Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 349 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 09

Chapter 349 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 09
Qianxue blinked her eyes in pain, she finally realized what it meant to be self-inflicted, digging her own grave.

The emcee's smile subsided, and he looked at Qianxue without blinking. He wanted to know this question very much.

Qian Nuo was also a little surprised, seeing Qian Xue's hesitation must have happened before, he really didn't expect it.

"Let's take a big risk." Qianxue risked death.

Yi Shuihan laughed even more happily: "Qianxue, you don't like kissing very much, just now I heard the sound of a duck from the kitchen, just go and kiss it, remember to kiss it on your mouth .”

Haha, haha, the master of ceremonies burst out laughing on the spot.

Qian Nuo couldn't help but smile too.

"Can I kiss you later?" - Qian Xue had a bitter face, Yi Shuihan was too treacherous.

"No, otherwise, what is called instant, first declare that if the duck becomes food on the table, it will not be counted at that time. You have to kiss the live duck."

"Shuihan, can you change it, at most I won't embarrass you later." Qianxue said pitifully.

"Okay, just now I saw a yellow dog at the door, it seems to like you very much, you go and kiss it." Yi Shuihan looked relaxed about me.

"Huh, if you don't shoot me, will it make things difficult for you later?" Qianxue said harshly.

"I'm afraid, but I want to see you kiss more." Yi Shuihan said with a smile, because Qianxue will have no chance to embarrass her in the future, and it is impossible for her to lose.

"Then, then I'll choose the truth. The people I've kissed are definitely not as many as Shui Han, so..." Qianxue cautiously raised four fingers.

"What? Four? So many?" The master of ceremonies was both surprised and angry.

Qian Nuo was also a little surprised, his tenth sister was really too aggressive.

"Well, you haven't said their names yet." Yi Shuihan glanced at her.

"Well, you don't know each other even if you say it, and it's not the same if you say it or not." Qianxue rolled her eyes, both of them are from the 21st century.

"No, I must say it!" The master of ceremonies patted the table, he wanted to see who could make Qian Xue favor him.

"Qin Xiaotian, Li Fengyang, William, Johnson." Qianxue finished quickly, without waiting for anyone to react.

"What? Say it again." The master of ceremonies frowned, he had never heard of any of them, and there were two whose names he didn't know. What surprised him most was that there was no Shangguanyan.

"It was Shuihan who asked me to say it. It's none of my business whether you understand it or not. It's fine if Shuihan understands it. Let's move on to the next round!" She wanted to win back.

The master of ceremonies felt that this was a good opportunity to follow Qianxue's words, so he became more cautious, changing from a mentality that he must never lose to a mentality that he must win.

This time, Yi Shuihan won, and Qian Nuo was the loser.

Seeing this, Qianxue has a good show to watch, will Qiannuo be treated badly by Yi Shuihan?
Qian Nuo felt a little nervous, would Yi Shuihan make things difficult for him?He really can't afford such a game.

Yi Shuihan blinked: "The truth or the big risk?"

"Big adventure." He replied without hesitation, no matter what, he would not choose the truth.

Yi Shuihan smiled, he had too many secrets and ghosts in his heart, these people would choose to take big risks.

"Well, I was really sorry that I kissed you just now, so this time it's your turn to kiss me, so it's even." Yi Shuihan raised his hand and put it in front of Qian Nuo.

Qian Nuo's heart trembled, hesitating, could this even be evened out?

The master of ceremonies was shocked again, the master was really too tough, challenging Qiannuo again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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