Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 290 Serving as the Prefect 10

Chapter 290 Serving as the Prefect 10
"Yi Shuihan already has a fiancée." Ling Yiran said bravely.

"So what?" Ling Xiaoran smiled, let alone a fiancee, even a wife, so what?Is the princess not as good as a so-called fiancée?
"He won't accept it. If he is pushed, he will do anything." Ling Yiran said seriously, Yi Shuihan is very courageous, fearless, such a person is very dangerous.

"Really?" Ling Xiaoran smiled, and he wanted to see what would happen to Yi Shuihan if he pushed her into a hurry.

"Brother, can you promise me something?" Ling Yiran looked serious.

"What's the matter?" Ling Xiaoran was a little surprised, Yiran had never begged him so solemnly before.

"I don't know what it is, brother, just make me a promise. If one day I ask you for one thing, you must promise me."

"Ninth Brother, why did you play Yi Shuihan's trick?" Ling Xiaoran smiled.

"Maybe it's because of uneasiness, the inability to predict the future and the fear of accidents." Ling Yiran was slightly melancholy.

"Jiudi, you've changed." Ling Xiaoran said suddenly, suddenly he couldn't see Yiran clearly.

"...Probably, I also feel that I have become a little strange." However, he did not dislike this change, but was looking forward to it.

"Okay, I promise you." Ling Xiaoran agreed.

"Thank you, brother, maybe I won't be able to help you again in the future." Ling Yiran felt a little guilty.

"We two brothers don't need to thank you." Ling Xiaoran smiled.


After leaving the garden, Yi Shuihan saw that Ling Caiyi was out of breath, with tiny beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, probably because he was too nervous and walked too fast.

"What is the princess so nervous about?"

"Oh, I'm scared to death, what if the emperor blames me?" Ling Caiyi said angrily, not knowing how scared she was.

"Hehe, speaking of it, you are also the emperor's younger sister, what are you afraid of, he won't eat you." Yi Shuihan deliberately teased.

"Even so, the emperor is always the emperor and should not be offended." Ling Caiyi said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I'll return this peach to you." Yi Shuihan handed a hat of peaches to Ling Caiyi.

"Eh? Is this peach still there? Do you still dare to pick it up?" Ling Caiyi said in shock. She was so scared that she didn't even dare to move just now.

"There's nothing you dare to do. It's just a few peaches. The emperor doesn't care for them, but I know you are very precious. Take them quickly."

"...Thank you, champion." Ling Caiyi took Taozi with a moved face, and she overturned the five-flavored bottle in her heart, and she couldn't describe her mood at the moment.

"Ahem, you're welcome, princess, I'm leaving first."

"Uh,...won't the number one scholar stay for a while longer?" Ling Caiyi was a little disappointed, and said softly with a blushing face.

"No, no, princess, you are tired too, go back and rest." Yi Shuihan tactfully evaded, she didn't want to stay for a moment, Ling Caiyi was more difficult to deal with than Ling Xiaoran.

"...the number one scholar, go slowly." Ling Caiyi reluctantly said.

"Goodbye, princess." Yi Shuihan left in a hurry, Ling Caiyi must not make secret promises to her, she couldn't respond, and she didn't want to hurt a young girl's heart.

Ling Caiyi looked at the pile of peaches in disappointment and saw that the official hat was still in her hand, so would she still have a chance to meet the champion again and return the official hat to him?
"Princess, what are you thinking?" the maid just now smiled.

"Many things." Ling Caiyi looked frowning.

"Is the servant busy? But the peach tree is so tall, how did you pick the peaches, princess?" the maid pretended to be puzzled.

"Of course it was picked by the number one scholar." Ling Caiyi blurted out, and only after she finished speaking did she realize that the maid asked knowingly, "Hmph, how dare you make fun of me?"

"Hehe, how dare this servant make fun of the princess."


(End of this chapter)

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