Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 354 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 14

Chapter 354 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 14
It was already late at night, and there was no one on the street, only the watchman was on the watch.

Nights are the coolest in summer, with breezy breezes.

Yi Shuihan kicked up the pebbles on the road, she sometimes does these childish things.

She remembered that she used to play with pebbles in the orphanage before she was six years old, and she collected a lot of special pebbles and hid them secretly.

Yi Shuihan smiled, and looked up at the night sky, it was no longer the same sky as before, probably Chengbi was looking at the night sky with melancholy eyes again.

Peach Blossom Residence is not very far from Zhuangyuan Mansion, and it is also not far from the political center of Ningcheng.

It can only be said that Chengbi is really not afraid of death, she even thinks that Chengbi is begging for death.

This June has not yet passed, which makes her feel very uneasy, she has forgotten some things, these things are sealed in her memory, every June it seems to dawn, she does not know what it is, but the subconscious tells her that it cannot be revealed open.


The next day, Yi Shuihan went to work in the Imperial Academy, and Shangguanling came to Zhuangyuan Mansion.

Qianxue didn't know how to tell Shangguan Ling, and she was busy with Rishen Pavilion recently, and she wanted to find out the woman Qian Nuo said was gentle, courageous, and smart, so she never thought about explaining to Shangguan Ling.

It's not that she doesn't take Shangguan Ling seriously, but that Shangguan Ling is second to Qian Nuo and Rishen Pavilion.

I haven't seen Shangguan Ling for a few days, but when I saw him today, the brows were a little more sad, and the smile was not as carefree as before.

Is this good or bad?People always have to grow up and go through some things, but Shangguan Ling was originally a blank piece of paper, and suddenly too much color was splashed on it, and that fragile blank piece of paper might not be able to bear it.

"Ling'er, you're here, come and sit down." Qianxue put down the blueprint in her hand, and went to greet Shangguan Ling.

"Qianxue, you are very busy, did I disturb you?" Shangguan Ling saw that the table was full of documents and the like, and she thought that these things were only for men to do.

"It's not very busy, but it's just that a Rishen Pavilion will be built recently, and some details need to be reconsidered."

"Richen Pavilion, what is that?" Shangguan Ling asked suspiciously, but in fact, she admired Qianxue from the bottom of her heart, she could do many things, and she did business well.

"It's similar to the study room, but it's a bit different from the study room. Linger, I may not be able to stay with you for too long. I have to supervise the work in the afternoon." Qianxue said a little embarrassed.

"Is that so, Qianxue, I wonder if taking me there will trouble you?" Shangguan Ling asked expectantly.

"Are you going too? It's a construction site. The weather is so hot, it's like flying sand and rocks, and the people working there are all men with bare shoulders and backs. I'm afraid I'll scare you." Qianxue didn't dare to take Guan Ling there, just in case What to do if something goes wrong.

"I'm not afraid, I really want to go, I'm bored by myself, I'll think about it." Shangguan Ling said quietly, there is a figure lingering in her mind these days, this feeling of uncertainty will make her think about it .

The master of ceremonies heard the conversation between the two outside the room, and came in and said, "No, if something happens to you, Miss Shangguan, it will be very difficult for us to explain to the General's Mansion."

"Please don't worry, Mr. Si. I won't have any accidents. Even if an accident happens, it's Linger's business alone. Qianxue, I really want to go."

"...Then, well, the opposite of Rishen Pavilion is Fengmanlou, and then you can sit and watch us in Fengmanlou." Qianxue smiled, and it would be best if traveling can untie Linger's knots.

(End of this chapter)

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