Chapter 470
Yi Shuihan felt helpless, why did Chengbi join in the fun?
Everyone's eyes widened involuntarily, and they fought with mastery.

Although Rong Yun had no expression on his face, he actually felt a little gloating in his heart, how could he think like this?It's so unreasonable, but I just can't help thinking about it.

Hiss, hiss, after a while, the two white lines turned into rags, and Mo Ningxun won the IOU.

Chengbi sneered: "I'm about to throw away these two white drills."

Yi Shuihan took the piece of rag that floated down from the sky, and said regretfully: "Chengbi, this silk is tough and smooth, it's a pity to throw it away."

Cheng Bi said coldly: "If you like it, pick it up."

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, and Chengbi's mouth was that of a man with a sharp, unreasonable tongue.

Is this a solution?The master of ceremonies and Qian Xue shyly put away the Mitsubishi thorns, sighed and shook their heads, a misunderstanding made them worry for nothing.

Leng Jian was ashamed, so he stopped fighting?He was really curious about the content of that letter, it could actually make the Demon Palace stop chasing and killing. Once the Demon Palace accepts the entrustment, it will definitely complete the entrustment until death.

The elimination of a fierce battle, several people are happy, but except for one person, Rong Yun, the most unhappy person here is Rong Yun, he would rather fight with Mo Ningxun.

Mo Ningxun looked at the IOU, then looked at Yi Shuihan and asked, "Your name is Yi Shuihan?"

Yi Shuihan smiled and said, "Is my name not good?"

Mo Ningxun hurriedly said: "No, it's just your payment on the IOU..." It was so scribbled that I didn't know what it was.

Yi Shuihan smiled, it reminded her of the imperial examination, if Ling Yiran hadn't recognized her handwriting, no one would have understood it, sometimes even her own handwriting could not be read.

"You turn the paper upside down and look at it."

Mo Ningxun was puzzled, turned the IOU upside down and looked at it, and finally understood it, and said with a smile: "So that's how it is." It made him look for it hard, and then folded the IOU and put it back in the cowhide envelope.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but what to do next?
Rong Yun said: "The water is cold, it's almost noon, let's go."

Yi Shuihan looked at Mo Ningxun and said with a smile: "Then Mo Ningxun, can you give us a way?"

Mo Ningxun immediately asked, "Where are you going?"

Yi Shuihan said: "Tongcheng, there will be a time later."

Mo Ningxun said: "I am also going to Tongcheng, we are going the same way."

Yi Shuihan didn't know how to answer for a while, we are going the same way, this sentence is so familiar, Rong Yun said it a few hours ago.

Rong Yun's face turned cold, does Tonglu mean that they are traveling together? !
Cheng Bi's face was not very good-looking, with a hint of mockery and disdain.

Leng Jian wiped his cold sweat, what does Mo Ningxun mean to go with them?Would walking with the Lord of the Demon Palace ruin the reputation of the Rong family?

Qian Xue froze for a moment, Yi Shuihan hooked up with another one so soon?It's still top quality, no, everyone Yi Shuihan has hooked up with is top quality.

The group of subordinates also froze for two seconds. When did the Palace Master say to go to Tongcheng?

Yi Shuihan: "Really? It's really a coincidence, then I will go first."

Mo Ningxun hurriedly said, "We can go together."

Yi Shuihan couldn't hold back his smile. It's not that it's impossible to go together, but Mo Ningxun's lineup is very strong. Everyone behind him is not weak. The scene is really spectacular. It's okay to walk on the mountain road. Definitely two hundred percent.

Rong Yun's face became colder and a little more gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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