Chapter 490
"The analysis makes sense." Qianxue nodded, and then asked suspiciously, "Then why did Qiannuo live here?"

"You still can't see it, of course it's because your seventh brother fell in love with my master." The master of ceremonies sighed, even an idiot could see it, he didn't mean to say that Qian Xue was an idiot at all.

"What did you say?" Qian Xue couldn't be more surprised.

"Think about it yourself."

"Really?" Qianxue still couldn't believe it.

"Did you come up with any other reason?" The master of ceremonies asked back.

"When did Qian Nuo fall in love with Shui Han?" Qian Xue asked.

"I don't know, it should be before Qian Nuo was injured, because I heard Qian Nuo calling Master's name when he was unconscious."

"Why didn't you tell me then?!" Qianxue said angrily, causing her to do so many things for nothing.

"You still have the nerve to say that I thought Master was a man and Qian Nuo was a pervert at that time, so I thought that about Master."

"You are the pervert! What happened to that idea? What a wonderful thing, what should we do now?" Qianxue was in a panic.

"What to do, let's make a new match, but this time, it must not backfire, otherwise, for an incident like Shangguan Ling, who will you cry to?" The master of ceremonies reminded that sometimes Qianxue's kindness goes too far.

"That's right, I'll find out what the two of you are thinking first, and then prescribe the right medicine." Qianxue looked high-spirited, and left regardless of the master of ceremonies.

"Hey, Qianxue, the kitchen isn't over there." The master of ceremonies shouted.

"I'm not in the mood to eat now." Qianxue walked away without looking back.


After breakfast, Rong Jun found Wushang. Wushang originally wanted to accompany Shuihan and ignore Rongjun, but thought that he still had something to do and agreed to Rongjun, and if it wasn't for Rongjun, he wouldn't have met Shuihan at all.

Rong Yun tossed and turned all night, he wanted to chat with Wushang, he saw Wushang's actions, even though Shuihan hadn't expressed his opinion, he was still restless.

"Rong Yun, I will do my best for the person you asked me to cure." Wushang spoke first, he was obviously in a good mood, and the sun seemed to shine into his eyes.

"...that person is Shui Han." Rong Jun looked at the distance and said in a deep voice.

Wushang was extremely surprised, why is it cold?He immediately smiled, coincidence, there is such a wonderful coincidence in this world, just like when he reunited with Shui Han, he suddenly felt that there was an arrangement in the dark, and the heavens did not treat him badly.

Wushang thought about it again, and frowned slightly, Rong Yun invited him here to cure Shui Han, so Rong Yun's friendship is self-evident, it's not just as simple as a friend, there are many things that can make Rong Yun care about There are many, but there are not many people, it can be seen that Shuihan holds a very important position in Rong Yun's heart.

Wushang pondered for a while, then said solemnly: "Rong Yun, I don't care about you and Shui Han, no matter who is around Shui Han, and whether Shui Han loves me or not, but I am destined to be entangled with Shui Han in my life. "

This is what God owed him, and he must get it back.

Rong Yun was shocked, he knew Wushang's love for Shuihan, but he never thought that Wushang would be so determined, unswerving until death, and entangled for a lifetime.

Wushang saw that Rongjun's face was getting darker, he didn't think that what he did was selfish at all, and he didn't feel sorry for Rongjun at all.

Rong Yun looked into the distance and said seriously: "I won't let go either."

There is no turning back, so let's keep going, no matter what Shui Han thinks, he just wants to stand where he can see Shui Han.

Wushang didn't have any big surprises, just smiled bitterly, Shuihan grew up, the city was deeper, and at the same time, he was more carefree.

If Wushang's love is domineering and decisive, then Rong Yun's love is giving and waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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