Chapter 524
Wushang's expression froze slightly, and then he put on a smiling face. Mo Ningxun welcomed a thousand promises before he arrived, which was great, so that he could solve everyone at once.

Qianxue had already guessed that such a situation would happen, she was not angry, she sat down happily with Qian Nuo, poured tea and greeted her.

Yi Shuihan came to the front hall and was surprised when he saw Qian Nuo. Didn't Qian Nuo return to Ningcheng?How come here?

"Shuihan, my seventh brother is here." Qianxue waved to Yi Shuihan at the door, speaking as if Yi Shuihan missed Qian Nuo very much.

"Xiao Nuo." Yi Shuihan stepped into the hall, she only called her name, because she didn't know what to say, if she said you're here?It was as if they were greeting an ordinary friend, and she and Qian Nuo were not ordinary, and Qian Nuo was Qian Xue's older brother, so it's better not to be polite.

Qian Nuo has been looking at her since the moment Yi Shuihan stepped into the hall. After three days of separation, he felt that three years seemed so long. When he saw her now, it seemed as if he just saw her yesterday.

"Shui Han." Qian Nuo only called out his name, and thousands of words couldn't reach the name.

Yi Shuihan smiled, remembering that Qian Nuo used to be very cold, expressionless, and never changed face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, but now Qian Nuo seems to be cuter.

Seeing her smile, Qian Nuo finally let go of the tension in her heart, and smiled back.

Qian Xue was in a good mood. When she met Qian Nuo just now, she asked him where he was going, and he said that he would just go for a walk. Seeing that he didn’t return to Ningcheng, Qian Xue probably couldn’t let go of Shui Han. Qiannuo is indifferent, it is difficult to like anything, once an indifferent person likes something, it is difficult to change, so I decided to give the two of them another chance, no one knows what will happen in the future, maybe one day Shuihan will also like Qiannuo .

Rong Yun's eyes drooped slightly, and if he didn't look at the smiles of the two, it would hurt his heart.

The coldness in Chengbi's eyes became even worse, the nature of the country is easy to change, but the nature of this woman who is provocative is irreversible.

Although Wushang was smiling, it felt like there was a cold air blowing from behind, which was eerie.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat, the food is cold." Seeing the jealousy of the three of them, Qianxue picked up her chopsticks and lifted the table, shouting loudly.

Several people sat down to eat with different expressions, some were happy and some were sad, so the meal came to an end soon.


After lunch, Qianxue explained everything to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan was really surprised when she heard it. She could guess what Qian Nuo was thinking, but she didn't expect that Qian Nuo was serious. Very cute, especially when drinking with her on the dome of the upper floor of the moon.

"Hey, do you accept it or not?" Qianxue pushed Yi Shuihan, Qian Nuo is absolutely no worse than Rong Yun, why is Rong Yun making the comparison?Because Rongyun is good at everything, but Qiannuo is better.

"Let me think about it." Yi Shuihan smiled, she found more and more that Qian Nuo is cute, maybe not bad.

Qian Xue knew there was hope as soon as she heard it, and she smiled like a flower: "Then you have to treat Qian Nuo better."

When Yi Shuihan heard this, he almost vomited blood. What kind of words did Qianxue say? It made her seem like she had kidnapped a beautiful man from a good family.

"Ahem, I haven't agreed yet, and what's your definition of good."

Qianxue's face changed, and she said unhappily: "Yi Shuihan, you said just now that you think about it, which means it is possible. Since you also like Qian Nuo, I don't care how you treat other people, but you must treat Qian Nuo well." , at least better than others.”

(End of this chapter)

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