272 Chapter 12
Qian Xue pulled Qian Nuo into the room, and asked the master of ceremonies to pour a glass of warm water: "Seventh brother, have you taken any medicine? The doctor said that you can't move your left shoulder casually."

"I'll pay attention." Qian Nuo looked at Qian Xue, this was his sister, and he didn't know that he had a sister until today.

"Okay then, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, no, don't go out for half a month, and recuperate well."

"Okay." Qian Nuo nodded. Most of the things have been dealt with today, and it's time for him to calm down and think about it.

"Brother Seven, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" At this moment, he felt a sense of responsibility as an older brother, and his sister asked him to discuss things.

"It's like this, Brother Seven, sooner or later I will leave Qian's family, so I think I will move out of Qian's family in half a month and live with Yi Shuihan."

Qian Nuo's expression paused for a moment, as if he was in deep thought, as if hesitating, his face remained expressionless.

"Seventh brother, how are you?" Seeing that he didn't seem to respond, Qianxue wondered if he didn't listen.

"Sister Ten, I'm afraid this is not good for your reputation." Qian Nuo said slowly.

"Fame is worthless, and Yi Shuihan and I don't care about these worldly views. Our mouths grow on others, and others can say whatever they like."

"...Okay then, you go." He said in an extremely flat tone, without a trace of emotion.

"Thank you Brother Seven, I will come back to see you often, remember to visit us when you are free."

Qian Nuo didn't speak, maybe he wouldn't, everything was settled, and he had no more excuses to go.

"Seventh brother, then I'll go back first, you remember to have a good rest." Qianxue reminded.

"I will, tenth sister, you have grown up, you have to take good care of yourself."

Qianxue looked at Qian Nuo, she felt that Qian Nuo was a bit weird today, if she had said such things before, Qian Nuo was a taciturn person, he didn't know how to express concern with words, but he would do it silently behind his back There are many things, so there is one person to bear the things.

"Seventh Brother, I have grown up, you don't have to worry about me, on the contrary, Seventh Brother, you are more worrying."

"Why?" Qian Nuo was taken aback.

"Because no one knows what Brother Qi is thinking, and no one sees Brother Qi smiling."

Someone saw him, Qian Nuo was silent, he remembered that night drinking with Shui Han on the dome of Yueshang Building, he did smile, he was never in a happy mood at that time.

"Seventh brother, I'm leaving."

Qian Xue got up and took a few steps, Qian Nuo seemed to be hesitating, and finally said: "Sister Ten, wait."

Qian Xue stopped, turned around and looked at Qian Nuo with a smile, casting a puzzled look.

Qian Nuo didn't know how to speak for a while, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Seventh brother, what's the matter?" Qianxue was puzzled, Qian Nuo didn't seem like a hesitant person.

"...Shui, Yi Shuihan, is he alright?"

"Huh? Very good, what's the matter?" Qian Xue wondered.

"It's nothing, ten sister, be careful on the road."

"Oh, I'm going back, Seventh Brother, take a good rest." Qianxue was at a loss, what danger would there be on the way to her yard?Need to be careful?
When Qianxue came out of the house, she saw the emcee waiting for her under the tree. She suddenly felt that the emcee seemed to have grown taller, with a tall and straight figure, firm eyes, and a very masculine look.

(End of this chapter)

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