Chapter 486
Yi Shuihan had already retracted his gaze, but that direct gaze fell on her, and she couldn't ignore it.

Wushang kept looking at her, came to her, and spoke slowly, with a trembling voice: "...Han, is that you?"

It wasn't just Yi Shuihan who was surprised, everyone present was surprised, did they know each other?
Qianxue's eyes widened, didn't she, this person is Yi Shuihan's favorite again?God is so unfair!What is the law of heaven! !
The master of ceremonies was a little embarrassed, the master's charm was indeed extraordinary, but he was quite satisfied with the result.

The most surprised person here was Rong Yun, he couldn't believe it, how could Wushang know Shui Han?
Qingyu was taken aback, when did the young master get acquainted with such a person?Moreover, he was a man of indistinguishable sex, full of coquettishness, beauty was beautiful, but it made people tremble.

Yi Shuihan looked at him for a long time, she was sure she didn't know him, and no one would call her Han: "Who are you?"

Who are you?Wushang froze, with exactly the same voice, exactly the same look, but asked who he was.

Now everyone fell into another mystery, did Yi Shuihan know that person?
"Han, I am..." Wushang paused, and said, "Han, you don't know me anymore?"

"I don't know." She really didn't know.

Wushang's eyes dimmed, don't you know?How can you not know him?He had remembered her for nine years, missed her for nine years, how could he be dismissed by saying that he didn't know him?Can't!

"Han, since you don't know me, let's get to know each other again. My name is Wushang." Wushang looked at her and smiled, and the wheel of fate began to turn again. It turned out that the heavens did not treat him badly.

"If you don't know him, you don't know him. How can you get to know him again?" Yi Shuihan frowned.

"Because I know you, Han, I've known you for a long, long time." Wushang smiled, it's been nine years.

"Impossible, it is impossible for you to know me, I have never seen you before." Impossible, she has not been here for a long time, suddenly, she was startled, her current body is not hers, she is just borrowing it, No, she is her, no one can replace or take it away!
Everyone saw that Yi Shuihan's face changed, he was a little pale, shocked, and even a little ruthless.

Wushang said eagerly: "It doesn't matter, let's get to know each other again, okay?"

Yi Shuihan restrained his cold expression, calmed down, and asked, "You said you know me, so do you know who I am? What's my name?"

Seeing that she was moved, Wushang hurriedly said, "Han, your name is Yi Shuihan?"

Yi Shuihan was startled, she even had the same name, same as Qianxue's situation, she said with a smile on her face, "Okay, let's get to know each other again, what's your name? What's your identity?"

Wushang smiled and said: "I am Wushang now, as for my identity, I will tell you alone in the future."

It is called Wushang now, which means it may not be called Wushang before, or it may have another name in the future. Yi Shuihan smiled and said, "Okay."

Hearing this, Wushang smiled, and stretched out his hand to take Yi Shuihan's hand, but she immediately pushed it away.

"Don't take my hand casually." Yi Shuihan said with a smile, but the laughter didn't reach his eyes.

"Han, you said the same thing before, but in the end I clenched it tightly." Wushang was not unhappy, but a little disappointed, and he would clenched it this time.

"Really?" Yi Shuihan didn't care, 'she' said it before?Too bad she's not 'her', you won't get a chance!
(End of this chapter)

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