Chapter 520
Unknowingly, an afternoon passed, and the sun had already set to the west.

Yi Shuihan has already entered a state of ecstasy, wandering in her mind, looking for a breakthrough, she felt an inexplicable restlessness constantly emerging in her heart, and there was a rising heat, she tried her best to suppress it, she was about to break through, and she didn't want to stop there .

The restlessness in her heart and the hotness in her body kept rising, almost burning her. She wanted to stop to vent, because she wanted to find a man to vent, but her reason told her to hold back. Today, she finally found the way, no Stop, you can't fall short!
Tiny beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and her body was getting hotter and hotter. She wanted to take off all the clothes on her body, and then jump into the icy water. It would be best to give her a handsome man.

She couldn't concentrate, and if she didn't stop, she might go crazy, and she couldn't bear it anymore, so she had to stop.

Immediately, the surrounding air began to flow again, and when Yi Shuihan opened his eyes, it was already dark, so he got out of bed immediately, jumped into the tub with a bang, and immediately splashed water all over the floor.

Yi Shuihan took a few deep breaths, took off his clothes and took them out of the bathtub. The hotness in his body was suppressed, but it didn't dissipate for a long time. The water is not cool enough. Next time he practices, he will get a bucket of ice water.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Shuihan, are you there?" Qianxue knocked on the door and shouted.

"Well, what's the matter?"

When Qianxue heard it, her mind fluttered slightly, and then she was taken aback. It was Shuihan's voice, but it seemed a little... a little weird, and she couldn't tell why.

Qianxue shook off those strange feelings in her heart, and said, "Shui Han, come out for dinner."

"I'm not hungry, don't wait for me."

Hearing this, Qianxue's mind was shaken again, Shuihan's voice was a little deep and magnetic, but now it was still a little charming, a little intoxicating, and a little bewitching.

Qian Renxue shook off that strange feeling again, and left in some confusion.

When the people in the front hall saw Qianxue coming back alone, they still looked dazed and uneasy.

The master of ceremonies asked, "Qianxue, what's wrong with you?"

Qianxue was a little confused, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? There's nothing wrong with me."

The few people were even more puzzled, how could Qianxue be more puzzled than them?
Seeing their puzzled faces, Qianxue was also puzzled, so she asked, "What's the matter?"

Chengbi asked, "Didn't you go ask people to come out for dinner?"

Qianxue nodded, and said in a daze, "I called, but she said she's not hungry, so there's no need to wait for her to eat."

"Did you see Shuihan?" Wushang asked, Shuihan was in the room all afternoon and didn't take a step out, he was a little worried.

"I didn't see her. I called her outside the door, but I thought it was a bit weird." Qianxue thought for a while, she didn't seem to remember how she called Shuihan just now.

"Why is it weird?" Wushang asked, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and Qianxue also seemed to be a little bit wrong.

"I don't know, it's okay. She said there's no need to wait for her, so let's eat first." Qianxue sat down, picked up chopsticks to eat, and Shuihan said no need to wait. What are these people waiting for? , is really strange.

A few people sat down suspiciously, the more they looked at it, the more they felt that something was wrong with Qian Xue, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

The master of ceremonies looked at Qianxue and saw that she was eating quietly, her manner was a little more polite than usual, but her eyes seemed a little hazy.

Rong Yun cast a questioning look at Wushang. Wushang is a doctor, so he should be able to tell.

Wushang frowned, and said to Qianxue, "Miss Qian, look here."

Qianxue raised her head, wondering, "What's the matter?"

Wushang raised a chopstick and said, "Don't blink while looking at the chopsticks."

Qian Renxue stared at the chopsticks with no expression on her face.

The hall fell silent immediately, Qianxue seemed to have been given a hold spell.

After a while, Wushang said, "Miss Qian."

Qian Xue came back to her senses immediately, and seeing the puzzled faces of several people, she asked, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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