Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 346 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 06

Chapter 346 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 06
When Qian Nuo played the last card in his hand, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he will never play such a game again.

"Qianxue, you won't make things difficult for me, will you?" the master of ceremonies said pitifully.

"What do you think?" Qianxue was furious. She used to pray for the master of ceremonies to lose, but most of the time her prayers failed. Damn, it was rare for her to pray for him to win today, but he actually lost. Do you think this is true? God!

"Qianxue, you may lose, you have to forgive and forgive." The master of ceremonies said with a serious heart, as if you should think carefully.

"Don't talk nonsense, choose the truth or take a big risk?"

"Tell the truth." Anyway, he has no secrets.

"Hehe, hehe." Qianxue laughed twice, she likes others to choose the truth, but this time she can't ask too tricky questions, because if Qian Nuo loses in the next round, Qian Nuo thinks the truth is too tricky, What to do if you choose a big adventure.

The master of ceremonies felt that Qianxue's laughter was extremely sinister, and he shuddered in his heart.

"Master of ceremonies, did you steal anything when you were young?"

"So simple?" The master of ceremonies was very surprised, he thought Qianxue would make things difficult for him.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Don't you say that you are forgiving and forgiving?" Humph, if it wasn't for the sake of making promises, she certainly wouldn't ask such meaningless questions.

"Hehe, I stole it before." The master of ceremonies laughed a few times, no one had ever stolen anything when they were young.

"Okay, the next round." Qianxue signaled the master of ceremonies to deal the cards, there are plenty of opportunities, and after asking Qian Nuo, he will rectify the master of ceremonies.

After another round, except for Yi Shuihan who looked relaxed, the other three held their cards tightly, fearing that they would be the next to lose.

I don't know if it was Qianxue's luck or her cards were too good, but it was Qianxue who won first, and Yi Shuihan won second.

Qianxue laughed three times in her heart, she only owes Dongfeng now, master of ceremonies, master of ceremonies, don't let me down.

Tension has come.

"Hehe, I won." The master of ceremonies smirked and played the last card.

Qian Nuo froze for a moment, then calmly waited for Qian Xue's words.

"Haha, haha..." Qianxue patted the table excitedly, Qiannuo lost, hahaha, Qiannuo lost.

The few people looked at Qianxue's crazy state tacitly, madman, is there anything to be happy about?
Qianxue realized that she had lost her composure, and immediately put away her smile: "Ahem, Seventh Brother, do you choose the truth or the big risk?"

"Big adventure." He replied without hesitation.

Qianxue was stunned, her smile was gone, and she actually chose to take a big risk, then her plan was not in vain.

"Ahem, Seventh Brother, are you sure? Are you sure you can do it?"

"Sister Ten, please tell me." Qian Nuo's face was calm, but his heart was filled with tension.

"Okay then, Seventh Brother, go and kiss Yi Shuihan, it must be on the face."

With a bang, Qian Nuo was stunned, his brain went blank, all nerves were suddenly interrupted, and his brain crashed on the spot.

Yi Shuihan blinked, she didn't mind being kissed, a kiss from a handsome man was what she wished for.

The master of ceremonies was shocked for a long time, that, that was too tricky, what if Qian Xue asked him to kiss his master or Qian Nuo later?He would rather cook than play this game, regretting it too late.

"Seventh Brother, I'll give you another chance to choose. Do you choose the truth or the big risk now?" Qianxue smiled, "Look how nice I am, I'll give you the chance to choose."

"The truth." Qian Nuo's brain finally restarted.

(End of this chapter)

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