Chapter 329
"You say, we listen to you." Qianxue said.

"Take care of all your bonds within a month, Qianxue, especially you." Yi Shuihan glanced at her.

"Don't worry about this, I've thought about it a long time ago." Qianxue laughed twice.

"As for business matters, I will let Chang Sheng stay in Ningcheng. Qianxue, you manage the people assigned to each area well, and don't let others take over. If necessary, replace people."

"Okay, I understand." Qianxue nodded, she also understands that power can only be placed in her own hands.

"Master of ceremonies, you can help Qianxue. Also, master of ceremonies, although you have made rapid progress, you are still far from the height I want to reach."

"Yes, Master, I will step up my practice." The master of ceremonies said firmly, he felt excited at the thought of leaving Ningcheng.

"Okay, it's tentatively like this now, let's go."

After the three of them broke up, Qianxue thought about it for a while, if they left in a month, what would Rong Yun do?Now she feels sad for Rong Jun, who was dumped by Yi Shuihan before it even started.

In the early morning of the next day, Yi Shuihan changed into a new official robe. He wore three types of official robes in just two months, and his promotion was faster than that of a helicopter.

Although her position as a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy is higher than that of the magistrate, it is nothing in the palace. What suits her best is that she does not have to go to the morning court, but directly works in the Imperial Academy.

She ran into Ling Yiran as soon as she went out, probably that rabbit already knew that she had been promoted, and specially arrested her at the door.

"We are on the same road again." Ling Yiran said, looking at this forest reminded him of the remaining flowers in the cherry blossom season.

"Yeah, it's really a narrow road to Yuanjia." Yi Shuihan was quite helpless.

"You and I are indeed enemies. We had grievances when we met for the first time, and there are countless grievances after that. We fought side by side again, lived life and death together, and walked on the same road today."

"Hehe, who would have predicted the future accurately." Yi Shuihan smiled, and she would soon stop going this way.

"That's right, maybe I will change someday." He can't predict the future, he is afraid and afraid of the future, he will become a little less like himself.

The morning sun is very bright, and the beginning is always the best, because there is hope.

It was only when Yi Shuihan came to the Hanlin Academy that she found out that her position was idle, editing books, or helping her superiors organize some things, but I'm afraid her superiors will have to bear it, because she will never obey.

There were also a few Bachelor Attendants in the room. They had heard yesterday that a new Bachelor Attendant had come in today, and he was also the number one scholar in this year's class.

They were about to give each other a bad start, but after seeing the person who came, they forgot everything and sat back in their seats in unison.

"Zhou Shidu, you didn't make that person look good, why did you back off?" Zhang Shidu whispered with contempt on his face.

"Hmph, who said I flinched, you guys didn't move, you obviously wanted to make a fool of me." Zhou Shidu was not stupid.

"Zhou Shidu, don't speak so harshly. This suggestion was made by you. There must be a leader, but you were stunned when you saw that person and didn't react at all." Wang Shidu laughed.

"It's so ridiculous, you guys are still dumbfounded." Zhou Shidu sarcastically said.

"Hmph, I said you have no guts, plus that man is handsome, you are ashamed of yourself and dare not attack." Wang Shidu was a little angry, he was already dissatisfied with Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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