278 Chapter 18
However, the most amazing thing is that there is a golden butterfly stabbed in the corner of his eye, which is extremely coquettish and lifelike, as if it will fly away at any time.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your appreciation." His voice was neither salty nor weak, very soft, but not soft, and there was an imperceptible coldness faintly, like a clear stream hitting a stone, hitting everyone's heart.

That is definitely a stunning figure and appearance, but those eyes are too pale, without a trace of emotion and fluctuation, or they are not filled with anything, or they are too well covered up, now it seems that they belong to the latter.

Qianxue stared blankly at the person who came, he is really a handsome man, on the same level as Yi Shuihan, if Yi Shuihan stings a butterfly like this, maybe he will be more evil than this person.

"Sir, please sit down." Yi Shuihan smiled, it was really pleasing to the eye, that kind of appearance is absolutely proportional to his scheming, he is like a poppy flower, with a beautiful and cold appearance, coupled with a poisonous heart.

"Xia Chengbi." He sat down slowly, the corners of his clothes flowed, and every move was full of demeanor.

The servant made tea, served tea for several people, and left.

"My name is Yi Shuihan." She guessed that Chengbi already knew her identity, so she didn't have to hide it.

"So it's the No. [-] scholar, I've admired you for a long time." Cheng Bi's tone was still very calm, and she would not show any more respect because of the other party's status, or even be colder.

"My lord, I have admired you for a long time." Yi Shuihan smiled frivolously, looked at Chengbi with colored eyes, showing the attitude that a guest should have.

"Young Master Yi is joking." Cheng Bi smiled nonchalantly, that smile was extremely beautiful, but it made people feel no warmth at all.

Qianxue never left Chengbi's eyes, wishing to count how many eyelashes he had, but there was only amazement and admiration in her eyes.

"I don't know what to call this young master?" Cheng Bi glanced at Qian Xue indifferently, and there was imperceptible inquiry in her eyes.

"My surname is Ji." Qianxue smiled, this handsome man doesn't look like a person from this kind of place at all, even his name is Chengbi.

"Young Master Ji really surprised me." Cheng Bi said, the meaning behind it was unpredictable.

"Hehe, why did I surprise you?" Qianxue smiled, talking to a beauty is different.

"Master Ji came here purely out of curiosity." Cheng Bi smiled, and there was a smile in his eyes, unlike the faint smile just now.

The meaning of these words can be understood that Cheng Qianxue came here purely out of curiosity, while Yi Shuihan came here for pleasure or for other purposes.

Yi Shuihan's smile was a bit stiff, and he blinked his eyes, that Chengbi was really straightforward, she felt like she was fighting against a master, very good, who wouldn't play tricks every now and then?

"With Mr. Cheng as your companion, of course I'm coming." Yi Shuihan's smile returned to his face, anyway, she was already flirtatious, so she will flirtatiously for you to see.

"Last time I failed to entertain Mr. Yi, and it's really a sin to let Mr. Yi go home with a disappointment. Here, I will offer Mr. Yi a glass of tea instead of wine." Cheng Bi took a sip of tea as he spoke.

A trace of inquiry flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes, and he took a sip from the teacup. He was so eager to toast her tea, he probably didn't prescribe medicine, and Chengbi was definitely a ruthless character.

At this time, it was completely dark, and there were only a few weak lights in the room, which made it a little dim.

Qianxue also finished watching the beautiful boys, and she lacked interest. No matter how beautiful things were, she kept staring at them, and when her vision got used to them, she lost the original astonishment.Let her drink tea here, it is better to go back and drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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