Chapter 513
At this time, Qianxue and others came to find him. As soon as Qianxue saw Yi Shuihan, she rushed over to look at Yi Shuihan up and down, left, right, left, right, and no one was injured.

"Shuihan, are you injured inside?" Qianxue was still worried, and reached out to pull Yi Shuihan's clothes.

"I was injured because I was injured, but that person wasn't me." Yi Shuihan avoided Qianxue's clutches, and would start to move when they met.

"Shuihan, you scared me to death, you were not injured? Who was injured?" Qianxue was a little confused before she realized it.

"It's either Master or Chengbi, who else is here." The master of ceremonies said, fortunately, Chengbi was injured, no, no, he meant that it was fortunate that Master was not injured.

Qianxue glanced at Chengbi, saw that his face was pale, and his face was not very good-looking, cold, she felt a little guilty, the man in black originally killed her and Yi Shuihan, but now he hurt Chengbi, she will double in the future The land is good to Chengbi.

Fengying and Xueying came to Yi Shuihan and said shamelessly: "My lord, the subordinates are late."

Yi Shuihan said: "It's none of your business, do you have any clue about this matter?"

Xue Ying said: "It's the killer of the gate of hell. This time, the gate of hell made a big deal. Ten ghost messengers, ten ecstasy messengers, and five protectors were dispatched. The employer's name is Lin Daiyu."

When Qianxue heard this, she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone: "Lin Daiyu! It's Lin Daiyu again! Why doesn't damn Lin Daiyu die!"

Qianxue even burst out with foul language, causing them to almost lose their lives over and over again, and now Cheng Bi was injured, and she was frightened, do you know how uncomfortable she is? !She was afraid of losing, terribly afraid.

Yi Shuihan frowned and said, "Maybe Lin Daiyu is just a puppet."

Qianxue immediately calmed down when she heard the words, and asked suspiciously, "Is it not Lin Daiyu, but someone else?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will handle it." Yi Shuihan said, she was negligent, she should have thought that Lin Daiyu would not give up, and the magic palace would not accept, so Lin Daiyu had to find another channel, but Lin Daiyu's family was ruined and she was sent to others, except for the empty There is nothing but resentment, how can one afford such a large amount of money to hire both the Demon Palace and the Gate of Hell.

Qianxue looked frustrated, she realized that she was really useless, Yi Shuihan took care of everything, and let Yi Shuihan clean up any mess she had.

Xueying said: "My lord, do you want to take Lin Daiyu..."

Yi Shuihan said: "Don't touch people first, go and find out where Lin Daiyu got the money to hire Hell Gate."

Xueying said: "Yes, but what about the gate of hell?" If the gate of hell does not succeed, it will keep chasing and killing.

Yi Shuihan thought for a while, and said: "Give the Hell Gate double the price, saying that Yi Shuihan and Qianxue bought my life, and ask the Hell Gate Lin Daiyu's life worth, and buy Lin Daiyu's life by the way."

That is to say, all three lives are in Yi Shuihan's hands, and if the gate of hell is to be moved, Yi Shuihan's permission must be obtained.

Xueying nodded: "Yes, young master."

Yi Shuihan looked at Rong Yun and Wushang who were not far away, and decided to go over to thank him.

Qianxue also followed Yi Shuihan, after all, she was also the protagonist of this matter, if it wasn't for Rong Yun's help, they might not be able to find this place until dark.

When Rong Yun saw Yi Shuihan approaching, he felt a little joy in his heart. It turned out that Shuihan hadn't forgotten himself, and he thought that Shuihan just left with Chengbi.

(End of this chapter)

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