Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 358 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 18

Chapter 358 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 18
"Qianxue, you look the most beautiful now." The emcee said sincerely, he thought Qianxue looked the best like this.

"Hmph, then you should take a second look." Qianxue snorted softly, mocking her?She took it as a compliment.

"What I said is true." The master of ceremonies said aggrievedly, did he look unbelievable?

"Hehe, actually, I also think Miss Qian looks the best in this way, full of energy and enthusiasm." Gu Xiangrong said with a smile, and the more she looked at it, the more attractive she became.

Shangguan Ling was startled, just now Gu Xiangrong said clearly that she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, why did she backtrack now?Can't help but look up at Qianxue, that kind of look is indeed enviable, even jealous.

"Hehe, Xiangrong, is it true?" Qianxue said without self-effacing.

"Really, really, it's very good-looking, full of vigor and heroism." Gu Xiangrong nodded heavily with a smile.

"Haha, haha, I like to hear it, it's so heroic." Qianxue laughed even more happily.

"You are really shameless." The master of ceremonies smiled dotingly.

"Ahem, it's not shame, it's self-confidence, do you understand self-confidence?"

Qianxue also flipped her hair handsomely, making Gu Xiangrong laugh non-stop.

Qianxue stood up, walked to the fence, looked at the construction site that had just started on the opposite side, and said, "There will be a brand new Rishen Pavilion on the opposite side soon, but it's a pity that we can't see it open."

The master of ceremonies smiled and said: "I believe we will come back in the future, it would be nice to open again."

When Qianxue heard it, her heart jumped for joy, and she said with a smile, "Okay, that's a good idea."

The workers on the construction site who were about to get off work saw Qianxue and the master of ceremonies standing upstairs, so they rushed to them and said loudly, "Hello, Miss Qian, and Mr. Si."

"Hello everyone, I've worked hard for you today, go home quickly, it's getting dark soon," Qianxue said loudly.

"Okay, then let's go now, and Miss Qian and Mr. Si will go home earlier." Several simple men laughed.

"Okay, okay." Qianxue smiled.

The little servant girl saw her young lady bowed her head and did not speak, with a frowning look on her face. Could it be that the young lady is missing Young Master Qian again?
Gu Xiangrong also noticed that Shangguan Ling was depressed, and thought to himself, could it be that she didn't treat her well?What should I do now?
"Master of ceremonies, I plan to erect a monument in front of the Rishen Pavilion and engrave the names of all the people who participated in the construction of the Rishen Pavilion, how about it?"

"That's a good idea. I know a boss who is a good carver. It's right to ask him to do this job." The master of ceremonies nodded repeatedly. Qianxue's thoughts are so kind and considerate.

Upon hearing this, Gu Xiangrong said expectantly: "Miss Qian, can you arrange a job for me at the construction site, no matter how hard it is."

"Hehe, Xiangrong also wants to be on the list?" Qianxue laughed.

"Yes, yes, having your own name on the stele is so majestic." Gu Xiangrong looked proud when he thought of it.

"In fact, I want you to be on the list without having to go. You have participated in the design of the Rishen Pavilion, and you have come up with many ideas for the Rishen Pavilion."

"Really, thank you, Miss Qian." Gu Xiangrong was dizzy with joy, she believed that Rishen Pavilion would attract the attention of all the people, and her name would be known to future generations, so that she would not be buried by time .

"Actually, if you want to thank Yi Shuihan, you can thank Yi Shuihan. This Rishen Pavilion was built by her, and many technical problems were solved by her." Qian Xue doubted whether Yi Shuihan was omnipotent. matter.

(End of this chapter)

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