270 Chapter 10
Yi Shuihan took a look at Ling Yiran, the rabbit should believe it, but she didn't tell a lie, she just kept her words concise and to the point, omitting some nonsense.

Ling Yiran heard that he asked Rong Yun yesterday, although the first half Rong Yun didn't know what happened, but the second half matched what Rong Yun said, which made him feel at ease immediately.

"Shuihan, don't do such dangerous things in the future."

"Uh, okay." Yi Shuihan was taken aback, and responded somewhat unnaturally.

"Who is that old monster?" Ling Yiran also heard Rong Yun mention this person, and even Rong Yun didn't know who that person was, only said that he had profound martial arts skills and weird moves.

"How did I know, probably Qian Nuo's enemy."

"What does that old monster look like? What are its characteristics?" Ling Yiran asked dutifully.

"Oh, it's said to be an old monster. Of course, it has many characteristics. It looks extremely terrifying, and it's still the kind of ghosts and gods, with wrinkles, protruding eyes, sunken eye sockets, and bleeding, and purple and dry lips. , disheveled, gray hair, and skin like a mummy." Yi Shuihan smirked twice in his heart, if the old monster heard her describe him like this, he would crawl out of the soil after he died.

Ling Yiran frowned, as Rong Yun described, when did Beiming Kingdom have such a person?He has seen the martial arts of Qian Nuo, Rong Yun and Shui Han before, and there are absolutely few opponents. It took the combined strength of the three to kill the man, and two others were seriously injured. Fortunately, the man was killed. Kill it, or the consequences will be disastrous.

Yi Shuihan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she made N extremely bad assumptions in her heart, but none of them came true, she can still run wild for a while.

Afterwards, Yi Shuihan gave Xueying four letters, which were the tasks assigned to Feng Huayue and the other three, and another letter was for Chang Sheng, asking Xueying to go to the bottom of the cliff of Qingluan Peak.


At noon, Qianxue and the master of ceremonies returned to Qianjia. At this time, Qianjia was in chaos. Many properties of Qianjia were destroyed. Everyone in Qianjia tried their best to collect money and stole a lot of valuable things secretly. If it's down, it's good to have some money to settle down.

As soon as Qianxue and the master of ceremonies returned to the yard, they saw Qiuyue sneaking out of Qianxue's room with a bundle.

When Qiuyue saw Qianxue, she took two steps back in fright, and hid her bundle behind her in panic.

"Take it out!" Qianxue said sharply, she really thought she was dead, if the tiger didn't show his power, you would think that the old lady is a sick cat!
Where Qiuyue was willing to take it out, she ran away. The last time Qianxue slandered her, making her unable to hold her head up in Qianjia, she hated Qianxue to the core.

Qianxue was furious, and she and the master of ceremonies stopped Qiuyue: "Hmph, good looking wolf, you haven't been caught by me yet, you can't quibble this time."

Qiuyue knew that she couldn't escape, so she knelt down with a plop, and she burst into tears immediately: "Miss, please forgive me, please forgive me, it's my servant's fault, it was my servant's fault before, now this servant realizes my mistake, my servant really knows my mistake, please forgive me..."

"Hmph, what did you run away from just now?" Qianxue snorted coldly, opened the bag, and saw that there were all her jewelry inside. Although she didn't wear these things, she couldn't allow others to steal them casually.
"Miss, please forgive me, return the burden to you, miss, I beg you to let the servant girl go, the servant is very grateful, and I will do my best to serve you in the future..." Qiuyue secretly glanced at the jewelry in the burden with eyes full of reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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