Chapter 518
"Please come in." Yi Shuihan invited Wushang into the room without closing the door.

Wushang saw that there was food on the table, it was steaming, and it hadn't been moved. In an instant, the negative emotions in his heart continued to expand.

Seeing that Wushang actually sat down, Yi Shuihan didn't close the door because she thought Wushang would leave after delivering the medicine, but she didn't expect Wushang to stay and sit opposite Chengbi.

"Please trouble Mr. Wushang." Cheng Bi said very politely.

"It's just a little effort." Wushang smiled, he felt like a lover who took care of his wife with his wife, and he had to put on a happy face, killing him would not be so painful!

The atmosphere in the room was a little weird, like the eve of the atomic bomb.

Yi Shuihan felt more and more that something was wrong, so it was the best plan to move 36 times, and said with a smile: "Talk slowly, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, he went out and closed the door by the way.

Seeing Yi Shuihan leaving, Wushang felt a little proud, his goal had already been achieved, and he was afraid that he would lose his face if he stayed any longer.

"Mr. Cheng have a good rest, I will take my leave first." The smile on Wushang's face could no longer be contained, and he could only try his best to speak politely.

"Young Master Wushang, go slowly." Cheng Bi said calmly, snorting coldly in his heart, how could he not see Wushang's little thoughts, a hypocrite with hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

After Wushang left the door, the storm on his face finally came, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, anyone who got close would suffer, of course, this does not include Shui Han, Shui Han is not anyone, but his.


At noon, Xue Ying came back to report that Hell Gate had already collected the money and stopped chasing and killing Yi Shuihan and Qianxue, and Lin Daiyu's life only needed a word from Yi Shuihan, and Hell Gate would chase and kill Lin Daiyu.As for the investigation of the source of the money in Lin Daiyu's hands, people have been sent to Ningcheng to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon.

When Qianxue and the emcee heard that the sense of crisis was relieved, they finally let go of the big rock hanging in their hearts, and they didn't have to worry about someone coming to assassinate them all the time.

Yi Shuihan said: "Give Lin Daiyu a warning, cut off half of Lin Daiyu's hair, and tell her that if she dares to play tricks again, it will be her neck next time."

"Yes, young master." Xue Ying said, and left the room after speaking.

Qianxue said angrily: "Is this too cheap for Lin Daiyu? The water is cold, not like your style."

"I'm not in a hurry to take her life." Yi Shuihan smiled strangely, cutting Lin Daiyu's neck like this is too cheap for her. The best way to torture a person is not death, but life is worse than death. Of course, these things cannot To let Qianxue know, she can only do it secretly.

Qianxue shuddered when she heard this, and said in shock: "You don't really want Lin Daiyu's life, do you? I just want to beat her up, slap her twice, make her look ugly in front of Shangguanyan, and piss her off to death." !"

Yi Shuihan has already thought about it, she does have some regrets for taking Qianxue out of the Qianjia, but the mistake has already been made, regret is useless, the only remedy is to remedy it, now there are three options, either put Qianxue in a bright position, or let Qianxue She goes deep into the darkness of this world, but this path may be too cruel for Qianxue. The last choice is eclecticism. Qianxue is a person who distinguishes between good and evil, so this path may be suitable.

"Qianxue, what do you think of my hands?" Yi Shuihan stretched out his hands and spread them out in front of Qianxue.

Qianxue looked at it suspiciously, and even touched it. She was a little cold, fair and flawless, slender and powerful, with clear bones, both firm and soft. In the end, compared with her short and fat hands, she could only envy and hate her.

(End of this chapter)

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