Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 352 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 12

Chapter 352 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 12
Peach Blossom Residence.

Downstairs, the sound of silk and bamboo lingers, and the constant laughter of the guests makes it look obscene.

The fourth floor is very quiet. The night wind blows, raising the soft veil and messing with the black hair.

The goblin was lying on his side on the chaise longue again, his cascading hair scattered on the ground, his pair of melancholy peach blossom eyes looked at the stars in the night sky, and golden butterflies trembled in the corners of his eyes.

There is a chair next to it, and the one sitting there is Yi Shuihan, she glanced at Chengbi, seeing that seductive look, no matter if a woman or a man sees him, they would like to go over and eat him, but unfortunately it is poison.

"Chengbi, aren't you talking?"

"What do I have to say to you, you come here almost every day, so I've finished what I need to say." Chengbi didn't raise her eyebrows.

"Okay then, why don't I ask you an answer, when is your Peach Blossom House going to be open?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Chengbi said indifferently.

Yi Shuihan was not angry, he looked at the night sky and said, "Chengbi, you are very courageous because you are not afraid of death."

Chengbi smiled lowly, and said in an extremely sarcastic tone: "But there are things more terrifying than death."

Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"Why did I tell you? It's you, aren't you afraid that I will betray your identity? Woman."

"You won't. It's not good for you. At the same time, I'll come to 'visit' you often. You won't have the chance to say it."

"Don't think you know me very well." Cheng Bi glanced at her and said coldly.

"Unfortunately, no one knows you better than me." Yi Shuihan smiled charmingly.

"Are you humiliating me?" His love luck was tainted with anger, like a poppy in full bloom, alluring and poisonous.

"You always think that when I see you laughing, it's actually because you feel inferior..."

Before he finished speaking, a bright color came to Yi Shuihan, and a slender hand quickly reached out to Yi Shuihan's neck.

Yi Shuihan was slightly startled, the speed was so fast, but she was not slow either, her hand had already grabbed Chengbi's wrist, stopping his attack.

"A moody man." Yi Shuihan curled his lips and looked at the peach blossom eyes who were only twenty centimeters away.

"Let go!" Cheng Bi said coldly, the anger in her eyes became more alluring, like a poppy on fire.

"You came here by yourself. Do I want you to strangle me to death?" Yi Shuihan smiled and grabbed his wrist fiercely.

"If I could strangle you to death, you would have died long ago." Cheng Bi curled his lips coldly, and the dagger in his other hand was already on Yi Shuihan's abdomen.

"Bringing a dagger with you means that you are extremely defensive." Yi Shuihan kept smiling and pushed him away suddenly.

Cheng Bi was caught off guard, and took two steps back, there was a purple-red mark on his wrist, showing how hard Yi Shuihan pinched.

"If I died under your hands because I provoked you, then I really died too wrongly." Yi Shuihan tidied up his collar, but fortunately his clothes were not punctured this time.

"If you dare to humiliate me again, you will die together." Cheng Bi said coldly.

"I said I didn't, why don't you believe me?"

"Hmph, women don't tell the truth." Cheng Bi's eyes were full of contempt.

"Forget it, forget it if you don't like to listen, I'm here to tell you today, I will soon get what you want, I won't come to Peach Blossom House again."

"...tell me what to do?"

"It's nothing, but there are many people in your Peach Blossom House who are staring at you. I hope you have no big conspiracy." Yi Shuihan glanced at him meaningfully. She didn't know what Chengbi was going to do, but if it was related to the royal family of Beiming Kingdom Yes, Chengbi is sending her to her death.

(End of this chapter)

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