Chapter 493
The two finally came to their senses, Rong Yu said: "No need."

Rong Rong looked at her clothes, they were very clean, and said, "I don't need it either."

Rong Yu looked at a few people, and said with a smile: "It's really a blessing for Rong Yu to know everyone, I'm sorry."

Rong Rong clasped her fists together: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Qianxue: "Sorry, sorry."

Yi Shuihan: "Disrespect." She decided to reduce one disrespect.

Master of Ceremonies: "Sorry."

Qian Nuo: "I'm sorry."

Chengbi: "I'm sorry."

Mo Ningxun: "I'm sorry."

Wushang: "I'm sorry."

Leng Jian: " all know each other."

Rong Yu and Rong Rong petrified again, they really wanted to laugh, but when they saw the polite and serious faces of several people, they had to swallow their smiles forcefully.

Qianxue couldn't help it, and accidentally burst out laughing, the laughter was very clear in the hall, she immediately covered her mouth, impolite, impolite!

This time, Rong Yu and Rong Rong did not dare to speak.

Qianxue put away her smile, looked at Rong Yu, and said, "Rong..." Oh no, she forgot what her name was.

Rong Yu smiled and said, "Miss Qianxue, my name is Rong Yu."

Qianxue was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Rong Yu, Rong..." Too bad, she forgot the name of Rong Yun's sister.

Rong Rong smiled and said, "Miss Qianxue, my name is Rong Rong."

Qianxue looked embarrassed, and smiled: "Rong Yu, Rong Rong, they are playing dry humor."

Rong Yu nodded and said with a smile: "I know, Miss Qianxue, you are really interesting."

This person Qianxue couldn't praise, she quickly smiled and said: "Where is it, you are the most interesting."

Rong Rong smiled and said, "Miss Qianxue is really interesting."

Qianxue waved her hand and said with a smile: "I'm so pleased, so please don't call me Miss Qianxue, just call me Qianxue."

Rong Yu smiled and said, "That's great, Qianxue."

Rong Rong looked at Wushang, and asked with a smile, "When did Mr. Wushang leave the valley?"

Wushang: "Yesterday."

Rong Rong sighed a little, it has been almost two years since Wushang went to the villa to treat her mother's illness, seeing her today seems like yesterday.

Seeing that the two of them were still standing, Qianxue suddenly remembered that she was only a guest here, and they were the hosts, so she hurriedly said, "Aren't you tired? Sit down, sit down."

Rong Yu and Rong Rong found a seat and sat down. They didn't know what to say for a while, the aura here is too strong, they should have gone to freshen up.

Rong Yun stroked his forehead, a little helpless in his eyes.

Yi Shuihan and the others saw that their master hadn't left yet, so they couldn't leave first.

Qian Xue saw that there was some silence, so she started to talk about it: "Rong Yu, Rong Rong, are you here to play?"

Rong Yu smiled and said: "That's right, I heard that Jinlan Garden has a distinguished guest, so I came to see it, I never thought I could get to know you, Qianxue."

The master of ceremonies changed his expression when he heard that, this Rong Yu said every word to Qian Xue, and he could tell at a glance what was on his mind.

Rong Rong: "Qianxue, you are also here to play, right?"

Qianxue: "Well, we are mainly here to watch the martial arts conference, and we will spend a while in Tongcheng by the way."

Rong Yu's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "My fourth sister and I are familiar with Tongcheng, why don't we go together."

Qianxue smiled and said, "Okay, what are the fun places in Tongcheng?"

Rong Rong said: "Tongcheng has many interesting places, famous mountains and lakes, temples and towers, restaurants and restaurants, I guarantee you will have a good time."

Qian Xue said: "Then when will we go?"

Rong Yu smiled and said, "It's only noon now, why not just this afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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