Chapter 463
"Then what about the fish?" Qianxue blushed a little, it's normal to be hungry.

"How about you come and feed me, I will open my mouth obediently." The master of ceremonies smiled wickedly.

"You have a good idea. I haven't fed anyone in my life."

"Then why did you feed her?" The master of ceremonies pointed at the woman, he hadn't let Qianxue feed her yet, how could it be a stranger's turn first.

"I'm afraid she's a girl who's starving, stop talking nonsense, and open her mouth quickly." Qianxue urged, the fish was almost cold, and it became fishy as soon as it cooled.

The master of ceremonies had no choice but to pretend to reach out to open the woman's mouth.

Sure enough, the woman leaned back and said in a cold voice, "Stop!"

"Then you just open your mouth and eat it yourself, hurry up, or..." Qianxue triumphantly put the fish meat to the woman's mouth.

The woman looked angry, but had to eat the fish in front of her.

"This is obedient, I have to use force." Qianxue took another piece of fish and put it to the woman's mouth.

After half an hour, Qian Xue didn't put away the chopsticks until all the fish was fed into the woman's mouth, and she didn't forget to wipe her mouth and feed her water.

Yi Shuihan shook his head: "Qianxue, that girl was really tortured by you."

Qianxue snorted: "It's just your tricky mouth. I've tasted it and it's not bad. The taste is not bad. I haven't forgotten that you tricked me into eating fugu sperm."

The master of ceremonies wondered: "What kind of puffer fish sperm?"

Qianxue had an idea, and felt that telling the emcee about this would make the emcee angry at Yi Shuihan, "Master, do you still remember the fugu and shark's fin wine two days ago?"

The master of ceremonies nodded: "Remember, what's wrong?" He guessed that there was something wrong with that dish.

Qianxue smiled and said, "Let me tell you, it's actually not shark's fin, but the sperm of a puffer fish, something that only male puffer fish have."

The master of ceremonies was stunned for two seconds, something that only male puffer fish have: "That, isn't that..." He didn't know how to describe it.

Qianxue nodded: "Yes, it's that thing, as long as that thing is combined with a female puffer fish, it can become thousands of puffer fish."

The master of ceremonies opened his mouth, and suddenly felt his stomach churning. He actually ate such a thing.

Qian Xue said with a smile: "Master, don't blame me, it was Yi Shuihan who tricked us into eating."

The master of ceremonies gave Yi Shuihan a resentful look: "Master, you! You are too treacherous!"

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, and said aggrievedly, "It's Qianxue's dish, if you don't finish it, it will be a waste, and that dish is high in protein and very nutritious."

The master of ceremonies said angrily, "Then why don't you eat it, Master?"

Yi Shuihan was even more aggrieved: "Am I not nourished enough? Of course I have to give it to you juniors."

These masters of ceremonies have nothing to say, he will never eat fugu again in his life, because he has already eaten tens of millions.

After the rest, several people boarded the carriage and set off again, and the master of ceremonies placed the woman in the carriage.

Qianxue had nothing to do, so she chatted with the woman, hoping to get something out of her mouth.

"Beauty, what's your name?" Qianxue asked tirelessly. She had already asked n times, but the woman didn't intend to answer, so she had to persevere.

"You're annoying." The woman said impatiently.

"Then just tell me, as long as you tell me, I won't ask any more, and I'll treat you to snacks, maybe I'll untie you when I'm in a good mood." Qianxue put on a magnanimous look.

"Lan Xin." The woman said coldly, she turned her face away after she finished speaking, meaning don't bother me again.

(End of this chapter)

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