the only one to accompany me tonight." Yi Shuihan hugged the woman and teased.

"Young master is really bad." The woman blushed and smiled coquettishly, her heart was full of joy, this young man is not only luxuriously dressed, but also handsome and handsome, he is definitely a master who is either rich or expensive.

The other women glanced at the woman in Yi Shuihan's arms jealously, then put on a smiling face and said to Yi Shuihan, "Young master is not only rich and handsome, he is like a fairy descending from the earth."

"I said that immortals are not as beautiful as young masters." The other woman smiled flatteringly, not to be outdone.

"Hehe, no matter how beautiful I am, I'm not as beautiful as other beauties." Yi Shuihan laughed, unexpectedly there were women who would be jealous of her.

Yi Shuihan handed over a bank note to the servant to open a private room, but no one came to invite her after she had been in the lobby for so long, so that person came to find her.

She waited in the private room for a long time, but no one came to her. She almost froze from laughing. Drinking this ordinary wine, she had to deal with a group of women's hands and feet.

With a bang, the door was knocked open, and everyone in the private room looked at the few people standing at the door one after another. The man in the lead was handsome and tall, with an overpowering aura.

Yi Shuihan blinked, and quickly put on a panicked face, it turned out to be Ling Aoran, what do you want her for?Accompany him in rebellion?

Ling Aoran waved his hand, and the guards behind him immediately drove all the girls out of the private room. The girls were all frightened by Ling Aoran, and hurried out of the private room.

(End of this chapter)

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