Chapter 476
Chengbi and Mo Ningxun couldn't help snorting when they saw Rong Yun snatching the lantern. Rong Yun, who appears to be a decent person, is not playing tricks behind his back and taking advantage of others' danger.

In the end, Rong Yun got the lantern, but as soon as he turned around, he was greeted by the fierce Bai Lian and Mo Ningxun's offensive.

Rong Yun wanted to protect the lantern, avoid Bai Lian, and resist Mo Ningxun's attack, knowing that the chances of winning were not high, so he immediately retreated to the opposite river bank.

Mo Ningxun couldn't help but retreat to the river bank for a moment.

The three of them stood together.

The situation on the river changed color.

Cheng Bi took back Bai Lian, and sneered coldly: "I never thought that Mr. Rong would take advantage of others."

Rong Yun said coldly: "If you don't take the lantern, will I make a move?"

Mo Ningxun said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense and hand over the lantern."

Cheng Bi gave Mo Ningxun a cold look, and said with a half-smile: "Do you want to monopolize it?"

At this moment, if any one person monopolizes the situation, the other two will not give up, so no one can do anything to the other. This situation is dark for the three of them.

Mo Ningxun pondered for a while, then said, "Let's watch together."

Chengbi is quite satisfied with this solution: "Okay."

Rong Yun frowned, and said in disapproval: "Don't even look at it, put the lantern back."

Chengbi smiled: "Do you think you still have a choice?"

If Rong Yun disagreed, Cheng Bi and Mo Ningxun would join forces to deal with Rong Yun.

Rong Yun was annoyed, if he had a one-on-one fight, he still had a chance of winning, but now with one against two, there was no chance of winning.

Mo Ningxun said: "Don't you want to watch it?"

These words reached the bottom of Rong Yun's heart, he wanted to see it more than anyone else, but he didn't dare to peep without Shui Han's permission.

Cheng Bi said: "Even if you read it, Yi Shuihan won't know it, so why don't you read it, I hope Mr. Rong will judge the situation."

Mo Ningxun threatened: "Since Mr. Rong won't hand over the lantern, don't blame me for being rude."

Just when the two were about to make a move, Rong Yun said, "Stop!"

Rong Yun was very angry, but he had to compromise, and flew back to the other side.

Cheng Bi and Mo Ningxun were quite proud, and they reached out and snatched the lantern from Rong Yun's hand.

Rong Yun frowned, raised his hand, avoided the two claws, and said coldly: "I'll open it."

Although Cheng Bi was dissatisfied, he did not object. His purpose was only to see what Yi Shuihan wrote.

Mo Ningxun didn't object, but she already had an idea in her heart.

Rong Yun took out the strip of cloth from the lantern and opened it under the eyes of the two of them.

The three of them saw that it was indeed Yi Shuihan's handwriting, and the content was very short, only five words.

"You guys are boring." But these five words...

The three of them froze for a few seconds, and then their faces became embarrassing. They were plotted by Yi Shuihan!

Thinking about it now, Yi Shuihan actually revealed many flaws, but they just wanted to peep, so they didn't notice.

First of all, when writing his wish, Yi Shuihan pretended to be solemn not to let anyone peep, and successfully aroused their curiosity; then he chose a special lantern so that they could recognize it; finally, he went to rest by the river, calculated Good time, the lantern was washed downstream and left with an excuse, giving them a chance to find the lantern.

Rong Yun felt ashamed, if he thought about it, he would not have come to stop Cheng Bi and Mo Ningxun, maybe now Shui Han was waiting for them to go back by the river just now, watching their jokes.

Chengbi was furious in her heart, what a cunning dead woman you are!Playing him on purpose.

Mo Ningxun just smiled, never thought that he would be tricked like this, but this feeling is not bad, because that person is Yi Shuihan.

(End of this chapter)

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