Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 317 The new official takes office 17

Chapter 317 The new official takes office 17
Cheng Bi was startled, and her heart missed two beats inexplicably. Those were eyes that people couldn't help but explore.

"How is it?" Yi Shuihan put away the bewitching look in her eyes, and replaced it with icy gentleness. One of her hands was still pulling at his skirt, and she could vaguely see the delicate collarbone inside, and her other hand was stroking him coldly. jaw.

"Get off your kinky claws, woman." Cheng Bi's face was cold, and there was a humiliated anger.

Suddenly, a trace of astonishment and vicious coldness flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes. At the same time, the hand stroking his chin had moved to his neck, clasping his neck coldly. As long as her hand exerted a little force, he would See God.

However, she didn't dare, because she felt a sharp cold weapon pressed against her abdomen.

"Hehe, your neck is beautiful." Yi Shuihan smiled softly, let go of his neck, and stroked it gently, it was very slippery.

"Woman, let go if you don't want to die!" His face became even colder, with a thin layer of anger on his face, and the determination to die together.

Yi Shuihan frowned, she felt that the dagger had pierced her clothes, is he really not afraid of death?

The hand grabbing the hem of his shirt suddenly pushed, pushing Chengbi away.

Chengbi snorted coldly, put away the dagger, the anger of being humiliated in his heart still hadn't dissipated, he knew that Yi Shuihan was not easy to be seduced, so he poured a drug in the tea to make people lose consciousness, and then seduced her However, what he never expected was that Yi Shuihan also knew how to practice charm, which was even more profound than his practice.

Yi Shuihan looked at the cut in the clothes, one piece of clothes was scrapped.

"How do you know that I belong to a woman?" Yi Shuihan looked at the collarbone in his slightly open collar, it was so delicate, like a flawless work of art.

Chengbi was furious again, turned around and straightened her collar, said with a sneer, "From the first time you stepped into the door of Taohuaju, I knew you were a woman the first time I saw you."

"Where did I show that I was a woman?"

This is what surprised her the most, even the old emperor, Qian Jiuqu, and even the old man who built the Mitsubishi thorn, all three of them are experienced and skilled, but none of them can tell that she is a woman , and Chengbi saw it at a glance, which really surprised her.

"If you are here, your performance is nothing like it, it's just a feeling."

"Is this why you want me to seduce me?" Yi Shuihan smiled charmingly.

"Hmph, to seduce you, you think highly of yourself." Cheng Bi sneered, eyes full of disdain.

"Otherwise, what are you going to do to lure me here? Apart from coveting my beauty, I really can't think of a reason."

"Now you can go." Cheng Bi glanced at the door and said in a very contemptuous tone.

Yi Shuihan stood up, but didn't intend to leave, walked to his side, glanced at him, and evoked a strange smile.

"What a heartless beauty, it's a pity that I'm not the one you flirt with and come and go, you offended someone you shouldn't have offended." As she spoke, she took out her golden fan and shook it, looking at him with ambiguous eyes.

"Then what do you want?" Cheng Bi looked at her coldly.

"How much is it for one night here?" Yi Shuihan said in surprise, and broke out a sentence that made Chengbi unable to react.

Immediately, Chengbi's cold eyes turned into a half-smile, and she approached her slightly, and said in an extremely seductive tone: "No money."

(End of this chapter)

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