Chapter 500
After more than a dozen moves, Li Ziyuan was able to handle it with ease, and Fu Hongshuang also looked relaxed, as if he was very happy to fight the man like this.

Qianxue was a little dazzled, this competition was more exciting than what she saw just now, the speed of the whip and the sword were very fast, and she couldn't see the reason for the rest.

Qian Xue asked: "Who do you think will win? Will Fu Hongshuang embrace the beauty?"

When everyone heard the words, some were helpless, some ignored, and some were stunned.

Rong Yu once again felt that Qianxue was really interesting, extremely cute, sincere, and without any affectation.

Qianxue didn't hear anyone answering, so she looked at a few people and said, "Tell me, let's guess who will win."

Rong Yu said: "It's hard to say, but I guess Fu Hongshuang will win."

Rong Rong disagreed: "They have been fighting for so long and they are still tied. No one can take advantage. If the fight continues, Fu Hongshuang is a woman, and her physical strength will definitely be exhausted. So I guess it is the young master of the Li family who wins."

Qianxue looked at Yi Shuihan and asked, "Shuihan, what do you think?"

Yi Shuihan: "Fu Hongshuang wins."

Qianxue heard the words and said, "Shui Han, do you think Fu Hongshuang won, or do you definitely think Fu Hongshuang won?"

Yi Shuihan: "Understand how you want."

Master of Ceremonies: "I also guess that Fu Hongshuang will win."

Qian Xue glanced at the master of ceremonies and asked, "Why?"

Master of Ceremonies: "Because I don't like Li Ziyuan."

Qianxue laughed, the master of ceremonies was purely malicious, looked at the others, and asked, "What about you?"

Qian Nuo: "Fu Hongshuang wins."

Chengbi: "Fu Hongshuang wins."

Rong Yun: "Fu Hongshuang wins."

Mo Ningxun: "Li Ziyuan wins."

Qianxue smiled strangely: "Mo Ningxun, do you think Li Ziyuan won the same reason as the master of ceremonies?"

Mo Ningxun: "It's up to you to understand it."

Qianxue curled her lips, each pretending to be sophisticated.

The two in the arena fought hard, Fu Hongshuang waved his whip mercilessly, Li Ziyuan didn't dare to neglect, and dealt with it carefully.

Now fifty strokes have passed, suddenly, Fu Hongshuang smiled, and with a twist of his wrist, the whip quickly wrapped around the long sword, and the short thorns on the whip got stuck on the blade of the sword, and the long sword couldn't break free from the whip for a while.

Fu Hongshuang kicked the man's leg suddenly, Li Ziyuan was caught off guard, his knee hurt, and the long sword in his hand had been thrown out.

Just now Fu Hongshuang only used the whip, so it was a bit insidious to do so suddenly.

The sword in Li Ziyuan's hand was thrown away, and the whip was swung down mercilessly. He could only catch the whip, but when he caught it, his hands were immediately covered with blood, and the thorns from the whip pierced his palm.

"Let go." Fu Hongshuang shouted, if he didn't let go, she could only pull the whip, and once the whip was pulled out, not only would his hands be stabbed, but he would also be torn out with scars.

"What if I don't let go?" Li Ziyuan looked arrogant, blood slipped from his palm and dripped onto the ring.

"Don't let go? Very good, since you don't let go, go back to the gate of hell with Miss Ben." Fu Hongshuang smiled, looking up and down the man with a pair of winking eyes.

People in the arena all expressed contempt for Fu Hongshuang, what a debauchery!To actually say such loose words in the martial arts conference is indeed a crooked person.

Li Ziyuan's face darkened, and he let go immediately.

"Hehe, why are you so angry? Seeing that your hands are bleeding, I want to take you back to the gate of hell to heal your wounds. Are you thinking wrong?" Fu Hongshuang shook the blood on the whip. Definitely not blood.

(End of this chapter)

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